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Postby insan » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:38 pm

Omer Seyhan wrote:
insan wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
insan wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:It makes no difference if its Eroglu, Cakici or Soyer or Denktash junior.... Ankara will dictate to its subordinate regime what solution it wants, when and how.

Its actually a good thing UBP being in power. Why? Because it will be easier to secure a YES vote in the referenda if the govt (which will be UBP) is backing it.

Omer; regarding the Cyprus problem, what divergence of opinion has been between TC and Turkish governments since mid 50s? Do u think TCs don't need political support of Turkish governments for a solution based on TC thesis? GC leadership ask political support of not only Greece but Russia, China, Serbia etc.; what's wrong with TC leadership askin Turkey's political support under the circumstances of last 50 years? Why do u call TC-Turkey relations as dictation of Turkey upon TCs? Weird indeed.

Gardash, they dont ask, they are directed by Ankara. If a T/C party came to power tomorrow with a different agenda to Ankara, then within 1 month, they'd U-turn on every policy. I guarantee you. This is what happened with CTP when it first came to power. Later CTP became a good Yalaka party.

Its power politics Insan, thats all. We have a saying in Turkish do we not: Parayı veren düdüğü çalar (who ever gives the money plays the tune...)

Gardash, when there's no divergence of opinion between TC leadership and Turkish governments, would there anything to be dictate? Whoever gives the money plays the tune is something valid for the relations between individuals not between Turkey and TCs.

The matter here is, we TCs asked the support of Turkey for our own interests in Cyprus. TCs had/have no any other alternatives to expect support. TCs have interests on Turkey. Turkey too has interests on Cyprus just like Greece, EU, US and Russia have. Turkey has interests on Russia too; and Russia has interests on Turkey too. Actually, GC should have interests on Turkey too but the historical animosity and Turcophobia; plus some internal developments in Turkey don't let them accept Turkey as a friendly country in the region and collaborate with her in various fields.

Do u reckon that have TCs not got financial support of Turkey, they would have accepted minority status and GC rule in Cyprus?

T/Cs did not want minority status in the RoC, yes - however it was not all the fault of the G/Cs, was it? Did TMT and Turkey not have a role? Did they not use threats, murder to force T/Cs to stop mixing with the "Gavurs"? (offensive term for Greeks)

Turkey arrived in 1974, but what it did was not a peace operation, and after it treated the T/Cs worse than its own minority. Turkey shipped in voters to make sure T/Cs never ever had a chance to elect their own party, they created the TRNC even though T/Cs did not want it or ask for it, they shipped in settlers that are now more than T/Cs and T/Cs face cultural assimilation; we have lost our vernacular. Turkey indeed gives money but it gives so many conditions too.

You were not saved by Turkey; you became her bitch.

It is true that under the circumstances of cold-war era and with a racist hatred TMT leadership and some fascist minded TMT members committed such crimes. However it is completely related with the dominant ideologly of TMT leadership that was far-right and right-wing dominated and the circumstances. It was also related with eductaional levels of TMT members and should not be confused with right-wing, left-wing clashes of the cold war era. Even had there been 2 seperate states on Cyprus, left-wing/right-wing clashes would still have occured on both sides of the island just like it had been taking place almost all around the world. What's the difference of a TMT man calling a TC leftist as "leftist dog" with calling a GC as "Greek dog" or "gavur"? Not much, eh? Even almost same.

What Turkey did in 1974 was a peace operation. Here again, u should not confuse what Turkey did with what some influential, strong political right wing groups of Turkey did with cooperation of TC right wing.

Ömer, I recommend to u to do a very comprehensive research regarding the gradual arrival of settlers. I'm sure that u will catch the perfect corrolation between the arrival of settlers and the circumstances of North. We, TCs needed them.

Had there been no settlers in North, not even 10.000 TCs would have remained in North.

Omer, 2+2=4. Under economic embargoes and TC bearing the frustration and heavy disappointment of the past 20-30 years on their shoulders, needed a helping hand of Turkish farmers both as a labour force in agricultural fields and a consuming population. Exploitation of their political will is a completely different issue and it happens in every less developed country or society. It's completely realted with the literacy of people.
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Postby insan » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:51 pm

Omer Seyhan wrote:
insan wrote:
Oracle wrote:
insan wrote:
Oracle wrote:
insan wrote:.... TC ruling class ....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

U went berserk one more time when faced realities? It opposes with ur little dream world and assumptions? :lol:

"Ruling class", insan!

