will u help me where I can see for job opportunities in cyprus in ..graphic design , 3D animation etc area.
(Im from Bulgaria , so dont explane me that I dont have rigth to work there and im not in EU , I know that )
rulla wrote:hi
well id like to say that im really angry with you people from other countries who seek jobs in cyprus and get them,the only reason you do get them is that you work for nothing and us cypriots are finding it harder and harder to get jobs as we demand a proper wage(so we can live)its easier for the younger cypriots not alot but easier but for my age bracket between 40 to 55 employers dont want to know, they prefer theese foreigners with thier tits hanging out and their skirts under their chins and give them wages that wouldent buy my grandmothers knickers !Every hotel every restaurant most workers are foreign. HEY you cypriots wake up and do something before its to late.Im sorry JAE i have nothing against you personaly but when people like you are having an efect on my life i feel i have to speak out.
well id like to say that im really angry with you people from other countries who seek jobs in cyprus and get them
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