Whoever Duke is it doesnt really matter, it doesnt change the fact that atrocities have been commited.
Israel: a mass murderer as Head of State
Israel’s Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, is one of the world’s most bloodstained terrorists. He is responsible for the cold-blooded slaughter of at least 1,500 men, women and children in the Beirut refugee camps of Chatila and Sabra. Even a formal Israeli commission found Sharon personally responsible for the Lebanese massacres.4
In 1982, as Israel’s defense minister, Sharon directed Israel’s invasion of Lebanon and the carpet bombing and devastation of the city of Beirut (In Lebanon five times more women and children died than in the September New York attack). This terror bombing was carried out by Jews using jet fighters and bombs supplied by the United States.
After the Israeli military devastation and occupation, Sharon forcibly removed Palestinian resistance fighters from Lebanon. Many Palestinian women, children and old people were left behind in refugee camps near Beirut. The United States publicly guaranteed their safety and promised that they would quickly be reunited with their loved ones. When Sharon plotted their murder, he not only planned a bloody act of terrorism against the refugees; he knew it was an act of treachery against the United States that would raise intense hatred against America.
On the night of September 16, 1982, Sharon sent Phalangist murder squads into two Palestinian refugee camps, Sabra and Chatila. With Israeli tanks and troops closely surrounding the camps to prevent any of the Palestinians from escaping, the murder squads machine-gunned, bayoneted, and bludgeoned Palestinian civilians all that night, the next day and the following night; all while the Israelis surrounding the camps listened gleefully to the machine gun fire and screams coming from inside. Sharon then sent in bulldozers to hide as much of the atrocity as he could. At least 1500 Palestinian men, women and children were butchered, and perhaps as many as 2500. (An official Lebanese investigation set the figure at 2500) Even after the efforts of Sharon’s bulldozers, many Palestinians remained unburied, and Red Cross workers found whole families; including hundreds of elderly and little children, with their throats cut or disemboweled. Uncounted numbers of women and girls were also raped before they were slaughtered.
Ariel Sharon is sought for trial by the Hague Tribunal, the same body that succeeded in extraditing former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for charges of crimes against humanity in Kosovo. Sharon will not travel to Belgium for fear of arrest by the International Court for the massacre.5
Although he is sought for his Chatila and Sabra murders, Sharon could be tried for any of a dozen other massacres committed during his sterling career, crimes against humanity that go back at least as far as 1953. The Israeli newspaper, Ha’aretz, recalls Sharon’s leading of a massacre in the village of Kibya in 1953, “The soldiers of Major Ariel Sharon killed 70 Palestinians in the reprisal raid, most of them women and children.” 6
America, which clamored for the Hague Tribunal to arrest and try Milosevic, pretends to be unaware of Sharon’s mass murder. Instead of handing Sharon an arrest warrant for mass murder and putting him in the shackles that he deserves, President Bush greets Ariel Sharon with handshakes and hugs! How the world must snicker in disbelief when Bush confers with Sharon on “fighting terrorism.”
If President Bush is truly serious about punishing nations that support or harbor terrorists, he will have to begin with Israel, a nation that elected one of the world’s worst terrorists and mass murderers as its the Head of State. Does America’s Israel-controlled Senate punish Israel for harboring terrorists? No, instead we supply their terrorists with billions of American taxpayer’s dollars and the very weapons with which they kill!
Israel’s murder of the Palestinian refugees after the United States had publicly guaranteed their safety was not only a crime against humanity, but also one of treachery against America. Sharon and the others involved were completely aware of America’s well-publicized promise of the refugees’ safety.
