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Al-Qaeda is a complete fabrication...

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Al-Qaeda is a complete fabrication...

Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:08 pm

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook… ... ation.html

The Power of Nightmares (Part 1)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 2)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 3)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 4)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 5)

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Re: Al-Qaeda is a complete fabrication...

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:15 pm

Get Real! wrote:Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook… ... ation.html

The Power of Nightmares (Part 1)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 2)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 3)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 4)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 5)

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Hitler NEVER existed , 6 million Jews NEVER murdered ,Bin Laden does not exist , just as Al QUEDA DOESNT EXIST, Elvis is still alive,
and JFK was NEVER assassinated .

ps. Don't you have anything worthwhile to involve your self with rather constantly berating America and the West.
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Postby saravakos » Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:27 pm

Al Qaeda literally translates as "the base," it referred to a computer database used by the Islamic Conference which many Islamic Groups and countries used when networking, Osama Bin Laden was connected to the network, but that's not unusual, he's part of a very wealthy family with a number of connections to the Saudi royal family. The database wasn't necessarily used primarily for terrorism, it wasn't run by Osama Bin Laden either, many peaceful groups and states made use of it, but inevitably, so did some terrorist groups.

The fact that the media aim to portray it as a single entity is misleading, as is the assertion that there are Al Qaeda terrorists, there are many terrorist groups that claim to act on behalf of Al Qaeda, but Al Qaeda was never simply a terrorist organisation or movement, that's nonsense.
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:30 pm

Well actually MILLIONS of people has watched and listened Hitler spew racist hate LIVE for many years while he was taking over the world.

All we have seen of Bin Laden is 1 attack and the crappy little videos that the CIA releases once in a while, and where is he now?

Clearly he was never even in Iraq to begin with.

Retired maybe?

Oh oh I know! Maybe the all mighty US has finally managed to bring peace to the world and all the evil scum have disappeared into the darkness where they belong, never to return again! God bless America! :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:39 pm

saravakos wrote:Al Qaeda literally translates as "the base," it referred to a computer database used by the Islamic Conference which many Islamic Groups and countries used when networking, Osama Bin Laden was connected to the network, but that's not unusual, he's part of a very wealthy family with a number of connections to the Saudi royal family. The database wasn't necessarily used primarily for terrorism, it wasn't run by Osama Bin Laden either, many peaceful groups and states made use of it, but inevitably, so did some terrorist groups.

The fact that the media aim to portray it as a single entity is misleading, as is the assertion that there are Al Qaeda terrorists, there are many terrorist groups that claim to act on behalf of Al Qaeda, but Al Qaeda was never simply a terrorist organisation or movement, that's nonsense.

Thank you for the clarification Bin :lol:
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Postby saravakos » Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:56 pm

You are so utterly stupid and gullible...put your head in one of your blenders and turn it on, we'll all be better off!
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Re: Al-Qaeda is a complete fabrication...

Postby utu » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:08 pm

Get Real! wrote:Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook… ... ation.html

The Power of Nightmares (Part 1)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 2)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 3)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 4)

The Power of Nightmares (Part 5)

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If you are saying that Al Qaeda is part of an elaboragte deception to use the media in such a way as to influence world opinion, then I supose that the Cyprus Problem doesn't exist either, and that you and Oracle are actually working at CIA Headquarters at Langley, Virginia....
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:49 pm

He does, I met him in person, but that does not change one iota, your insinuation.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:17 pm

saravakos wrote:You are so utterly stupid and gullible...put your head in one of your blenders and turn it on, we'll all be better off!

I think I shall take your advise !!!
Plonker , you are but a mere dwarf when it comes to political debates and world affairs. I suggest you keep to the football threads from now.
If Al Qaeda is a "complete fabrication " then who on earth encourages and instructs these savages to commit suicide in public places killing innocent men women and children. I suppose the CIA and the Mossad were behind the 9/11 carnage !!
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Re: Al-Qaeda is a complete fabrication...

Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:45 pm

utu wrote:If you are saying that Al Qaeda is part of an elaboragte deception to use the media in such a way as to influence world opinion, then I supose that the Cyprus Problem doesn't exist either, and that you and Oracle are actually working at CIA Headquarters at Langley, Virginia....

Young and naive pretty much sums you up utu...
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