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Comparing the 2 Holocausts

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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:22 pm

People should just ignore the selfish, attention seeking illiterate fool.
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Postby bill cobbett » Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:34 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Those pictures are so horrific. I cannot believe that we have learnt nothing from the past. How sad as well to see a child writing on a bomb destined to kill, (quite likely) someone of of her own age.

Yes they were awful, awful pictures, the like of which I don't think I have seen before but the one that stood out for me as well was the one that Tess refers to, the one which didn't show death and destruction but a smartly dressed, smiling young girl chalking a message on an artillery shell.

The phrase teach your children well springs to mind.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:People should just ignore the selfish, attention seeking illiterate fool.

Selfish , illiterate , fool .!! You must have looked in the mirror mate , don't start blaming me for making a fool of your self , here is proof:
You and 15 reservists will start a revolution in Cyprus if anything was agreed that you the Chief of Plonkers does not agree with.!!!
I have been coming over to Cyprus for many years now without ever fearing that some bloody maniac is going to to take a pop at me, now I worry about you , I ought to enlist a couple of Blackwater mercies for my protection !! :lol: :lol:
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Postby CopperLine » Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:31 pm

Get Real! wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Comparing two holocausts ? In the first we count in the millions of killed, in the second we count in the thousands or tens of thousands. Is that the point ?

What other "similarities are very very similar" ? Barbed wire, walls, dead people, innocent children, checkpoints, roundups .... all pretty standard stuff for war.

The methods and range of killing between 42-45 across central/eastern Europe were vastly different from that of the 1980s to present Palestine. The range of people killed in the former period were vastly greater. The scale was massively greater. The reasons for killing and mobilisation of killing were substantially different.

I don't really see the point of your 'picture posting' Richard B other than a cheap shock and horror voyeurism.

It used to be dozens, which went to hundreds, then to thousands, now tens of thousands… do you suggest we wait until it becomes millions before the world does something about this?
NO. Do you ?

Richard, could’ve just as easily posted an Iraq set of pics where the victims run into the millions if it’s more to your liking.
And the point of this would have been what ?

So what is the point of posting these pictures? Use your imagination like giving them to your kids or grandkids to colour them in or something…
I'm still no clearer as to what the purpose of this picture comparison was ? Of course I can use my imagination but that is to speculate on Richard B's purpose : I'm more interested in what his real original purpose for making these comparisons was.
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Postby bill cobbett » Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:55 pm

denizaksulu wrote:When will humanity ever learn.

Do not do unto others what you do not...............................

oh why we bother?

The world is crazy. :twisted:

When will we learn?

We'll learn when we judge matters based on our individual human values and our own norms and morals, instead of looking to a blind, unquestioning loyalty to communities, tribes and nations for our moral foundations.
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Postby saravakos » Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:20 pm

miltiades wrote:
saravakos wrote:
miltiades wrote:
saravakos wrote:Really malaka?? Well if you bothered to do any research instead of just believing what you're told then you'd see for yourself. Ksipna koloyere.

Re Touvlo , who is feeding me , Hamas like it feeds you or the Kalamaristiki media that feed you !!

Murdoch's media empire you mug!!

Touvlo , there is a saying in Cypriot slang that says "POU DEN MBORI NA DERI TON GARO DERNI TO SAMA .
You should be ashamed of your self using such insulting language against a 63 year old , father and grandfather , is this how the Kalamardes bring their kids up mate .Shame on you .

Says the man who calls me a touvlo!
You're on a forum, and i dont know you from Jack. If you're ignorant it doesnt matter what age you are, you earn respect.

You calling me a kalamara sums up to me what kind of person you are.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:31 pm

You can call me Kipreo any time mate , Kalamara is not a derogatory term anymore than Yank is for an American.
I apologize for calling you touvlo.
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Postby purdey » Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:39 pm

Do people really want to learn ? hatred of another because of religion or culture is so ingrained it breeds hate on a daily basis.
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Postby RichardB » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:12 pm

copperline wrote

I'm still no clearer as to what the purpose of this picture comparison was ? Of course I can use my imagination but that is to speculate on Richard B's purpose : I'm more interested in what his real original purpose for making these comparisons was.

Copperline . In a lot of respects your point re; using your imagination is a good starter point for a debate and I would have expected this.

I am a supporter of the Palestinian right to a free homeland with Jerusulum as its capital and I absolutely disagree with the tactics used by the Israelis against the general Palestinian population,

All we hear in the western press is 'Hamas this and Hamas that'
and the great palestinian terrorist threat to Israel what we dont read or hear about is the terror inflicted on the Palestinian population by the Israeli terrorists

The pictures represent a parallel with the holocaust of the early 40s commited against the Jews (and it should be remembered that this was not just commited by the Nazis- most countries in Europe had their share of persons only too eager to jump on the anti Jewish bandwagon) and the holocaust being practised by the Israelis today NOW probably this minute,

The difference is when the true plight of the Jews was discovered after the end of WW2 the world wept and rightly so.

How can a nation which had such cruel crimes commited against themselves not so long ago now do the same against a homeless nation.

Israel and their supporters should hang their heads in shame.

To conclude I posted the pictures because I cannot write so eloquently as most of the members of this forum so I suppose that the publishing of these pictures was my way of saying 'Hey look at this ,this is wrong'.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:31 pm

Somebody had to draw the parallels. Well done for bravely sticking your neck out RichardB, and not walking on by ...

The good Samaritan :wink:
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