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Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:49 pm

purdey wrote:Forget second hand stories, rumours. There is no substitute for been there seeing and talking to the locals.
Granted things have changed in the last few years but in the early days coalition forces were greeted with open arms by locals in both countries.

They were indeed until the shit hit the fan .
We saw the Iraqis celebrating the downfall of their oppressor , Sadam the Butcher of Iraq. Then the savages appeared , suicide bombers , that is when the shit hit the fan .
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Postby Oracle » Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:54 pm

miltiades wrote:
purdey wrote:Forget second hand stories, rumours. There is no substitute for been there seeing and talking to the locals.
Granted things have changed in the last few years but in the early days coalition forces were greeted with open arms by locals in both countries.

They were indeed until the shit hit the fan .
We saw the Iraqis celebrating the downfall of their oppressor , Sadam the Butcher of Iraq. Then the savages appeared , suicide bombers , that is when the shit hit the fan .

Blind fool! ... You saw the FILMED (and what is the USA good for, if not making films :roll: ) .... celebrations of Saddam's downfall ... the reality could be a whole different kettle of fish, or are you too dumb and unquestioning to test what you were force-fed!
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Postby purdey » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:12 am

People were genuine with there welcome of coalition forces, I never saw it on film but was there. I realise it is of no interest as people genrally see what they want to see, blind leading the blind springs to mind.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:14 am

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
purdey wrote:Forget second hand stories, rumours. There is no substitute for been there seeing and talking to the locals.
Granted things have changed in the last few years but in the early days coalition forces were greeted with open arms by locals in both countries.

They were indeed until the shit hit the fan .
We saw the Iraqis celebrating the downfall of their oppressor , Saddam the Butcher of Iraq. Then the savages appeared , suicide bombers , that is when the shit hit the fan .

Blind fool! ... You saw the FILMED (and what is the USA good for, if not making films :roll: ) .... celebrations of Saddam's downfall ... the reality could be a whole different kettle of fish, or are you too dumb and unquestioning to test what you were force-fed!

The mad scientist strikes again. What we saw in the Western world was not reality but fiction created by the evil West , Iraqis celebrating the downfall of their beloved hero Saddam were not Iraqis but film extras , the bloody American daxtilo at it again !! Hey stupid , with friends like you Cyprus needs no enemies you have been providing enough for the last 2 years but you just cant see it old girl , what a bloody waste !!
Thousands of Shia Muslims gassed , men shot for no other reason than refusing to hand their wives over to this tyrant , and yet our own mad scientist calls the whole thing an American Film !!
I'm a fool for believing that the fall of this ... benevolent autocrat !!! was indeed a joyous event , as seen on our screens , but on the contrary it was a tragic event !! What a load of scientific cobblers !!
Grow up woman .
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:20 am

miltiades wrote:The mad scientist strikes again. What we saw in the Western world was not reality but fiction created by the evil West , Iraqis celebrating the downfall of their beloved hero Saddam were not Iraqis but film extras , the bloody American daxtilo at it again !! Hey stupid , with friends like you Cyprus needs no enemies you have been providing enough for the last 2 years but you just cant see it old girl , what a bloody waste !!

Correction: SOME Iraqis (about 30!) were pulling down a statue of S.Hussein, that were aired over and over by American TV networks like CNN, ABC, FOX, and others, run by the billionaire media magnate Rupert Murdoch!

Find out more about him here… ... 22948.html
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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:17 am

Oracle wrote:
Zorba wrote:So,is it true that if the Americans did not get involved in Iraq and Afghanistan,these countries would be better off and happier ?

I know from a New scientist article that Afghanistan was set to become oil rich ... shortly before USA invaded! .... and I know from a Postdoc friend that things were finally looking up in Iraq under Saddam Hussein! ..... shortly before USA invaded! ... so from my personal associations with these places, things were starting to look good for these countries ... unfortunately, shortly before the USA invaded! .... :( Coincidence? ... or enforced deliberate USA subversion?