Man (?), you are such an old fashioned, Imperialist fascist :lol: I can't help laughing at your stone-age politics :lol:

TC ruling class stands for all TCs that have influence on governing TC people and make policies to satisfy TC people. Ur little brain is not even capable to comprehend such an easy expression because according to u TCs r nothing but little parasites in ur little dream world; an imaginery place that is full of hatred towards anything realted Turkish.

Interesting... so you've moved away from a "ruling class that governs" to a ruling class that 'influences.' You get my point don't you? Go on admit it...

T/C politicians in the TRNC 'government' at the very best can only influence Turkish directives handed down to them; they have no real power as CTP found out and as UBP knows only too well.

We really do live in 10 Mersin Turkey! Believe it gardash!

Gardash, we r trying to survive under our own circumstances, that be sure anyone under our circumstances would face with such difficulties. The only alternative we had/have is accepting to be a minority in Greek ruled Cyprus. We didn't want it for any cost. "Gülü seven, dikenine katlanır." "one who loves roses should endure the thorns."
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Postby Oracle » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:12 am

insan wrote:What Turkey did in 1974 was a peace operation.

So speaks the forum idiot who does not know what True peace is.

True peace is not merely the 'absence' of war! Authoritarian regimes propping up armed forces to silence the native people and foresee civilians from their homes and livelihoods ..... Is this peace?

Hostilities continue ....
Last edited by Oracle on Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Omer Seyhan » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:13 am

insan wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
insan wrote:
Oracle wrote:
insan wrote:
Oracle wrote:
insan wrote:.... TC ruling class ....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

U went berserk one more time when faced realities? It opposes with ur little dream world and assumptions? :lol:

"Ruling class", insan!

Man (?), you are such an old fashioned, Imperialist fascist :lol: I can't help laughing at your stone-age politics :lol:

TC ruling class stands for all TCs that have influence on governing TC people and make policies to satisfy TC people. Ur little brain is not even capable to comprehend such an easy expression because according to u TCs r nothing but little parasites in ur little dream world; an imaginery place that is full of hatred towards anything realted Turkish.

Interesting... so you've moved away from a "ruling class that governs" to a ruling class that 'influences.' You get my point don't you? Go on admit it...

T/C politicians in the TRNC 'government' at the very best can only influence Turkish directives handed down to them; they have no real power as CTP found out and as UBP knows only too well.

We really do live in 10 Mersin Turkey! Believe it gardash!

Gardash, we r trying to survive under our own circumstances, that be sure anyone under our circumstances would face with such difficulties. The only alternative we had/have is accepting to be a minority in Greek ruled Cyprus. We didn't want it for any cost. "Gülü seven, dikenine katlanır." "one who loves roses should endure the thorns."

Thorns? More like daggers... Well, carry on enduring my friend if it makes you happy... But I won't endure such self-mutilation nor would I ask any T/C to. We do have an alternative, a reunited Cyprus where T/C participate in power sharing with all other Cypriots.
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Postby insan » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:19 am

Omer Seyhan wrote:
insan wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
insan wrote:
Oracle wrote:
insan wrote:
Oracle wrote:
insan wrote:.... TC ruling class ....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

U went berserk one more time when faced realities? It opposes with ur little dream world and assumptions? :lol:

"Ruling class", insan!

Man (?), you are such an old fashioned, Imperialist fascist :lol: I can't help laughing at your stone-age politics :lol:

TC ruling class stands for all TCs that have influence on governing TC people and make policies to satisfy TC people. Ur little brain is not even capable to comprehend such an easy expression because according to u TCs r nothing but little parasites in ur little dream world; an imaginery place that is full of hatred towards anything realted Turkish.

Interesting... so you've moved away from a "ruling class that governs" to a ruling class that 'influences.' You get my point don't you? Go on admit it...

T/C politicians in the TRNC 'government' at the very best can only influence Turkish directives handed down to them; they have no real power as CTP found out and as UBP knows only too well.

We really do live in 10 Mersin Turkey! Believe it gardash!

Gardash, we r trying to survive under our own circumstances, that be sure anyone under our circumstances would face with such difficulties. The only alternative we had/have is accepting to be a minority in Greek ruled Cyprus. We didn't want it for any cost. "Gülü seven, dikenine katlanır." "one who loves roses should endure the thorns."

