Get Real! wrote:GR presents you with… “The Cyprus Problem Myth Buster!” website, currently online under the free web hosting services of 100WebSpace until further notice, (which unfortunately includes the web host’s ads at the top), featuring many GR articles written over the years on the CyProb.
The premise was to keep it short, sweet, clear, and simple, and many more articles will be added soon, and hopefully a search function to quickly find relevant facts on any given issue...
http://thecyprusproblem.100webspace.netAll feedback is welcome…
Regards, GR.
Hey GR!,
It's interesting; but you do say that '
BAD sources of "evidence" include.... Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot, Armenian Cypriot, Turkish, and Greek websites, all prone to bias and therefore suspected of serving their respective interests', then include the Republic of Cyprus as one of the '
credible links'. I'm sorry, but the Republic is biased; it has interests, and the history it tells is unfair.
As for the 'Ottoman Genocide of the indigenous people of Cyprus', you quoted Lemkin's description of it as,
a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.
But then you observe that '[i]n three whole centuries of Ottoman rule, the population of Cyprus "grew" by just 6,200 people!!! If that’s not an
Ottoman genocide of the indigenous people of Cyprus, I don’t know what is…' Low population growth is not proof of genocide. It is not genocide.
Proof of genocide requires proof of
criminal intent, premeditation and deliberation, conspiracy to destroy the group. Do you have any evidence of intent? Do you have any evidence of anything? Please, please do not misuse genocide. You can make great criticisms of the Ottoman Empire. You do not need to accuse the Ottoman Empire of genocide of Cypriots.
It is unfair to the
Armenian, Assyrian, and Pontic and Anatolian Greek victims of genocide under Ottoman rule. (And some credible scholars still have questions or
reservations about some of those Assyrian/Greek claims.)