What ever they say about Saddam, he used a big stick but he kept the place in order. Now that he's gone the Iraqis are dropping like flies.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:28 am

miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
purdey wrote:Forget second hand stories, rumours. There is no substitute for been there seeing and talking to the locals.
Granted things have changed in the last few years but in the early days coalition forces were greeted with open arms by locals in both countries.

They were indeed until the shit hit the fan .
We saw the Iraqis celebrating the downfall of their oppressor , Saddam the Butcher of Iraq. Then the savages appeared , suicide bombers , that is when the shit hit the fan .

Blind fool! ... You saw the FILMED (and what is the USA good for, if not making films :roll: ) .... celebrations of Saddam's downfall ... the reality could be a whole different kettle of fish, or are you too dumb and unquestioning to test what you were force-fed!

The mad scientist strikes again. What we saw in the Western world was not reality but fiction created by the evil West , Iraqis celebrating the downfall of their beloved hero Saddam were not Iraqis but film extras , the bloody American daxtilo at it again !! Hey stupid , with friends like you Cyprus needs no enemies you have been providing enough for the last 2 years but you just cant see it old girl , what a bloody waste !!
Thousands of Shia Muslims gassed , men shot for no other reason than refusing to hand their wives over to this tyrant , and yet our own mad scientist calls the whole thing an American Film !!
I'm a fool for believing that the fall of this ... benevolent autocrat !!! was indeed a joyous event , as seen on our screens , but on the contrary it was a tragic event !! What a load of scientific cobblers !!
Grow up woman .

Miltiades why can't you post some facts instead of such nonsense, you sound like a broken record.

Toppling the statue of Saddam Hussein was a staged event, by U.S. soldiers, for the media. A Reuters long-shot of Firdos Square where the statue was located (see below) shows that the Square was nearly empty when Saddam was torn down. The Square was sealed off by the U.S. military. The 200 people milling about were U.S. Marines, international press and Iraqis. However, the media portrayed it as an event of the Iraqi people.


An American military vehicle actually pulled down the statue. Marine Corporal Ed Chin, who temporarily placed a U.S. flag over Saddam's face, became an instant media celebrity. His sister, Connie, appeared on the "Today" show and spoke with her brother via a video hook-up.

[edit]Military Admits Statue Toppling was a Psyops Stunt
On Point, a US army report on lessons learned from the war, notes that it was a Marine colonel, not Iraqi civilians, who decided to topple the statue. "We moved our [tactical PSYOP team] TPT vehicle forward and started to run around seeing what they needed us to do to facilitate their mission," states a U.S. military officer involved in the operation. "There was a large media circus at this location (I guess the Palestine Hotel was a media center at the time), almost as many reporters as there were Iraqis, as the hotel was right adjacent to the Al-Firdos Square. The Marine Corps colonel in the area saw the Saddam statue as a target of opportunity and decided that the statue must come down." The pyschological team used loudspeakers to encourage Iraqi civilians to assist, packed the scene with Iraqi children, and stepped in to readjust the props when one of the soldiers draped an American flag over the statue. "God bless them, but we were thinking from PSYOP school that this was just bad news," the officer reported. "We didn't want to look like an occupation force, and some of the Iraqis were saying, 'No, we want an Iraqi flag!' So I said 'No problem, somebody get me an Iraqi flag.'
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Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:02 am

Are you talking about the nonsensical and rather stupid signature of yours ?

Here are some facts about your Hero Saddam , you and the other Plonker so much support.
Do read it . ... _1979-2003
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Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:13 am

Here are a few links ...eulogising the hero of the Plonkers who are so concerned that the downfall of Saddam was not a joyous event for the Iraqis !! ... ddams.html
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Postby Jerry » Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:14 am

I'm sure that if the Iraqis knew what was going to happen after the invasion of their country they would not have been as welcoming. Saddam was a murdering bastard but he kept a form of order. There can be little doubt that many more people have died in Iraq because of the conflict than would have under Saddam - not just through war but disease and malnutrition. There is a greater justification for British "intervention" in Zimbabwe or north Cyprus than there even was in Iraq. America's phucking poodle, that's what we are! How did they repay us, by selling us dodgy investments and brinking the world to the edge of bankrupcy.
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