Thorns? More like daggers... Well, carry on enduring my friend if it makes you happy... But I won't endure such self-mutilation nor would I ask any T/C to. We do have an alternative, a reunited Cyprus where T/C participate in power sharing with all other Cypriots.

As a minority? Just like Turks in Greece? Good luck, gardash. :)
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Postby turkkan » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:01 am

With 590 out of the total 620 polling stations votes in, UBP gets 44% of the vote, CTP gets 30% and DP 10%
translating into 26 MPs for UBP, 15 for CTP and 5 for DTP. Congratulations to UBP and hopefully they stick to their promise of placing one of their own people on the negotiating table along with talat.,4DC9D39D9 ... C53A9.html

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KKTC'de UBP tek başına iktidar
Giriş Saati : 19.04.2009 08:29
Güncelleme : 20.04.2009 00:28
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Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde (KKTC) bugün yapılan milletvekilliği erken genel seçimlerinde oyların yüzde 95'i sayıldı

KKTC genelindeki 620 sandıktan 590'ı açıldı.

KKTC genelinde toplam 5 ilçede, açılan 590 sandıktan çıkan oyların, seçim pusulasındaki sıralarına göre, siyasi partilere dağılımı, oy oranları ve çıkaracağı millevekili sayısı şöyle:

-Ulusal Birlik Partisi (UBP): 585.015 (yüzde 44,01) 26 milletvekili
-Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi (CTP): 387.717 (yüzde 29,17) 15 milletvekili
-Demokrat Parti (DP): 142.607(yüzde 10,73) 5 milletvekili
-Birleşik Kıbrıs Partisi (BKP): 31.981 (yüzde 2,41)
-Toplumcu Demokrasi Partisi (TDP): 90.837 (yüzde 6.83) 2 milletvekili
-Halk İçin Siyaset Partisi (HİS): 6.535 (yüzde 0,49)
-Özgürlük ve Reform Partisi (ÖRP): 83.841 (yüzde 6,31) 2 milletvekili

Bu sonuçlara göre, yüzde 5 olan ülke barajını aşan UBP, CTP, DDP, TDP ve ÖRP meclise giriyor.
KKTC Cumhuriyet Meclisinin 50 yeni üyesini belirlemek amacıyla saat 08.00'de başlayan oy verme işlemi saat 18.00'de sona erdi.

Kayıtlı 161 bin 373 seçmenin oy kullandığı seçimde, milletvekili olabilmek için 7 siyasi partiden 345, bağımsız olarak da 8 aday yarıştı.

Lefkoşa'da 50 bin 653, Gazimağusa'da 42 bin 325, Girne'de 30 bin 428, Güzelyurt'ta 21 bin 17 ve İskele'de de 16 bin 950 seçmen oy kullanabildi.

Kıbrıs Türk siyasi tarihinin 1976'dan beri 10. genel seçimi olan seçimde, seçmenlerin oyuna talip partiler, oy pusulalarındaki sıralarına göre şunlar:

Ulusal Birlik Partisi (UBP)
Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi (CTP)
Demokrat Parti (DP)
Birleşik Kıbrıs Partisi (BKP)
Toplumcu Demokrasi Partisi (TDP)
Halk İçin Siyaset Partisi (HİS)
Özgürlük ve Reform Partisi (ÖRP)
ÖRP ile TDP seçimlere ilk kez giriyor.

TDP, Toplumcu Kurtuluş Partisi (TKP) ile Barış ve Demokrasi Hareketi'nin (BDH) birleşmesiyle kuruldu. TKP, UBP ile yaptığı koalisyonda, 1998-2001 yılları arasında hükümette yer almıştı.


Seçimlerde, bölgelerin çıkaracağı milletvekili dağılımı ise şöyle:
Lefkoşa: 16
Gazimağusa: 13
Girne: 9
Güzelyurt: 6
İskele: 6
KKTC genelinde yüzde 5 seçim barajını aşan partilerle adaylar, oy oranına göre Mecliste temsil edilme şansı bulacak.


