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From the Little Book of BIG turkish Lies

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From the Little Book of BIG turkish Lies

Postby paliometoxo » Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:59 pm

"same belief system and same tactics."

Tactics is a bit different, I presume. The Turks export Islam and wage their jihad under the veil of "secularism". They have become a 99,8%Moslem monoculture thanks to this so called "secularism". The Arabs do the same but without this veil which makes their task a bit harder. But otherwise you're absolutely right.

The naive and/or corrupt Westerners take Turkish veils and lies for reality. And yet had the Saudis and not the "secular" Turkish army conquered Northern Cyprus in 1974, the result would be exactly the same - thousands of desecrated and demolished -or changed into moques or stables - Christian churches, chapels, monasteries. New mosques proudly decorating every Turkish village, fanatical imams, calls for prayers, korans, thousands of backward Moslems brought from Central and Eastern Anatolia to reinforce the army of Allah on this newly reconquered kafiri land... It looks familiar, doesn't it?

Mr Micheal Rubin published an article called "The PKK factor", the quotes text are directly copied from his article.

“We stopped. Ten armed guards got out of our vehicles. Two walked down to meet
the PKK fighters. A few minutes later they returned. "It's no problem. They
wanted to know where we were going," one of my guards said. "They don't bother
people more heavily armed than they are."

Gee, I wonder why these terrorists didn’t kill them? They face Nato’s second largest army everyday and face death everyday but now they are frightened by five SUVs? Give a break!

“The PKK occupies homes and farms, extorts illegal taxes, and metes out summary
justice to those who do not comply. On occasion, the PKK mines roads. In a
region where adults and children pile into the back of pick-up trucks for
transportation, carnage from PKK mines can be immense.”

Lies, Lies, lies. There was indeed a civil war between PKK and KDP which was in alliance with the Turks in change for money. In fact, there was a price head on PKK fighters at one time. KDP hooligans gathered rallies to “fetch some PKK fighter”. It was disgusting, demoralizing and the KDP, a traitor in Kurdish history for their killings on PKK fighters.

Later KDP found out that the Turks don’t consider them less “terrorist” when they stayed in south Kurdistan with about 10 000 soldiers (that still are stationed there). Since then the KDP repeal has asked the Turkish army to move back, but failed to get any response. Actually, many Kurds wore killed by Turkish shell bombs near the border. Oh yes, the also threatened to invade south Kurdistan and the KDP was not that very happy. In Homer Simpson spirit, Duhhhh…

“PKK members also sabotaged bridges, cutting off villagers from their fields and
disrupting the local economy. No matter how poor were Masud Barzani's Kurdistan
Democratic party and Jalal Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan at their
nadir, neither cultivated nor smuggled drugs. The same is not true of the PKK,
which facilitates drug smuggling from Iran through Iraq and Turkey and into

I was there, we saw photos and propaganda images of “PKK attacks” on the KDP controlled TV, but I never witnessed a living that indeed saw a PKK fighter! I have many relatives in the villages in Rania, and other areas near by. Actually many south Kurdistanis (Iraqi Kurds) wore PKK supporters. Today if you take a look at most PKK organizations and sister organizations there are many Kurds from Rania, Rawanduz and Sulyamania.

I am not saying that there wore no conflicts between the PKK and some villagers, but it was only a few! No child murdering PKK monsters and other crap that the KDP wanted to give the public to justify how they became traitors, or Turkish Jash against the Kurdish course.

Funny this Rubin claiming that the PUK and the KDP are poor. Please, take a look at their business, houses, companies, hotels, stores, restaurants, they control the economy. Damn, I am a businessman, you can hardly do “huge” business without giving the KDP and PUK a share. And you Americans complain about TAXs, you should try our shoes.

“The PKK's most bloody legacy is in Turkey. In the mid-1980s, the PKK initiated
a violent campaign responsible for over 30,000 deaths in Turkey. The PKK raided
villages and executed civilians. More Kurdish civilians died at the hands of the
PKK than at the hands of the Turkish army.”

