I was responding to Viewpoints allegations and expressed desires for things to come out in such a way so that the TCs end up achieving the partition they have been working and hoping for.
do you ever take the time to read and understand my posts? I have tried to explain myself time and time again yet you insist on not seeing an alternative viewpoint which is fuelled by your own GC administrations actions, they are moving towards partition, if you want to give us this present of recognised then thats your choice continue as you are your doing a great job.
If it worries you as you have said so, then the best way is to make sure you and the TCs do not gear things towards a partition, so that the GCs will have no reason to arm themselves up to the hilt.
Is this a threat? dont consider or even discuss parititon or we will arm ourselves and start a war, thats a great way of looking at things, any war that the south in an insane moment starts they will loose heavily and even the whole island. You should remove war from your brain you seem to be thinking the same as Piratis.
Instead of talking about arming and war and how much you are against recognised partition lobby your administration to get both sides around the table call Talats bluff and see what happens, unless Papadop has other ideas like another term in office, for him even our flag is a problem let alone tollerating the fact that he will have to share with TCs.