The Beirut Sabra and Chatila Massacre was the chief motivation of the Lebanese suicide bombing attack that killed 241 American Marines in Beirut less than a year later, and it clearly demonstrates how American support of Israeli terrorism leads to terrible consequences for the United States. The Los Angeles Times, in discussing a revealing book by a former agent of the Israeli Mossad (secret service), showed that the Mossad had foreknowledge of the terrorist attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983, but treacherously did not warn America.7
Among Ostrovsky’s more shocking allegations are that Mossad failed to share with the U.S. detailed intelligence that might have averted the 1983 suicide bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks that killed 241 U.S. servicemen;…
Israel: founded by terror against the British and Palestinians
In their effort to wrest control of Palestine from British control, the Zionists waged a campaign of relentless terror, including the bombing of the King David Hotel, which killed 93 people. They ruthlessly murdered British officials and soldiers. The Zionists assassinated anyone in their way, including the world-respected U.N. mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, who dared to tell the world of the Zionist terror and murder campaign. A favorite tactic of the Irgun and Stern terrorist gangs was to kidnap British soldiers and slowly torture them to death. Israel was also the first nation to employ the modern terrorist technique of the letter bomb; and over the years sent out hundreds of them, killing dozens of their enemies and many bystanders all over the world. The current terrorism of mailing anthrax infected letters is simply a logical stepchild of the letter bomb.
The terror of Deir Yassin
The Palestinians, of course, have been the greatest victims of this half a century of Israeli terror. In fact, Israel carved its state out of Palestine through a deliberate policy of mass terror against the Palestinians. It was the method by which they drove 800,000 of them from their homes, businesses and farms9. In his book The Revolt10, former Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, boasts about his role in the massacre of the 254 Palestinians at Deir Yassin. (Most of the victims were elderly men, women and children who remained in the Israeli-occupied village) In his book, Begin points out that Deir Yassin and other massacres caused panic among the residents, causing them to flee in terror from their homes. This intentional mass terror enabled the Zionists to take control of Palestine. And, it should be noted that the refugees are still not permitted to return home after more than half a century!
What did the Zionist terrorists actually do at Deir Yassin and at other villages that caused the Palestinian people to flee in fear? A Red Cross doctor, Jacques de Reynier, chief representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Jerusalem gave a shocking account of the massacre in his official report.11
De Reynier arrived at the village on the second day and saw “the mopping up,” as one of the Israeli terrorists put it to him. It had been done with machine guns, then grenades, and was finished off with knives. The Jews decapitated some of the victims and fatally maimed 52 children in sight of their mothers. They cut open 25 pregnant women’s wombs and butchered the babies in front of them.
Israelis present at Deir Yassin have confirmed these atrocities. After his retirement in 1972, Israeli Haganah officer, Colonel Meir Pa’el, stated the following about Deir Yassin in Yediot Ahronot, a major Jewish publication:
The Irgun and LEHI men came out of hiding and began to `clean’ the houses. They shot whoever they saw, women and children included, the commanders did not try to stop the massacre…they were taken to the quarry between Deir Yassin and Giv’at Shaul, and murdered in cold blood… 12
The commander of the Haganah unit that controlled Deir Yassin after the massacre, Zvi Ankori, made this statement in the Israeli newspaper Davar:
I went into six to seven houses. I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed stomachs. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder.13
Have you seen any TV documentaries or any Hollywood movies about the Israeli terror of Deir Yassin or of many thousands of other Israeli acts of terror against the Palestinian people? You have heard plenty of violin music for Jewish victims of Hitler, but have you heard any violins for the women at Deir Yassin who had their babies cut from their wombs by Jewish Supremacists? Have you heard any violins for any of the other thousands of Palestinian victims of Begin, Shamir, Barak, and Sharon? Befitting Israel’s long record of terrorism against the Palestinian people, Israel has the nasty habit of electing its most notorious terrorists and mass murderers as its Head of State.
The United States has a whole division of the Justice Department dedicated to hunting down Nazis who have committed crimes against humanity. While America doggedly pursues elderly suspected German war criminals, American Presidents have state dinners honoring Jewish ones!
Mr. Bush is fond of talking about wiping out evil terrorists, yet was not a massacre such as Deir Yassin clearly an act of consummate evil?
