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Minorities: The cancer of the 21st century strikes again…

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Postby insan » Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:01 pm

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
purdey wrote:Maybe so, but who affords protection to minorities when all and sundry wish to wipe them of the face of the earth.
It has been a complete mess from start to finish, no issues have been addressed racism ,hatred still exist and purpetrators of hideos crimes still live amongst the communities.

I wonder what percentage , if any, of the minorities would entrust their safety in GR's hands !! :lol: :lol:
I think a substantial number would trust Miltiades , shall we have a poll , I just like thrashing GR :lol: :lol:

Go Icarus! Reach for those things denied of mortal men. Fly higher and higher and let me watch you fall .... You are as overblown as a balloon and I want to see you POP!

You have allied yourself with moral decline and hypocrisy; first with "TCs" and then US foreign policy.

But the winds of change are upon us, and I feel such deadly sins as you purveyed, will bring about your speedy downfall ....

Wooowww!!!!!! A poem from the literature of Hellenic Female Warriors? :lol:
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Postby RichardB » Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:02 pm

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
purdey wrote:Maybe so, but who affords protection to minorities when all and sundry wish to wipe them of the face of the earth.
It has been a complete mess from start to finish, no issues have been addressed racism ,hatred still exist and purpetrators of hideos crimes still live amongst the communities.

I wonder what percentage , if any, of the minorities would entrust their safety in GR's hands !! :lol: :lol:
I think a substantial number would trust Miltiades , shall we have a poll , I just like thrashing GR :lol: :lol:

Go Icarus! Reach for those things denied of mortal men. Fly higher and higher and let me watch you fall .... You are as overblown as a balloon and I want to see you POP!

You have allied yourself with moral decline and hypocrisy; first with "TCs" and then US foreign policy.

But the winds of change are upon us, and I feel such deadly sins as you purveyed, will bring about your speedy downfall ....

Another example of reading but not seeing by the wise man from stroumbi eh O

GR starts a thread re the encouragement on the part of some parties
to start ethnic uprisings and he starts blabbering on about the protection of ethnic minorities instead of focusing on the thread subject which was regarding encouraging ethnic uprisings
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:11 pm

miltiades wrote:
purdey wrote:Maybe so, but who affords protection to minorities when all and sundry wish to wipe them of the face of the earth.
It has been a complete mess from start to finish, no issues have been addressed racism ,hatred still exist and purpetrators of hideos crimes still live amongst the communities.

I wonder what percentage , if any, of the minorities would entrust their safety in GR's hands !! :lol: :lol:
I think a substantial number would trust Miltiades , shall we have a poll , I just like thrashing GR :lol: :lol:

Ronald McDonald, has the audacity to consider himself a champion of “trust and safety” while incessantly encouraging war crimes! His stupidity knows no bounds…
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Re: Minorities: The cancer of the 21st century strikes again

Postby Free Spirit » Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:32 am

Get Real! wrote:Minorities: The cancer of the 21st century strikes again…
“Tensions Rise in Fragile Bosnia as Country’s Serbs Threaten to Seek Independence”
we are seeing a second phase of dismantling of the pieces of what was once a proud nation.
Regards, GR.

Just shows how ill informed you are Yugoslavia was a manufactured country; manufactured against the will of the people.
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Re: Minorities: The cancer of the 21st century strikes again

Postby CopperLine » Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:09 pm

Get Real! wrote:Minorities: The cancer of the 21st century strikes again…

“Tensions Rise in Fragile Bosnia as Country’s Serbs Threaten to Seek Independence” ... wanted=all

This is what happens when ethnic breakaway groups are encouraged, and in some cases even endorsed by the UN as in the case of Kosovo… the result is the destruction of sovereign countries into tiny ethnic enclaves; in the case of Yugoslavia, we are seeing a second phase of dismantling of the pieces of what was once a proud nation.

The US-led destruction of sovereign countries, masquerading as a new age “protector of minority rights”, is doing exactly the opposite to all these citizens for it brings about impoverishment, racism, diminished regional negotiating power, and an overall decline of the entire region.

Regards, GR.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of Oracle for 'nit picking', isn't the title of this thread very ...err .... unfortunate, to say the least. "Minorities : the cancer of the 21st century strikes again ..." After all the standard treatment for cancers are (a) radiation, (b) chemical attack, (c) surgical removal - all of these techniques are design to kill the cancers. Your analogy of minorities as cancer suggests that killing minorities is the way to go .... ? Really ?
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Re: Minorities: The cancer of the 21st century strikes again

Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:03 am

CopperLine wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Minorities: The cancer of the 21st century strikes again…

“Tensions Rise in Fragile Bosnia as Country’s Serbs Threaten to Seek Independence” ... wanted=all

This is what happens when ethnic breakaway groups are encouraged, and in some cases even endorsed by the UN as in the case of Kosovo… the result is the destruction of sovereign countries into tiny ethnic enclaves; in the case of Yugoslavia, we are seeing a second phase of dismantling of the pieces of what was once a proud nation.

The US-led destruction of sovereign countries, masquerading as a new age “protector of minority rights”, is doing exactly the opposite to all these citizens for it brings about impoverishment, racism, diminished regional negotiating power, and an overall decline of the entire region.

Regards, GR.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of Oracle for 'nit picking', isn't the title of this thread very ...err .... unfortunate, to say the least. "Minorities : the cancer of the 21st century strikes again ..." After all the standard treatment for cancers are (a) radiation, (b) chemical attack, (c) surgical removal - all of these techniques are design to kill the cancers. Your analogy of minorities as cancer suggests that killing minorities is the way to go .... ? Really ?

It’s a Cancer because it spreads; one minority from one part of the world directly or indirectly encourages another from another part of the world to rebel etc.

I’ve even come across some Tamil Tigers comparing themselves to Turkish Cypriots and how they should be asking for “power sharing” in Sri Lanka! The Bosnian Serbs are looking for autonomy to spite those who supported Kosovo and so forth!

UN-led population exchange programs are the cure to such Cancers while they remain benign, but in the case of Cyprus the Cancer has become malignant and must therefore either be laser-pacified or surgically removed…
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:21 am

The minority Cancer strikes again!

Over 100,000 Uzbeks Flee Kyrgyzstan ... yrgyzstan/

UN led repatriation programs for minorities worldwide should be at the very top of the world’s to-do list if they’re serious about eliminating ethnic conflict!

It should also be a recognized crime against humanity to sponsor, organize, and otherwise urge ethnic minorities into disobedience and revolt!
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:28 am

Halil brough up the possibility of the Armenian Republic of Cyprus, the Maronite, and I would add the Latin, the Roma Republics as well.

Now tell us Halil, how much land should these Republics get? If we use your mathematics where the 18 per cent needs 36 per cent, how much would you give these new republics? Are we going to reach a sum total bigger than 100 per cent again?
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:17 am

The ethnic minority cancer usually appears when the ethnic majority cancer sets in. But, each case is different, and no generalisations are allowed. Thus, complex issues, viewed in a simplistic manner (foreigners are to blame for inciting minorities), can never be understood by monolithic GR. In the Balkans, during the war (1913) all victorious armies, including the Greek one, burned entire villages, in order to create ethically pure land. There are historical reasons for such actions and commending the iron hand used by some dictator to keep things quite for a while, only highlights ignorance.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:15 am

...consider a world without french, german, italian or greek, because they are the minorities in an ethnosphere where most languages are threatened with extinction.

...and what is wrong with Bicommunal; a State where we represent ourselves as Individuals, and as majorities in National Assemblies we represent our Goodwill.
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