Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:I also seem to recall how you were
gloating about Russia's invasion of Georgia which unfortunately exposes your
double standards and
undermines your debating skill.

I criticized Shakasville, the foolish Georgian president for being stupid enough to establish such a close relation with the US on Russia’s doorstep!
In fact, he even had dreams of joining NATO and hosting US bases in Georgia so I deservedly gave him the idiot of the year award.
So how can you interpret the above as gloating about Russia’s military response?
I would have thought that a sovereign nation has the right to establish alliances with whoever they desire, otherwise they are not completely sovereign as Cyprus is
not completely a sovereign state and never has been.
Judging by your response, the coalition would then be fully justified in invading Iran due to her ever expanding strategic capabilities so close to Saudi Arabia, Israel and other NATO installations? The US would also be justified in invading Cuba and it almost did during the Bay of Pigs crisis which nearly caused a nuclear holocaust.
I won't even mention what your statement does for Turkey's justification in invading Cyprus as it always had a close alliance with Greece, right on Turkey's Doorstop and thus fully surrounding Turkey with potentially hostile forces...