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Postby Jerry » Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:04 pm

The problem with "trnc" politics is that the party in power always gets blamed for the north's economic shambles, in reality the TCs suffer because they have not come to terms with the fact that they cannot survive alone. They need to get back with the GCs on terms that are fair to both sides or submit to Turkey.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:44 pm

insan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:UBP wants mandate from people ‘to be in the government alone’
The General Chairman of the main opposition National Unity Part (UBP) Dervis Eroglu has asked the North Cyprus electorate to give the Party a mandate “To be in the government alone.” Official publicity has now started, in accordance with the election calendar that allowed Eroglu to make a statement at a press conference held, with the general election candidates at the Party’s headquarters. He stated that the Party would work so that a ‘clean’ publicity campaign would take place that the people deserve. The UBP would obey the resolutions of the Supreme Election Board (YSK), said Eroglu, doing everything they could in order to ensure that an elite publicity campaign without exuberance, provocation and accusation would take place – one that the people deserve. He also stated that they had visited Dr. Fazil Kucuk’s Mausoleum, Ataturk’s monument and the Memorial of Martyrs. “The country is going through difficult times and the people, who have financial and social problems, worry for the future,” Eroglu said. He then referred to the development and change projects which the Party put forward in their election statements and said that they would explain them to the electorate via radio, TV and through advertisements.

Time for national unity

Stating that, “The game is over, now it is time for national unity,” Eroglu argued that all the opinions and ideas of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) between 2003 and 2009 turned out to be lies. “They make the opposite of what they had said,” he argued. Dervis Eroglu said that it was “time for national unity” because: “For the truth to take the place of lies; for the destruction in the economy to be overcome; for the development and new projects that will carry our economy into the future; and bringing natural gas, electricity and water from Turkey; for the colleges to be opened; for increasing our influence on the Cyprus issue; for a lasting and fair solution.” Arguing that the public opinion polls have shown that “the UBP was at least 15 points ahead of its nearest rival,” Eroglu said: “We will be in the government alone according to the data at hand. We ask for authorisation from our citizens to be in the government alone. Why to be in the government alone? Because, unfortunately, coalition governments cannot be as fruitful as they want to be. There are very important things to do.”

“We will be in the government alone according to the data at hand. We ask for authorisation from our citizens to be in the government alone. Why to be in the government alone? Because, unfortunately, coalition governments cannot be as fruitful as they want to be."

So, the UBP does not like to share power with anyone else. They believe in Majority Rule.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

This argument must kill those who insists equal power sharing with the RoC. I actually agree with the UBP. There can only be one driver driving the car at any one time. If you add the second steering wheel, you will have a crash, or 1963 all over again.

If a society is not politically and intellectually mature enough, be sure of that the majority rule turns into a majority tyranny like GC community attempted in 1963 but failed. :lol:

Moreover, according to ur immature logic; had the population ratio of 2 communities been equal, it would have been impossible for 2 communities to rule Cyprus together where power was shared 50/50. Kikapu, plz check ur brain and logic for obvious errors. :lol:

If a society is not politically and intellectually mature enough, be sure of that the majority rule turns into a majority tyranny like GC community attempted in 1963 but failed. :lol:

So what was the answer for not having a politically mature people in Cyprus, you set them on a collision course with Racist and Political inequality constitution and the results are well documented. Can we agree that, that experiment was a total failure, and before you start pointing fingers as to who may have been at fault, it really does not matter, because the experiment had already failed.!

But when one has a politically equals for all people, as in Democracies in the West, the majority does not become a "tyrant". On the contrary, it is the minorities in non Democratic countries who become "Tyrants" in order to control the majority. you have gotten your views wrong way around I'm afraid. Political majority/minority is only based on political ideology and not on ethnicity. You always want to divide the ethnic groups into being separate but equal politically at 50-50 no matter what their percentage is in Cyprus. This can never work and has not worked and will not work. Only political parties at 50-50 may work, but that percentage is never absolute, because just like the Sand Dunes, it is constantly shifting it's political landscape. Once you give any ethnic groups 50-50 power structure, you are asking for disaster.

