paliometoxo wrote:shahmaran wrote:paliometoxo wrote:because its our island and your the minority. why dont the russians create their own state in cyprus to because they cant accept being a minority? see how many ways we can split cyprus into. you dont see any other cyprus minorities complaining...
if tcs or turks want their own state they have one in turkey which they stole yet again from greeks "istanbul" why does turkey have to kill and rape thousands to make their own state in cyprus when they already have a turkey.
does turkish know nothing only to kill and invade and destroy?
paliometoxo wrote:but oracle does not have a problem in cyprus like the turks do trying to create their own state..
she lives just fine with the rest of the cypriots.. its turkey that wants to make a turkey number two in the north and make it turkish not cypriot. so the go back to greece does not apply to her as she is not the one with the problem. the tcs and turks who say we must have our own turkish state that cant live with cypriots if they are nto happy then they have the option of mumma turkey where they have all the turkish army forever to keep them "safe"
The only difference being that you don't make a habit of murdering Russians and dumping them in mass graves, nor you are out to prove that they have no rights over their OWN country.
WE do not have any problems with OUR country, we only have problems with some of YOU peoples definition of OUR country and our rights over OUR country.
So, of course she doesn't have any problems as shes on the wrong end of the stick yet even then she does seem to have lots of serious internal problems that she needs to deal with ASAP, either way she should just go back to Greece anyways as it seems we have more racists on this tiny island than we already need

you seem to forget its the turks that came to cyprus killing thousands for no reason other then invasion.. when gcs had been on the island for hunndreds of years along come the turks with their big army killing in the thousands then turkey cries a few of them where killed in a war they started...
This is nothing but a partial caricature of history, very bias as well.
It was the Ottomans that came, not the Turks, one of the biggest empires around in those days. Mid 18th century to be precise.
The Republic of Turkey was declared shortly after every single remains of that empire was expelled from the country.
The remaining members of the legendary Ottoman family disappeared into various countries many became peasants and died others are still struggling to survive one way or another.
So if you wish to hate anyone for our presence here then hate them and not us who are just born here.
But please read at least ,
some of our history if you wish to take any significant shots at it.
When they came you were already oppressed by other people and it was the Ottoman empire that gave you and the OTHER ethnicity's on this island their first rights here, EVER!
Unlike us who are still fighting for ours.
Cyprus can be a wonderful country for everyone if you ever drop the above non sense that this is a Greek island, which can only be sold to unsuspecting primary school kids under the disguise of text books.
At first glance it might be a good idea to support but when you look at history it is clear where it brings us... be served to the colonialists and partitionists for breakfast.
Way to go my man.