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looking for job

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looking for job

Postby janea » Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:21 pm

will u help me where I can see for job opportunities in cyprus in ..graphic design , 3D animation etc area.
(Im from Bulgaria , so dont explane me that I dont have rigth to work there and im not in EU , I know that )
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Postby janea » Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:14 pm

Efxaristo poli

Thank you everybody for the help ..really
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:29 pm

Not a clue Janea, you'll probably have to do some surfing and see if there are any graphic design firms in Cyprus then contact them direct.
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looking for job

Postby rulla » Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:49 pm

well id like to say that im really angry with you people from other countries who seek jobs in cyprus and get them,the only reason you do get them is that you work for nothing and us cypriots are finding it harder and harder to get jobs as we demand a proper wage(so we can live)its easier for the younger cypriots not alot but easier but for my age bracket between 40 to 55 employers dont want to know, they prefer theese foreigners with thier tits hanging out and their skirts under their chins and give them wages that wouldent buy my grandmothers knickers !Every hotel every restaurant most workers are foreign. HEY you cypriots wake up and do something before its to late.Im sorry JAE i have nothing against you personaly but when people like you are having an efect on my life i feel i have to speak out.
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Postby magikthrill » Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:55 pm

lol spoken like a true ethnocentric, xenophobic european.
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Postby janea » Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:55 pm

Rulla I understand you very well , I agree with you ..but every one wants to make something better for itself,think and from the other side - what I have to do when i was born in...such country as mine.
And we usually take not qualiufication positions-cleaning lady , restorants , bars etc etc
Anyway I undesrstand
(And by the way I don't like also when look me aways in the tits and the skirt ) And in the last years everywhere there is a litlle bit ignore for the age .
wish u success
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Re: looking for job

Postby ex_pat » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:23 pm

rulla wrote:hi
well id like to say that im really angry with you people from other countries who seek jobs in cyprus and get them,the only reason you do get them is that you work for nothing and us cypriots are finding it harder and harder to get jobs as we demand a proper wage(so we can live)its easier for the younger cypriots not alot but easier but for my age bracket between 40 to 55 employers dont want to know, they prefer theese foreigners with thier tits hanging out and their skirts under their chins and give them wages that wouldent buy my grandmothers knickers !Every hotel every restaurant most workers are foreign. HEY you cypriots wake up and do something before its to late.Im sorry JAE i have nothing against you personaly but when people like you are having an efect on my life i feel i have to speak out.

Didn't hear any Cypriots complaining when Cyprus got the HUGE cash hand-out when they joined the EU.

So typical of Cyprus, take take take!!! Not so quick at giving anything back though!

The Cypriot employers should be brought to justice by the EU for exploiting the foreign workers that they employ - the wages they pay are a joke. Get your government to set a respectable minimum wage and make people stick to it.

For a nation that was so desperate to join the EU, your attitudes towards other EU members are ignorant, arrogant and down right racist!

Watch this backfire on Cyprus, a small country whose main industry, tourism, is in complete meltdown!
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Postby Yiannis » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:38 pm

well id like to say that im really angry with you people from other countries who seek jobs in cyprus and get them

Well Rula i will urge to wake up from the your utopian world. You see in this REAL world people have to compete to get a job which they diserve.However this world has been obscured in Cyprus where it only takes to know the manager of that company.Im not saying that you are one of those but i think its time for Cypriots to realise that they have to really work hard to achieve something.At least in my opinion Cypriots have been hard working after the invasion untill late 80s but since that time the younger people have just found it ready in the plate and there not really hard workers anymore (at least the majority).
So please stop this fucking common cypriot attitude of trying to kick foreigners outside and think that all foreign girls come as bitches. We have a lot to learn from foreigners Rula and just saying that we know better, without really showing it, its pure bullshit.

Janea sorry for having to bare with insulting comments like that. I would not be surprised if you decide to not seek a job in Cyprus but if you want my advise, im pretty sure there are some good firms in Cyprus concerning digital media and graphic design.However unfortunately you really have to go down there to find a job cause there is not any good web source for posting job positions in cyprus.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:46 pm

I think Rulla's what you get when you take a country into the EU without properly explaining to the people what membership of the Union really means. It does mean that there is mobility of labour across frontiers, it does mean that firms are free to pick and choose where in Europe to locate and will often thus go for the lowest common denominator, it does mean that more of your everyday life will be affected by European legislation that you have little ability to question. However, as a Cypriot, you have the same rights to move where you please.

The big problem in Cyprus right now is that the various governments during the past 15 years presented the EU as a panacea for Cyprus' ills - it would solve the Cyprus problem, make everyone richer, lead to better working conditions etc etc etc. I think as time passes, people are increasingly seeing the falsehoods that we presented to them and realising the grass isn't greener, it's just the same old grass with a few more weeds added.

This is coming from someone who is fervently pro-EU and realises its faults as well as the opportunities it brings. It's about time Cypriots realised they were duped and they better wake up to these new realities.
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Postby sk » Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:09 am

minimum salary in cyprus i think is 650 euros(i think).what rulla wrote is the same story everywhere in europe.i hear the same things from pakistanis about uk,from romanians about hungary,from danish about turks and bosnians.
its a more general problem which fortunately in cyprus is still not that big although it is increasing rapidly.the european goverments should try and find a solution to this problem.
as for the take and give attidute of cyprus,well i am afraid we had the best teachers,that is the uk!
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