What a ignorant bastard! Sorry, I cannot take such lies! I am angered.
Turkey ruined, burned and destroyed over 4000 villages! About half of million Kurds from north Kurdistan (Turkey) left their homes from 1975 to 1995 to Europe! Gee, I wonder why?

PKK did indeed killed villagers, by the way was is the penalty of treason in the USA? Is it not the death penalty? Well guess what, these villagers that Rubin calls “civilians” wore actually gendarmes, mobsters, villains, and tribal families that gets paid to “guard” the area and hunt down PKK fighters, spying on pro-Kurdish activities, full immunity for crimes, steeling and etc.
These gendarmes, wore worse than the Turks themselves. The toruted people, raped, and took prorties from pro-Kurdish families.

“On July 18, 2004, I ducked into a teahouse in Konya, a large town in
south-central Turkey. With no empty tables, I joined a middle-aged man reading a
newspaper. Originally from Bursa, he had trained as a schoolteacher. Upon
graduation, the Turkish government sought to assign him to Mardin, a largely
Kurdish town in southeastern Turkey. But the PKK had begun executing
schoolteachers (whom they called state collaborators), and so he, as with of his
classmates, refused to take their positions. The Turkish economy and education
system suffered; southeastern Turkey continues to lag behind the rest of the

Well, Mr Yale got some nice sources! A old-man at a teahouse! Wow!
Guess what Mr Rubin, there are fascists, Kemalists and anti-PKK Kurds that hate everything about PKK and they too like to drink tee at teahouses. So did Mr Rubin asked a pro-Kurdish Kurd about this? Nope.

Turkey has in the past several times, used gendarmes to portray “PKK” wearing their cloths and shouting pro-Kurdish and then killing teachers and pro-Kurdish activities. Many gendarmes have relatives in the PSK (Socialist Party Kurdistan) which is a revival (envy) small political party.

Read this:
“The conditions under which they are able to return to their native villages, however, is a subject of controversy. Only those willing to sign a government form stating that their village was attacked by terrorists - synonymous in Turkey with the PKK - are allowed to return, human rights organizations and Kurdish political parties claim.” from: and see other links ... ernan.html

“I spent August 2000 in Diyarbakir, the largest town in south-eastern Turkey,
waiting for permission to cross into northern Iraq. Diyarbakir was emerging from
years of terrorism and insurgency. Hotels were empty and streets deserted at
night. Taking a public bus to Van, seven hours away near the Iranian border,
police stopped us more than a dozen times to check identity cards and bags, and
to make sure there were no PKK among us.”

Gee, could it be that there was a curfew or a 15-year state of emergency just being lifted? Could it be that the Kurdish cities receives very little governmental support? Gee.. could it be that the Turks not developing the area so the Kurds stay in misery hence not letting them in power in the society? What do they teach in Yale?

“On July 4, 2003, U.S. forces in Sulaymaniyah detained a Turkish commando force
operating illegally in Iraq. Turkish authorities leaked the incident to the
press. U.S. officials say that the Turkish commandoes had in their possession
documents indicating that they sought to assassinate a Kirkuk political figure;
Turkish authorities deny this.”

Yes, Mr Rubin. Turkey is good at these operations. But Mr Rubin is very egger to write “Turkish authorities deny this” BS. Why did he not bother asking the pro-Kurds them? Come on!

“As we continued on from the de facto PKK checkpoint, we could see from the
roadside a well-tended PKK graveyard and also a permanent PKK compound under
camouflage, mesh netting. Twice rounding bends beneath high bluffs, we saw
automatic weapon-toting PKK fighters over looking the road.”

What is wrong with a graveyard for martyrs? Is it not allowed for Kurds in their own land? These true freedom fighters die in battle with a barbaric army that you country provides weapon are not allowed to have their grave in their homeland? What is wrong with this issue?

“Local farmers would complain about the PKK, which extorts taxes and seizes land
and property. "All of us know where the PKK is. Any of us could point out where
they are, if the U.S. army asked," one old farmer said.”