KKTC'de Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi (CTP) Genel Başkanı ve Başbakan Ferdi Sabit Soyer, bugün yapılan seçimin sonucunun partisinin lehine olacağına inandığını söyleyerek, "Kazanan Kıbrıs Türk halkı olmuştur, ilerleme olmuştur, bunun için mutluyum" dedi.

Başbakan Soyer ve eşi Dudu Soyer, oyunu Gazimağusa'daki Şehit Zeki Salih İlkokulunda kullandı. Okula gelişinde sandık ve güvenlik görevlileriyle tek tek tokalaşan Soyer, daha sonra eşiyle birlikte 64 no'lu sandıkta oyunu kullandı.

Soyer, oy vermesinin ardından basına yaptığı açıklamada şunları söyledi:

"Kıbrıs Türk halkının bu topraklarda, Kıbrıs'ın geleceğini belirlemeye hak sahibi bir halk olduğunu, demokratik yaşantısıyla, kurumsallaşmış yapısıyla bütün dünyaya yeniden kanıtlamasının mutluluğunu yaşıyorum.

Referandum hakkını kullanarak, bütün dünyaya Kıbrıs'ın geleceğinde Kıbrıslı Rumlar kadar adanın geleceğini belirlemeye hak sahibi, ehil ve yetkin bir halk olarak Kıbrıs Türk halkı, bu seçim dönemini oldukça demokratik, her türlü çatışmadan uzak bir şekilde geçirmiştir."

Kıbrıs Türk halkına, bütün siyasi partilere, Yüksek Seçim Kuruluna ve polis örgütüne teşekkür eden Soyer, "Elbette sonucun CTP lehine olacağına inanıyorum ama kazanan Kıbrıs Türk halkı olmuştur, ilerleme olmuştur, bunun için mutluyum ve geleceğe çok daha iyi sonuçlarla gideceğiz" diye konuştu.

Yorgun olup olmadığının sorulması üzerine Soyer, elbette yorgun olduğunu ama çok mutlu olduğunu ifade ederek, insanların yaşanan sıkıntıları aşmaya çalışan bir yapıda olduklarını gördüğünü söyledi.

Dudu Soyer de "Ben de çok mutluyum ve inşallah zafer bizim olacak diye düşünüyorum" dedi.

Gazimağusa ilçesinde bugün ayrıca, Ulusal Birlik Partisi (UBP) Genel Başkanı Derviş Eroğlu'nun ve Özgürlük ve Reform Partisi (ÖRP) Genel Başkanı Turgay Avcı'nın oy kullanması bekleniyor.

KKTC'deki oy verme işlemi 18.00'de sona erecek. Seçimlerde 7 siyasi parti yarışıyor.


KKTC Cumhurbaşkanı Mehmet Ali Talat, seçim kampanyası döneminde söylenen acı sözlerin unutulması ve geleceğe umutla bakılması gerektiğini söyledi.
Cumhurbaşkanı Talat, oyunu, eşi Oya Talat'la birlikte Girne 19 Mayıs Türk Maarif Kolejindeki 70 numaralı sandıkta kullandı.

Talat, yaptığı açıklamada, oy kullanma görevini yerine getirdiklerini belirterek, "Demokrasimiz için hayırlı olmasını diliyorum" dedi.

Kıbrıs Türk demokrasisinin çok yeni olmadığını, vatandaşların en sakin şekilde demokratik görevlerini yerine getirdiğini ifade eden Talat, "Dünyanın birçok ülkesinde seçim şiddet birlikte anılırken, KKTC'de, müteşekkirim ki tüm halkıma, böyle bir olay bugüne kadar neredeyse hiç olmamıştır. Aynı şekilde, bugün sakin bir seçim geçirip demokrasimizde bir dönüm noktasını daha aşmış olacağız. Bu seçim gerçekten önemli, her seçim gibi önemli" diye konuştu.

Seçim sonucunun Kıbrıs Türk halkının iradesini yansıtacağını belirten Cumhurbaşkanı Talat, şöyle devam etti:

"Bu iradenin güzel günlere, mutlu günlere yol açmasını diliyorum. Bugün halk konuşuyor. Bugüne kadar siyasiler konuştu. Büyük bir kampanya yürüttü siyasi partilerimiz. Bu kampanyalarında zaman zaman birbirlerine acı şeyler de söylediler. Yalnız unutulmamalıdır ki, yarın yine herkes birbirinin yüzüne bakacak, elini sıkacak. O nedenle kampanya döneminde söylenen acı sözler unutulmalı. Geleceğe umutla bakılmalı. Bugün de yine dostluk ve kardeşlik içinde bir seçim geçirerek yarın yüz yüze bakma, el sıkma, hükümet kurma vesaire hazırlıkları için hazır olunmalı, onun zemini hazırlanmalı. Bu açıdan seçimin hayırlı ve uğurlu olmasını diliyorum."

