I don't believe I ever described the Ottomans as a "race". That is just you being a racist again!
There is only one race .... the Human Race and we are all part and parcel of it.
My interests lie in the migratory routes we followed and the cultural identities we nurtured because of the different environmental and climactic conditions we experienced over the last 150,000 years since our mother (Eve) left Africa. And the more recent historical and political delineations we derived as we became self-conscious.
Shah I think we are talking at cross purposes again ... you as a racist; and myself as a socio-linguo-genetico-anthropo-historico-cum-politico-philosophi-psychogeolocentred-ologist-ish!
As for the propaganda accusations and my numerous postings; well that's just you handing in the towel when you have lost to me in debate again