Give me a B, give me a S.

“...was a sentiment that was expressed by various elders in different villages.
Karim Khan Bradosti, the tribal leader in the area, has repeatedly offered
assistance and cooperation to American forces in the fight against the PKK.”

Karim Khan Bradosti, a local mobster family that lives rich on dirty affairs and creating small tribal armies to control large villages and gain wealth and money. Another great Rubin source! Did they not teach to check sources? Mr Rubin, please check out my sources Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, what the heck check even for your pro-Turkish State Department to find out more about your pals at the Turkish army.

“Nearly 3,000 Americans would be alive today had the Clinton administration not
left unaddressed a vacuum in Afghanistan. Our impotence toward the PKK threatens
to undermine our credibility not only in Turkey, but also in our fight against
terrorists and states like Lebanon which provide them safe haven. With regard to
the PKK, the stakes are higher. Not only is the president's credibility on the
line, but so too is a 50-year partnership with one of our most valuable allies.”

Is this an other liberal democrat that wants to take shoots at Bush by using the Kurdish course? Blaming the victims? Denying the truth about Turkey’s sickness? What a bastard! Pardon me.
Summery: Mr Rubin’s profile states this: Political adviser, Coalition Provisional Authority (Baghdad), 2003-2004 No wonder why we wore screwed by the Americans over the TAL. With this anti-Kurd we don’t need any fascist Turks as advisors.

Get this fact straight. I love the American people, for their nationalism and patriotism but mostly for their belief in freedom. If the USA attacks the PKK hell will break out in south Kurdistan (north Iraq).

The KDP and PUK know better. If they let Turkey and USA destroy the PKK then Turkey will become even more powerful and making them more weaker.

The PKK has supporters in Iran, Syrian, Iraq and Turkey, making it the largaest political Kurdish party in the World. And over 100 000 members living in Europe. By attacking them just to make a barbaric ally happy is not worth of making 20 or so millions Kurdish enemies.

Not mentioning all the anti-American Muslims that will laugh at me for the rest of my life, right? :(

Mr Rubins knows that too, he cannot be that dumb? He must know the crimes of the Turkish army, right? I mean all those years at Yale must have learned him some thing about the TRUTH................................

God Bless Kurdistan, and the USA ...May we always be friends... since we share the passion for freedom...
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Postby Oracle » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:24 am

The World has come to understand the power behind Turkish denials and Propaganda from when they first denied the Armenian Genocide.

Now everyone will question all their acts ... and so far it has been easy to establish how they distort the truth.

Good thread palio ....

Judgement Day will reign on Turkey!
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Postby insan » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:26 am

Oracle wrote:The World has come to understand the power behind Turkish denials and Propaganda from when they first denied the Armenian Genocide.

Now everyone will question all their acts ... and so far it has been easy to establish how they distort the truth.

Good thread palio ....

Judgement Day will reign on Turkey!

Ma mama still does not want to talk about Greek lies and State sponsored Greek violations of Human Rights. Wua ma mama, wuaaa? :lol:
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:49 am

Tactics is a bit different, I presume. The Turks export Islam and wage their jihad under the veil of "secularism". They have become a 99,8%Moslem monoculture thanks to this so called "secularism". The Arabs do the same but without this veil which makes their task a bit harder. But otherwise you're absolutely right.

This is as far as I got before getting absolutely overwhelmed with the amount of idiocy.

Turkey IS a secular country, probably more secular than any EU member you will find, the "RoC" most probably being at the bottom of the list.

AKP only won by 47% which means we still have the rest who oppose a religious party ruling as opposed to 99% Muslim who want Jihad (!!).

This means you have half of the country which is FOR secularism and far from any radical Islamic activity.

We never 'became' Muslim we have been so for thousands of years and if anyone calls Turkey a monoculture they must be either high or know nothing about Turkey, probably both. Kurds alone are around 20 million, never mind the Jewish population which took refuge under the Ottoman Empire when the civilized West wanted to use them as spit buckets before butchering them all.

