Get Real! wrote:bill cobbett wrote:This Wilders chappy is... well.... it would save words if I describe him as a right wing fascist bastxxrd.
The film itself isn't banned. Given the internet that would be a pretty useless step to take. The man himself is banned from GB for three years.
Does the film provoke racial or religious hatred (both crimes in GB and elsewhere) or does it provoke a breakdown pf public order or does it merely provoke debate? I guess the answer to that depends on the sensibilities of the audience and I suspect that the very small number of people who would be provoked to public disorder by the film will find some other excuse to vent their angers publically or to rouse others to do their dirty work for them.
So my view is that it was a sad day cos the limits to free expression should be as liberal as possible whilst staying on the right side the law of encitement to other crimes.
Extreme views should be condemned by way of reasoned debate and opposition. If we just ban these people aren't we just condemning ourselves by our cowardice and unwillingness to confront vile opinions in free debate? I don't think it's the job of governments to choose whether to allow people to take on that challenge, it's ours.
While you were blissfully preoccupied with your philosophical diarrhea above, only God knows how many people died in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine, at the hands of US, UK, and Israeli criminals, so if you think that “confronting vile opinions” is important then imagine how important it is to confront the VILE ACTIONS of these criminal countries… so do get your priorities right Bill!
I think people have been tolerating your verbal diarrhea for a very long time, for the simple reason that you offer this forum some much needed light hearted entertainment, and witt.
However, you are starting to border the ridiculous when you get on your high horse and start speaking in this arrogant manner about peoples ideological beliefs on free speech, which were expressed in a very reasonable manner. By contrast your depiction of Israel, US, UK and Co is hardly balanced, intellectual or fair, regardless of the fact that I may agree with your general sentiments about the Iraq War but definitely DO NOT agree with you about the Afghani War.
It seems you just look for an excuse to bag the West, and I do understand your frustration, and most of it is justified, but after your last post I am going to have to ask you to smarten up, because your contributions are very one sided, and not to be taken seriously.
In order to be taken seriously you could try saying things like "America was wrong to attack Afghanistan but.....", because the fact of the matter is America is not always wrong and sometimes there are reasons as to why things happen and just maybe America was justified in attacking Afghanistan considering the fact that American soil was attacked by an enemy for the first time since Pearl Harbor.
If you think that countries are just going to sit back and take the shit dished out on September 11 or in Bali, then you severely have your head stuck up your arse. The simple fact that the citizens of America, UK, and Australia were successfully targeted in New York on September 11, Bali or Mumbai, is an act of war and for that there are consequences.