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The U.N. Should Not Pay Benon Sevan's Legal Fees

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The U.N. Should Not Pay Benon Sevan's Legal Fees

Postby insan » Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:08 am

February 24, 2009
Oil-for-Food Revisited: The U.N. Should Not Pay Benon Sevan's Legal Fees
by Nile Gardiner, Ph.D. and Steven Groves
WebMemo #2308
According to media reports,[1] the United Nations' own internal judicial body, the Administrative Tribunal (UNAT), has ordered the U.N. to pay "all reasonable legal fees" to Benon Sevan,[2] the disgraced former chief of the disastrous Iraqi Oil-for-Food Program. Sevan's lawyers are seeking 880,300 U.S. dollars plus interest from the United Nations.[3] Sevan, currently hiding in his native Cyprus, was charged by U.S.

Sevan Should Be Extradited to the United States

If the Obama Administration is serious about reforming the United Nations and combating corruption within the organization, it should condemn the U.N. tribunal's decision and demand that Sevan be brought to face justice in the United States. The Justice Department should renew its efforts to bring Sevan back to the U.S., and sustained diplomatic pressure should be applied towards Cyprus to have him handed over. ... wm2308.cfm

GR!, for the sake of anti-Americanism; would u protect Sevan in ur own house in case of any attempt to hand Sevan over to US by "RoC"? Take ur guns and go on broooo! :lol: :lol:

Joking :wink:
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