If you think Turkey, the country which abolished the role of being the leader of the Islamic world (caliphate) and from the face of the Earth, the country which has fought MANY years against the idiocy of Islam and has expatriated its Sultans in order to totally abolish religion from government, is actually out to spread Jihad on Earth (!!) you have got to be smoking on something really powerful my friend Palio :lol:

Either that or you are happily posting articles which you seem to have no knowledge of its contents, purely for the satisfaction of taking a cheap shot at Turkey, because you ran into some junk which "sounds like" your kind of information, in the expense of looking like a moron.

Well you have done it, pretty successfully :lol:
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Postby christos1 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:48 am

insan wrote:
Oracle wrote:The World has come to understand the power behind Turkish denials and Propaganda from when they first denied the Armenian Genocide.

Now everyone will question all their acts ... and so far it has been easy to establish how they distort the truth.

Good thread palio ....

Judgement Day will reign on Turkey!

Ma mama still does not want to talk about Greek lies and State sponsored Greek violations of Human Rights. Wua ma mama, wuaaa? :lol:

Risto Stefov? Hahahahahahahaaaaaa Imbecile hahahahahaa

Foreign Relations Vol. VIII
Washington D.C.
Circular Airgram
(868.014/26 Dec. 1944)

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Officers*

The following is for your information and general guidance, but not for any positive action at this time.

The Department has noted with considerable apprehension increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia, emanating principally from Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav Partisan and other sources, with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected state. "This Government considers talk of Macedonian "nation", Macedonian "Fatherland", or Macedonia "national consiousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece".

The approved policy of this Government is to oppose any revival of the Macedonian issue as related to Greece. The Greek section of Macedonia is largery inhabited by Greeks, and the Greek people are almost unanimously opposed to the creation of a Macodonian state. Allegations of serious Greek participation in any such agitation can be assumed to be false. This Government would regard as responsible any Government or group of Governments tolerating or encouraging menacing or aggressive acts of "Macedonian Forces" against Greece.

The Department would appreciate any information pertiment to this subject which may come to your attention.

This document is mentioned here:

In a neutral EU News agency.
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Postby christos1 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:53 am

shahmaran wrote:
Tactics is a bit different, I presume. The Turks export Islam and wage their jihad under the veil of "secularism". They have become a 99,8%Moslem monoculture thanks to this so called "secularism". The Arabs do the same but without this veil which makes their task a bit harder. But otherwise you're absolutely right.

This is as far as I got before getting absolutely overwhelmed with the amount of idiocy.

Turkey IS a secular country, probably more secular than any EU member you will find, the "RoC" most probably being at the bottom of the list.

Ehh, i dont think so. Have you been reading whats been mentioning in the western press about Erdogan? Aint to good for his conservative Islamic party.
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Postby christos1 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:56 am

Uhh this was published one hour ago from Zaman: ... &bolum=102

Secular Turkey, ohh give me a brake.
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:48 am

First of all you are reading the one and only paper that literally belongs to Erdogan.

Second of all do you even know what secular means??

The "RoC" is literally RUN by those ugly monks, all teh Turkish imams can do is run up the mosque and make annoying sounds every morning.

You are at the BOTTOM of the list, infact you are not even on the list because you are not a secular country.
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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:55 pm

if roc isent even on the list what is the trnc? a so called state run by the mafia the casinos the army the whore houses and you claim humans live there there.. its nothing but a big mud whole for human trafficing and a criminals paradise away from the law... you dont get lower then the "TRNC" and turkey
Last edited by paliometoxo on Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DT. » Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:09 pm

shahmaran wrote:First of all you are reading the one and only paper that literally belongs to Erdogan.

Second of all do you even know what secular means??

The "RoC" is literally RUN by those ugly monks, all teh Turkish imams can do is run up the mosque and make annoying sounds every morning.

You are at the BOTTOM of the list, infact you are not even on the list because you are not a secular country.

for your info matey...the head of ths state in the UK is also the head of the church.
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