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Politician defies law, speaks Kurdish in Turkey

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby CopperLine » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:37 pm

Kifeas you're just wasting pixels
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Postby boulio » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:42 pm

copperline you must admit the whole turkishness issue is a bit ridiculous.
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Postby CopperLine » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:53 pm

As are all nationalisms : I've always been anti-nationalist, whichever nationalism that may be.
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Postby YFred » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:00 am

CopperLine wrote:Kifeas you're just wasting pixels

Yeh but how many pixels to an inch?
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:12 am

CopperLine wrote:As are all nationalisms : I've always been anti-nationalist, whichever nationalism that may be.

Nationalism is no different to loving your family, only it’s the extended family of one’s entire country/state.

Sadly, the word “Nationalism” has been severely abused by many control freaks during the 20th century, by associating nationalism with their crimes and even calling their parties “the nationalist party” or “the nationalist struggle” and similar distorted names that tainted an otherwise beautiful word which simply means loving and doing whatever you can for your country. Nationalism is like the good book… well meaning but subject to abuse.

Without Nationalism, a country will be lucky to get off the ground let alone survive & prosper, and Cyprus is (unfortunately) testimony of that.
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Postby insan » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:49 am

Kifeas wrote:
insan wrote:What's your point, CBB? Tell us and then we might discuss ur point. Throughout the history, until early 80s there's no problem between Turks and Kurds. What's happened then and a speratist Kurdish group suddenly appeared in Turkey? Could enmity spreading Hellenic and Armenian self-interest groups have a finger on it? Looking forward to hear your opinions free from any fears of being accused of treason. :wink:

What happened, and suddenly a Kurdish group appeared in Turkey, Insan? What a worthless question indeed! Insan, the answer is very simple! They woke up! They woke up and realized they are ancient people in their region, even before the appearance of the Turks, a people with an ancient history and a language that faces extinction under the fascist policies of an ideology bearing your drunkard "father's" name, and decided it is time to do something to defend their history, their identity and their dignity. They woke up Insan, and realized the gross manipulation they were subjected all these years, since they had given your fellow Turks a hand in annihilating the Armenians from Anatolia, and having been awarded for this the title of "mountain Turks!" They woke up and saw the big fiasco of your father's creation, when they discovered that your "motherland" was not willing to grand them even a 10% of the rights she has been winding you up to forcefully demand from the Greek Cypriots, and they decided that it is their turn to ask for a minimum of a fraction of such rights for themselves. Why is it so difficult for you to realize this very simple fact? So thick you are? You think only you, because you are Turkish Cypriots, should enjoy such privileges, being a minority of a similar percentage to that of themselves? Your father may have told you that "one Turk equals the whole world," but that doesn't mean you should have taken him seriously and for granted, because he might as well have been drunk when he said it!

U r making nonesense Kifeas, u expose urself as a person went beserk with the constant hatred u feel towards Turks. Cyprus problem between 2 communities appeared in late 1800s. There was no Turkey at that time. Ataturk was just 8 years old. There's no any similarities between the case of Cyprus and case of Turkey.

Ataturk, Turks of Turkey and Kurds of Turkey fought together against the enemies and founded ROT in 1923. Why did they fight together to establish a common homeland for themselves? There's no discrimination against Kurds of Turkey. There's only a struggle against seperatist Kurds. There r too many succesful and respected Kurdish origin politicians, army officers, businessmen, artists et etc in Turkey. Nevertheless, i am not denying or ignoring that there r human rights violations in Turkey. Human rights violations in Turkey is not intentionally towards Kurds of Turkey but all people of Turkey because Turkey is not yet a full democratized country.

In this occassion, I am asking to u to give me a reasonable answer regarding why Greece prohibited Turkish minority in Greece to call themselves Turkish and forced Turkish minority to be called as muslim minority?

Greece denies its Turkish minority equal treatment under the law by providing salaries to Greek Christian families with three children, but denying the same to their Greek Muslim counterparts.

An attempt for genocide to prevent Turkish minority increase and maintain itself?

Ditto for Greece ’s undermining of Turkish minority foundations, which routinely establish schools, pay the salaries of teachers and religious functionaries, and otherwise support the Turkish minority culture. Foundation executives are appointed by the Greek government and are accused of chronically alienating and plundering the property of the foundations they oversee. The Turkish minority is not permitted to elect even the foundation’s officers who hold the purse strings.

Greece deserves harsh condemnation for its egregious mistreatment of the Turkish minority in Western Thrace . At this particular time in history, the Islamic world deserves proof that western democracies do not look with indifference at Christian wrongs inflicted on Muslims—that there is no inescapable battle of civilizations.

The issues of minorities' human rights remain very sensitive in Greece. Acknowledging the presence of Turks, let alone Macedonians, in the country may lead to reprimanding of those who make such arguments. This happens almost always with the term Macedonia and Macedonians, and nearly always with the Turkish minority. During the Metaxas dictatorship from 1936 to 1940, there was an intensification of brutality in the mistreatment of the Macedonian people and language, with the intent to completely break down the Macedonian identity by destroying the language. There were also high levels of human rights abuses from 1967 to 1974, when Greece was under a dictatorship. From Greece's economic boom in the late twentieth century, the past pattern of immigration out of Greece was replaced by an emigration into Greece. In the 1990s, Greece received the highest percentage of immigrants in relation to its labor force, compared to the rest of Europe. This has also been a factor in the conflicts and human rights abuses of these emigrants. The majority of emigrants originate from the Balkans, predominantly from Albania. ... reece.html

Ethnic Turks in Greece face continued serious discrimination in the enjoyment of language, religious, and educational rights, according to a report The Turks of Western Thrace.

Kifeas, if u r only aware of human rights violations of ur enemies in a hysteric attempt of exagerration but not ur friends as well; u can only make urself ridiculous but nothing else. I'm sure, as usual; u hit and run... u won't return and answer what i pointed out in this thread. Kifeas, someone who is full of hatred towards it's enemies is blinded by hatred and doomed to be a loser.
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Postby Simon » Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:26 am

And yet it seems bizarre that that the "Turkish" minority in Greece has actually grown and prospered, whilst the Greek minority in Turkey (which was protected by the Treaty of Lausanne) has been all but exterminated. But why am I surprised, we all know the respect Turkey holds for international law. :roll:
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Postby boulio » Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:04 am

good point simon,at the end i really wonder if in 1959 or 1947 or 1920 when greece had the chance at enosis the t/c would have been better off.Granted the minorty in greece(im greek)has its grievencances but overall they extremelly better off.Even turks in bulgaria had there problems with the communist regime but now they have become eu citizens and kingmakers in the bulgarian govt.
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Postby insan » Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:29 am

Simon wrote:And yet it seems bizarre that that the "Turkish" minority in Greece has actually grown and prospered, whilst the Greek minority in Turkey (which was protected by the Treaty of Lausanne) has been all but exterminated. But why am I surprised, we all know the respect Turkey holds for international law. :roll:

U r still showing no will to talk about human rights violations in Greece whereas i told u I am not denying or ignoring human rights violations in Turkey.
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Postby humanist » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:55 am

so I guess TC's would support the Turkish mnority in Turkey from being given a part of Turkey to call home and run their own affairs, be it political, social, econmic and other, just like they have in the occupied areas of Cyprus , right?
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