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Would a New Referendum be Wellcome?

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Postby nathar » Fri May 07, 2004 8:17 am

Diplomatic sources speak of a second referendum
Would a new referendum be wellcome?
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Postby Piratis » Fri May 07, 2004 5:05 pm

New referendum on what?
For the same plan???

Our politicians better make sure that the next plan they put for referendum will be one that will be voted by the majority.

Our answer for this particular plan was loud and clear.

When they change all those things that caused this plan to be rejected it can be put in a referendum again.
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Postby nathar » Fri May 07, 2004 5:55 pm

Your message is loud but not clear..................
Have you read the plan?
If yes please point out the points that caused the "no" vote by mentioning the articles you refer to
Further your opinion will be more specific if you explain the changes of specific articles that need to change according to your conclusions on the rejection
Last but not least how you think we can succeed in our demands taking into consideration all parameters as if you solve a multi equation problem.
With specific opinions from civilians like you and me and many others that spend time to deal deeply and not superficially with the problem out of love for our country and with vision, the general opinion, even our leaders can be assisted and encouraged as to make public the realistic expectations we have from the international community (including EE) regarding our problem
I read many of your posts and I realise that you are a mostly energetic member of our society and I would appreciate your analysis on specific articles of the plan
No antagonism is there but a mutual care for the best and willingness for a cool dialogue!
You can use page nos as well if that facilitates your approach.
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Postby Piratis » Fri May 07, 2004 7:40 pm

If you have a look at the forums you will find many direct quotes from the plan.
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Postby Piratis » Fri May 07, 2004 7:50 pm

Your message is loud but not clear..................

OXI = NO = NIET = NEIN = NON = 不

Everybody has his own reasons. If 76% of Greek Cypriots are just stupid, it still doesn't matter. The answer is "no" and it should be clear to everybody. Bringing back the exact same plan (even with minor changes) is an offense to the people of Cyprus that overwhelmingly rejected this plan.
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Postby nathar » Sat May 08, 2004 12:59 am

you divert the answer as to whether you read the Annan plan and avoid any direct answer on the matter by indicating that a lot of quotes of the plan are posted (ommiting the fact that those quotes are personal interpretations of occasional responsible or unresponsible reference to the plan by a third person)
well who am I to judge your "arguments " as non concrete ones
but on the other hand you don't make even an effort to predict the future, or to put this future in an international frame, to express what you expect , from your leaders and copatriots.
we don't assist neither ourselves nor our country by just saying that never mind the reasons, the 76% is there
this is a very adolescent behaviour and adolescents have no right to vote
let's grow up and realise that we must have ambition, strategic vision, ability to take advantage of opportunities and alternatives upon rejection
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Postby Piratis » Sat May 08, 2004 1:28 am

I read a lot of the Annan plan and you can find direct quotes from the plan in here. I don't feel like start discussing everything from the beginning again.

True, I didn't read all 9000 pages (you did?) but what I read was enough.

If you start reading the ingredients of a dish and you see that it includes shit and vomit do you have to read until the end to decide that you don't want to eat this dish? Even if the dish includes the best Belgian chocolate, with all that crap even the chocolate will taste like shit.

I don't know what the future will bring. What I know is that the worst are avoided. In the very worst case scenario "TRNC" will be recognized. This will be very bad, but not worst than Annan plan solution.
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Postby nathar » Sat May 08, 2004 11:58 pm

Language used and mentality of approach of a problem that deals with a country that is supposed to be your own country and the country of your children leaves no option than disregarding any further discussion
thanks anyway it was quite an experience and usefull and educatif as all kind of experiences.
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Postby Piratis » Sun May 09, 2004 10:48 am

Sorry, but I learned to call things with appropriate names. If those people where so "polite" to present us a plan that makes us second category citizens and they didn't feel ashamed, then I believe I have the right to say that they should take their undemocratic, racist, unfair - in one word shitty - plan and shove it back in their ass.
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun May 09, 2004 3:23 pm

A recent survey that I have just read on the web claimed that 60% of the GCs aggree on further future negotiations based on the UN Annan plan. provided that some special provisions are endorsed .This is what I have just read on paper.

25% of GCs representing 200,000 people who voted Yes to t he UN plan these are not fools and they are not either people with less intelectual abilities.

Therefore the 75% of GCs who voted against the plan, did not directly interpreted the Plan as a Nihtgmare but given the wrong propaganda , the speech of Papadopoulos who encouraged the GCs to vote NO especially those with no knwoledge to interprete the plan fairly and objectively it was very easy for them to be misinformed. Even Alvaro de soto was very cleared on that that the plan has not been interpreted fairly and objectively.
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