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Postby erolz » Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:25 pm

Leon wrote:What is your situation :?: Were you born and brought up in England :?:

I was.

Do you agree with the RoC that I am a cypriot citizen or do you disagree with it and claim that I am a Turk?
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Postby rotate » Fri Jun 03, 2005 2:12 pm

My GC wifes parents passports issued at Nicosia in the 1930's classify them both as "British Protected Leventine Turks". Their British Passports issued at Nicosia in the 1960's refer to them as "British Subjects". My mother in-laws final British Passport issued again at Nicosia in the 1980's states that she is a "British Citizen". Both of my wifes parents also held RoC passports stating that they were "Citizens of the RoC".

Be careful about the military service requirement in the RoC for people with one Cypriot parent as moves were made some years ago by the government of the RoC, in the interests of sexual equality to require anyone with one Cypriot parent male or female to serve a period of military service. At the time my son wrote to the Cypriot High Commision in London seeking clarification upon this but unfortunately received no reply. Whilst he had no objection to serving providing he received the full benefits and rights of Cypriot nationality it would have made a mess of the Phd course he was then in the middle of. If this change in the law was ever enacted I do not know but it may well surface again in the future.

On a lighter note although it was not funny at the time, we were stopped from boarding a flight at Paphos after a two week holiday in the late 1980's by a Passport Control Officer who insisted that my son then aged about 15 could not leave Cyprus without a clearence certificate? as he may not have returned for military service at age 18. Our surname is definately not Cypriot and neither I or our children held Cypriot nationality. My wife being Cypriot (God bless her) and always ready to argue her case launched into a terrific row with the Officer which resulted in our missing the flight. Finally the Officers boss turned up and the problem was resolved, there being no obligation for a child with a non-Cypriot father to undertake military service. Just as we thought the matter settled my son spoke up in perfect Greek saying that he was more than willing to stay in Cyprus and join the military! much to the amusement of the Passport Control Officers and the anger of my wife. This act of self sacrifice was possibly engendered more by his reluctance to return to the UK for his pending GCSE examination than by any sense of patriotic duty to his mothers country. l
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Postby garbitsch » Fri Jun 03, 2005 4:51 pm

Leon, my passport is TRNC passport and it says "You are Brazilian" on it. :roll:
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Postby Leon » Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:22 pm

erolz I think you're a Turk.

Look, my question still hasn't been properly answered, lol :lol:. If you're Turkish-Cypriot what does your passport say you are :?: Under nationality/citizen what does it say?

cannedmoose yes I am still classed as an over-seas Cypriot, even if it was just one of my grandparents that was Cypriot :!:

That's citizenship, which is different to nationality. I am a British citizen, but my nationality is half English and half Cypriot.

Leon :D.
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Postby erolz » Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:46 pm

Leon wrote:erolz I think you're a Turk.

My father was born in Cyprus. His father was born in Cyprus. His father was born in Cyprus and so on and so on. All my relations on my fathers side are Cypriot and most of them live and work in Cyprus, as did their partents and their parents parents and their parents parents parents. I live in Cyprus. I do not have realtives in Turkey. I do know Turkey. I do not even speak Turkish. I am not recognised by Turkey as a citizen of Turkey. I do not cosider myself Turkish. I have no connection to Turkey. The RoC government consider me Cypriot. However all this means nothing to you. To you I am a Turk. Does this not seem 'strange' to you in the slightest?

Leon wrote:Look, my question still hasn't been properly answered, lol :lol:. If you're Turkish-Cypriot what does your passport say you are :?: Under nationality/citizen what does it say?

I answered your question. I hold one passport and two nationalities and citizenships. The only passport I hold is a UK one and says under nationality 'British citizen'.

Leon wrote:cannedmoose yes I am still classed as an over-seas Cypriot, even if it was just one of my grandparents that was Cypriot :!:

Canned's point was that unless you can proove your Cypriot ancestory then the RoC does not consider you a Cypriot. As things currently stand the RoC considers me legaly a Cypriot and you not, untill and unless you proove to them that your father was a Cypriot. I am legaly recognised as a Cypriot by the RoC (having proved to them that my father was who I say he was and that he himself was born in Cyprus). You are not leglay recognised as a Cypriot by the RoC. Again to you none of this matters. You are Cypriot and I am a Turk.
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Postby suetoniuspaulinus » Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:15 pm

Mr garbitsch

Mr erolz

May I congratulate you on the swiftness with which you were able to change Nationality.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't laughed this loud since I don't know when :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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