Moreover, according to ur immature logic; had the population ratio of 2 communities been equal, it would have been impossible for 2 communities to rule Cyprus together where power was shared 50/50. Kikapu, plz check ur brain and logic for obvious errors. :lol:

That is correct. You cannot have a successful 50-50 ruling when you have 2 ethnic groups who are at the driving wheel at the same time. This is like having 2 steering wheels. It does not work. What works is, is to have one political group in charge at one time regardless who supports them from which ethnic group. Show me a country where one ethnic group (50%) can veto another ethnic group (50%) at 50-50 government between ethnic groups. This can only happen in political ideology parties however. We are not talking about a coalition governments, which there is only one leader or Driver of the car if you like, and all the other groups in the coalition operate parts of the car as it's driven, like the turn signals, brakes, the horn, the windshield wipers and so on, but ONLY one person is driving the car.! There cannot be any other way, since you are never, never , never going to get exactly 50-50 ethnic groups in any one country, so then how do you want to have 50-50 government, when you cannot have 50-50 ethnic groups.! One should forget ethnicity and focus only on citizenship and nationality to run a country, which then it does not matter whether the leader is from a majority ethnic group or from the minority ethnic group, because the leader is a Cypriot and that's all that is needed, nothing else.!
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Postby Raymanoff » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:51 pm

submit to Turkey? i thought it happened 30 years ago already...
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Postby halil » Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:26 pm


As preparations continue for early general elections on the 19th of April, TRNC High Electoral Commission has put the number of registered electorates as nearly 162 thousand.

According to a statement issued by the Commission, a total of 161.373 voters throughout the republic will be eligible to cast their ballots in the election.

In its statement, the Commission said that the number of voters includes registrations after reaching decision on applications and objections against the list of voters announced earlier.

On the 18th of February, TRNC Parliament has decided to hold early general elections on the 19th of April.
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Postby halil » Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:17 pm

Turkish Cypriot public was engaged today coming election poll results ...

According to new survey UBP increased 44,6 %

CTP: 27,4 %

DP: 12%

TDP:7,4 %

ÖRP:4,8 %

BKP and Yasemin movement:2,5 %

HIS:0,9 %

according to above result in 50 member of the parliment


by looking above result UBP could be alone in the goverment or there will be coalation between parties .

Some people says it might be partnership
between UBP and CTP and this goverment will get strong support from public .and decisions can be reflect majority of the TC's ....Is it possible ..... I don't think so .... we will see ... what will happen in two weeks time .
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Postby halil » Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:59 am


The three candidates, two from the Iskele constituency and one from the Girne constituency, announced their decision to withdraw from the 19th of April Parliamentary elections.

The Supreme Electoral Council has approved the 3 candidates’ decision to withdraw.

The three candidates are Abdullah Altuntaş and Ali Sanatkar from Iskele and Gülten Demircanlı from Girne.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:16 pm

Any latest polls halil?
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Postby halil » Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:15 pm

Bananiot wrote:Any latest polls halil?

above poll was latest one . according to election law no more can be publish from that day . Polls are goes on everyday by phones to directly to people homes . in these days everyone claims they are leading ... we will see very soon .

Denktas wants to win

More than 300 new members attended the public meeting of the Democratic Party (DP) which is making preparations for the General Elections on 19 April. The DP stated that badges were given to citizens by Chairman Serdar Denktas at a ceremony held in Kyrenia Vuni Palace Hotel last week. The party’s Kyrenia District Chairman Mustafa Ozdegirmenci and Kyrenia MP Candidates as well as party members attended the acceptance ceremony and which “turned out to be a show of force.” Serdar Denktas stated that the DP was growing like a ‘snowball’ and the people will be saved from many uncertainties under a DP government. “The DP has never lied to the people, it told the truth to the people and will continue to tell the truth” said Denktas, expressing that establishing a modern and powerful structure to compete with the world in every area was their goal when they return to government. “The old ones, the UBP and the ineffective CTP cannot do that. We will do this as the DP,” said Serdar Denktas and he criticised the UBP and the CTP, while he argued that the DP will win the support of the Turkish Cypriot people.