Cumhurbaşkanı Talat, oyunu ne şekilde kullandığının sorulması üzerine, "Oy biliyorsunuz gizlidir, o konuda bir açıklama yapılmaz" dedi.

Cumhurbaşkanı Talat, oyunu kullandıktan sonra, diğer sandıkları gezerek, görevlilerle selamlaştı ve oy kullanmak için gelen vatandaşlarla bir süre sohbet etti
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Postby The Cypriot » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:28 am

insan wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:Thorns? More like daggers... Well, carry on enduring my friend if it makes you happy... But I won't endure such self-mutilation nor would I ask any T/C to. We do have an alternative, a reunited Cyprus where T/C participate in power sharing with all other Cypriots.

As a minority? Just like Turks in Greece? Good luck, gardash. :)

It is the official policy of Turkey's government to pursue accession into the EU, an institution founded on the democratic traditions and cultural values of the ancient Greek civilisation. This will, in effect, render Turkey's Muslim citizens a minority, as their sovereignty will be pooled with an otherwise Christian-dominated club. The population ratio will be something like 12% Turkish Muslim to 88% European.

What's that all about?

And see if you can answer without resorting to New World Order paranoia.
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Postby turkkan » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:35 am

As if its about being muslim or christian. Our differences are not religious in cyprus but more ethnic in origin. In your hypothetical scenario where turkey joins the EU, turks will still decide how they run their country provided they abide by a few EU wide laws, there is no comparison to a situation like cyprus where via direct votes you can change internal laws at the expense of the will of a minority. You cant compare the EU to one big country. The only reason we demand what we demand is because we have the might to do so and it is better for us to be in that position then at the mercy of a large majority. Especially one who has always been hostile to us.
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Postby insan » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:38 am

The Cypriot wrote:
insan wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:Thorns? More like daggers... Well, carry on enduring my friend if it makes you happy... But I won't endure such self-mutilation nor would I ask any T/C to. We do have an alternative, a reunited Cyprus where T/C participate in power sharing with all other Cypriots.

As a minority? Just like Turks in Greece? Good luck, gardash. :)

It is the official policy of Turkey's government to pursue accession into the EU, an institution founded on the democratic traditions and cultural values of the ancient Greek civilisation. This will, in effect, render Turkey's Muslim citizens a minority, as their sovereignty will be pooled with an otherwise Christian-dominated club. The population ratio will be something like 12% Turkish Muslim to 88% European.

What's that all about?

And see if you can answer without resorting to New World Order paranoia.

EU democracy is based on consociationalism, ma dear. Even the so-called RoC with a tiny population, has a veto power in EU. I have no problem with consociational democracy anywhere on this planet earth. :wink: I have no problems with Hellenic values of ancient Greeks either.
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Postby The Cypriot » Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:10 am

turkkan wrote:As if its about being muslim or christian. Our differences are not religious in cyprus but more ethnic in origin.

ethnic differences were born out of religioud differences.

turkkan wrote: In your hypothetical scenario where turkey joins the EU,

Turkey's policy to join EU is real not hypothetical.

turkkan wrote:turks will still decide how they run their country provided they abide by a few EU wide laws,

A few? And some of these laws are pretty fundamental. And will alter the way Turkey is run forever.

turkkan wrote:there is no comparison to a situation like cyprus where via direct votes you can change internal laws at the expense of the will of a minority.

there is a very real comparison. You're just having problems getting your head round it.

turkkan wrote: You cant compare the EU to one big country.

Don't see why not. It is, after all, a union.

turkkan wrote: The only reason we demand what we demand is because we have the might to do so

What an admission! Things don't quite work like that in the EU. It's less about demands and might, more about consensus and persuasion.

turkkan wrote: and it is better for us to be in that position then at the mercy of a large majority. Especially one who has always been hostile to us.

I think you need to take a look at yourself, and your 'might is right' attitude. It might explain people's hostility.
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