As Begin points out in The Revolt, terror against Palestinians was a crucial factor in establishing Israel. It established the Jewish state and it truly set the tone for a half century of ongoing terror against the Palestinian people.
52 years of Ongoing Terror against Palestinians
Since 1948, Palestinians have faced ongoing terrorism from Israel. Hundreds of villages have been obliterated and literally wiped from the map. Tens of thousands of homes have been bombed, bull-dozed or dynamited during peacetime! Tens of thousands of men, women and children have been killed. Even greater numbers have been blinded, crippled, disfigured and maimed. Hundreds of thousands have been imprisoned and/or tortured.
In going after Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation, Israel has never been shy about bombing refugee camps full of women and children. Israeli tanks, helicopters and even jet fighters are used to drop bombs or fire missiles into the heart of Palestinian neighborhoods and refugee camps packed with women and children. These weapons cannot discriminate between a supposed terrorist or an eight-year-old little girl. Such a weapon can kill a child as surely as it can kill enemies of the state.
Palestinians suspected of actively opposing Israel’s occupation of the West Bank or Gaza, have had their homes and families attacked by Israeli tank cannons, missiles or bombs. And after their suspect is killed or imprisoned, the Israeli army bulldozes or dynamites their family’s home. Thousands of homes have been destroyed in this fashion.
Israel has also killed hundreds of Palestinian leaders by assassination and terroristic attacks. These attacks often kill innocent bystanders. Many of those assassinated have never been associated with any terror or violence of any kind; they simply were poets, writers, or clerics who by their words have inspired in their countrymen the desire for freedom. The Israeli Prime Minister previous to Ariel Sharon was Ehud Barak. In 1972, during peacetime between Israel and Lebanon, he led an Israeli commando death squad into Beirut, Lebanon where he personally murdered Palestinian writer Kamal Edwan. In the middle of the night, using silenced submachine guns, he and his team slaughtered Edwan while he slept in their bed. When the newly elected Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, came to New York and Washington, the Jewish-controlled press treated this murderer, as though he was a conquering hero.
The double standards never seem to end. When an Israeli cabinet official, Rechavam Zeevi, was assassinated by Palestinians in October of 2001, Sharon and some U.S. officials denounced it as “terrorism.” If the shooting down of Zeevi is indeed terrorism, what should we call many years of Israeli assassinations of hundreds of Palestinian political figures, philosophers, clerics and poets? Why doesn”t the press point out that Zeevi was himself a Jewish Supremacist who described Palestinians living and working illegally in Israel as “lice” and a “cancer in our midst.14″ Zeevi himself was a terrorist who advocated the forcible expulsion of all Palestinians from the occupied territories and the assassination of all those who resist Israel occupation. He even publicly called for the assassination of Yassir Arafat. Yet, the same press that calls his assassination “terrorism” never calls the pro-assassination Zeevi a terrorist or even a Jewish Supremacist. The Zeevi assassination itself was in direct response to the Israeli assassination of a Palestinian leader a few weeks before.
In 1991, at an Israeli cabinet meeting, Zeevi said that President George Bush, by pressing Israel to peace talks, was “an enemy of Israel” and that “America was plotting a second Holocaust.15″ With a supposed “ally” like this, does America need any enemies?
The power of the Jews in the world media keeps many from fully grasping the terror of hundreds of Israeli assassinations. In fact, even before the WTC terror attack in September, the BBC instructed their reporters to call Israel’s assassination of their enemies as “targeted killings” rather than exactly what they are: assassinations.16 However, the BBC (which has a heavily Jewish executive staff) referred to the Zeevi killing as an assassination, and not a “targeted killing.” The public has been subjected to this kind of sanitized and distorted media treatment of Israel for years. It is no wonder that few Britons and even fewer Americans are little aware of Israel’s record of terrorism. It is for this reason that I cannot blame most Americans for their ignorance of Israeli terrorism.
I could go on...