How dare they!

The Republican Turkish Party-United Forces (CTP-BG) held a demonstration in Mehmetcik on Monday 6 April. Ferdi Sabit Soyer stated that the UBP did not want to give the Turkish Cypriot people the right to the referendum in 2004, saying: “How dare they apply to be in the government today?” He added that no one could divide the CTP-BG. Stating that the Turkish Cypriot people could not be tricked with promises that would not come true; Soyer argued that those who did not serve the Turkish Cypriot people over the past 30 years neither on the Cyprus issue, nor on other issues could be trusted to help the community. Soyer said he expected his party to win the elections as they were committed to the advancement of the Turkish Cypriot economy.

The future’s with UBP

Dervis Eroglu of the National Unity Party (UBP) has said that “His party was a party that followed modern developments, put them into effect and the party of the future.”
UBP’s Degirmenlik public meeting was held on Friday 3 April when Nicosia District Chairman Hasan Tacoy introduced the party candidates. Dervis Eroglu argued that “The CTP administrators stole five years from the people, destroyed the economy, dragged down its people, just to fill their own pockets.” He promised that all those who bankrupted the state would be removed and his party will serve the needs of the people and repair the damage to the economy when they come to power after 19 April.
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Postby halil » Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:19 pm

Talat predicts no change in strategy under new government,
These are National Policies not Personal Policies.
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Postby halil » Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:08 am

Citizenship debate on ADA TV

Citizenship becomes a hot topic as candidates debate their policies on ADA TV. Candidates from two of the main parties in North Cyprus put across their differing views on the contentious “citizenship issue”.

Vote winning formulas and planned polices were top of the agenda for Deputy candidate Zorlu Tore of the UBP and a candidate of CTP, Doctor Okan Dagli during a debate on the “citizenship issue” on ADA TV.
Tore said that when his party come to power they would confirm the citizenship of people who have deserved it. Dagli, however, said that nobody would become a citizen unless it was in the interest of the state.
During the debate Tore said: “Refusing to give people the right of citizenship to those who deserve it means refusing to fulfil the requirements of state administration. Even in the European Union, people become citizens in five years. This issue is directly related to human rights.”
Dagli responded saying: “There is not such a thing as a ‘deserved citizenship right’. People gain the right to apply to become a citizen. However, the state may approve the applications of some people if it is necessary. Citizenship is intervention to political will and we do not want this.”

Promises of UBP do not fit the realities of the TRNC

Dagli continued by saying that the government’s plans are already apparent and that the promises in the election manifesto of the UBP do not fit the realities of the country.
“The UBP claims that 6,000 civil servants are employed in state offices; the current deficit and budget expenses have increased because of these recruitments. The biggest share of current expenses goes to transfers and salary payments,” he said.
There have been no mistakes in the recruitments in state offices, said Dagli and continued: “The population of our country increases and recruitment to the state offices is necessary. Together with the increase in population, schools have grown so that we employ 659 teachers, 660 police officers, 350 nurses for the new hospital in Famagusta and 150 people for the disabled quota. These figures are almost 2,000 of the 3,690 total recruitments in state offices. They are necessary for the growing communities.”

The framework

Tore stressed that the CTP government fell behind on the Cyprus issue and added that the UBP have always supported an agreement and worked with this aim throughout their period in power. He added that an agreement should be achieved in order to protect the existence of two states, claiming that all the opinion polls show the public preference was leaning in that direction.

Dagli said on this issue: “The CTP seeks a possible approach for the solution in the Cyprus dispute. There is a framework for this solution and we work within the frame of a United Federal Cyprus. Negotiations have been held within this frame for 30 years. Both sides have very different demands but they are not valid demands. A possible solution is a compromise with the whole world. These things are not done as you want or I want.” ... berID=2808

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