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Postby halil » Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:15 pm

To Greek Cypriot friends i recommend to read Greek version of this book to understand the Turkish Cypriots better.

Themos Dimitriu

Sotiris Vlahos
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Postby Kifeas » Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:23 pm

halil wrote:To Greek Cypriot friends i recommend to read Greek version of this book to understand the Turkish Cypriots better.

Themos Dimitriu

Sotiris Vlahos

You mean the same people that yesterday went ahead and "voted" a grey wolf?

Halil, when will you also carve and shape each of the five finger peaks into Selim Sultan, Lala Mustafa, Mustafa Kemal, Ecevit and Rauf Denktash busts, akin the mountain of the presidents in the US? You know, I will not be surprise at all to I see you doing this as well, one day! Make sure they are large enough, so that they can be seen from across the sea, to thank your “brothers” for “saving” you.
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Postby Kifeas » Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:26 pm

Halil, do you know what the word “kitsch” means? Do you have such a word in Turkish?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:44 am

halil wrote:To Greek Cypriot friends i recommend to read Greek version of this book to understand the Turkish Cypriots better.

Does understanding the Turkish Cypriots mean that they’ll hand back the illegally occupied land and properties? If not, then why should we bother to understand them?
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Postby Raymanoff » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:47 am

TCs just committed a public suicide, this proves a vast spread stupidity of these poor people... jeez, i need a refill.
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Postby halil » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:55 am

How many votes they got from the Voters.

Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, 17.003
Hüseyin Özgürgün, 17.103
Şerife Ünverdi, 17.002
Ersin Tatar, 16.750
Hasan Taçoy, 16.690
Zorlu Töre, 16275
Ali Çetin Amcaoğlu, 16625
İrsen Küçük 16.381

Sibel Siber, 11950
Özdil Nami, 11510
Ozkan Yorgancıoğlu, 11189
Mustafa Yektaoğlu, 11058
Kadri Fellahoğlu 10960

Mustafa Arabacıoğlu, 5486
Serdar Denktaş 5044

Mehmet Çakıcı 4235

Kemal Dürüst, 8527
Ahmet Çaluda, 8155
Mutlu Atasayan, 8023
Türkay Tokel 7990

Fatma Ekenoğlu, 4781
Mehmet Çağlar 4747


Nazım Çavuşoğlu, 5509
Ahmet Zengin, 5531
Aliriza Usluer 5378

Önder Sennaroğlu 3336

Ejder Aslanbaba 2107

Mustafa Gökmen 1928


Derviş Eroğlu, 13776
Ahmet Kaşif, 13950
Ersan Saner, 13848
Sunat Atun, 13628
Afet Özcafer, 13373
Ahmet Eti 13552

Ferdi Sabit Soyer, 10237
Teberrüken Uluçay, 10370
Sonay Adem, 10059
Ali Gulle 10130

Ertuğrul Hasipoğlu 3661

Mustafa Emiroğluları 2422

Turgay Avcı 3523

Hasan Bozer, 11335
İlkay Kamil, 11126
Ergün Serdaroğlu, 11358
Ünal Üstel, 11230
Necdet Numan 10997

Abbas Sınay, 7310
Ömer Kalyoncu, 6763
Salih İzbul 6987

Mehmet Tancer 2491
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:48 am

halil wrote:To Greek Cypriot friends i recommend to read Greek version of this book to understand the Turkish Cypriots better.

Themos Dimitriu

Sotiris Vlahos

Halil, was the original version of this book in Greek, and is this the Turkish translation? Is this book widely available in bookshops in the north just now?
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Postby halil » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:07 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
halil wrote:To Greek Cypriot friends i recommend to read Greek version of this book to understand the Turkish Cypriots better.

Themos Dimitriu

Sotiris Vlahos

Halil, was the original version of this book in Greek, and is this the Turkish translation? Is this book widely available in bookshops in the north just now?

Yes Tim ,
it is available . I got copy of it .
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:26 am

halil wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
halil wrote:To Greek Cypriot friends i recommend to read Greek version of this book to understand the Turkish Cypriots better.

Themos Dimitriu

Sotiris Vlahos

Halil, was the original version of this book in Greek, and is this the Turkish translation? Is this book widely available in bookshops in the north just now?

Yes Tim ,
it is available . I got copy of it .

The name of the book in Greek is:
η προδομένη εξέγερση

I want to get a copy of the Turkish version next time I am in the north. It looks interesting. Thanks for the recommendation.
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Postby halil » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:35 am

16 Doctors in TRNC parliment.

Dr. Sibel Siber
Dr. Mustafa Yektaoğlu
Dr. Fatma Ekenoğlu
Dr. Abbas Sınay
Dr. Salih İzbul
Dr. Arif Albayrak
Dr. Mustafa Arabacıoğlu
Dr. Ertuğrul Hasipoğlu
Dr. Mehmet Arif Tancer
Dr. Mehmet Çakıcı.
Dr. Derviş Eroğlu
Dr. Hasan Bozer
Dr. Ergun Serdaroğlu
Dt. Unal Üstel
Dr. Turgay Avcı
Dt. Şerife Ünverdi
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