Get Real! wrote:Why some people are just too stupid to own a computer…miltiades wrote:It must be recognized, understood, accepted and declared – repeatedly – that those terrorizing the people of Iraq are not US and coalition forces but those of a totalitarian and oppressive ideology affiliated with al Qaeda.
American cowards killing injured
American Soldiers having fun Killing Civilians in Iraq
American Soldiers Kill Wounded Iraqi
American Soldiers Celebrating Destroying A Mosque
U.S soldiers doing what they do in Iraq
American tank smashing a taxi
American soldiers shoot at a civilian bus in Iraq
Regards, GR.
Since the Al Qaeda representative brought this subject up lets have another go.
I wonder if this plonker hates America

Not once has this psychopath posted one word of condemnation when the savages blow themselves up killing hundreds of innocent civilians , men women and children, any where they can find them , markets , buses, mosques , funeral processions they are not too fussy as long as they take as many as possible to ..heavens with them !!