Kikapu wrote:insan wrote:Get Real! wrote:insan wrote:What u were expecting from us? Accepting to be a mere muslim minority in Cyprus and join Enosis struggle of Hellenes?
One thing I NEVER do is allow my opponent to jump to other areas like a rabbit on heat…
The Turkish Cypriots DENOUNCED and RENOUNCED the 1960 constitution by abandoning ALL their posts never to return, waged a war against it alongside Turkey, and subsequently proclaimed a new constitution illegally. In fact, you couldn’t renounce a constitution any more than what the TCs had done, so denying this fact is silly… just as silly as a TC arguing about the numbers of NG troops being “illegal”!
Bro, Makarios proposed 13 amendments with a sole aim to degrade TCs into minority status. TCs and Turkey rejected it and inter-commnal violence broke-out. From that moment, there's no meaning for TCs to stay in parliament anymore. Why should they stay? To discuss the minority rights?
It is obvious that the political oppression of Enosists towards TCs caused TCs to abandon all their posts and create enclaves as a defence point for themselves. How much the enosists oppressed TCs that much the TCs advanced their Taksim project. Like it or not, this is the struggle of 2 politically distinct beliefs of 2 politically distinct communities.
When u base something on 60s treaties and constitution to argue whether it is legal or illegal(As how it fits u); I too have the same right to base my arguments on the same constitution and treaties how it fits me. It was part of the Akritas plan to create an international impression that TCs abandoned all their posts in RoC. GC leadership succeeded to create such an impression with help of all anti-Turks. How UN created an Israel state, created a so-called GC state in Cyprus. It's time for UN to accept the creation of a TC state. Afterwards 60s till early 90s it was impossible for US to consent a seperate TC state in North because of the Soviet factor and fragile balance of powers in Nato alliance. Now times has changed.
Well, it's 2009, so what are the Americans waiting for and have not consented to a independent TC state in the north.? Bush was the best chance the TC's had, but he never came through. The UN, well, you need to get pass the 5 permanent members and Russia is one of them. Then as of 2004, you now also have the EU factor. Besides, there is no Greek state in Cyprus. As far as the world is concerned, the Republic of Cyprus lives on with or without the TC's who refuse to become part of it up to this point since 1963. Once again, since 2004, things have changed a great deal which leaves the TC's with very few options of ever getting a independent state of their own in Cyprus without the GC's consent. That's the reality of today or you can wait for another Right wing US president to take office after 16 years to try to get a recognition, which will do very little to the TC's by the way, if the EU will not go along, and they will not since Cyprus is already a member. 2004 AP was your best chance to turn the tide into the TC's favour, but that "coup" was averted by the 76% GC's. What chances do you have now for a independent TC state.? I would say ZERO to NONE. The best option for the TC's would be a Federal state within the "new" RoC. Anything else, is purely whistling Dixie in the wind.!
Don't rely too much on new Russia; they would sell their mother if the price was right.