As you know, Boomerang has now been in Coventry for quite some time. There has been a lot of water under the bridge since his banning, and because you have demonstrated considerable mercy to Miltiades and myself, and allowed us to return, I feel as though I should ask you to kindly extend the same courtesy to my mate Boomers.

I must say that I was very pleased with the way you handled the Miltiades fiasco by allowing him to return, because the guy has good friends here and it is great to see him interact with them. Likewise, Boomers has friends here as well, and his friends would be delighted to see him to join us once again.

Between you and I, Boomers might be an Aussie scumbag, such as I, who have not wasted 26 months on the Green Line, but we are good blokes and to prove it, I will apologize for whatever Boomers might be guilty off, on his behalf, and sincerely hope that we can all turn a new leaf and move on, in much they same way others have done so in the past.

The real reason I would like to see my mate back is because the illustrious covert CF Aussie ANZAC Special Internet Ops Brigade 1 Royal Australian Regiment (CF ANZAC SIOB 1 RAR):lol: has taken a severe beating on the ground and morale is quite low, since we are told we are not worthy of our Cypriot status, so we are requiring urgent reinforcements to continue our participation here on CF. But shhh, I request that this remains between the 2 of us as this is highly sensitive security info and is passed on to you on a need to know basis.

Should you or your moderation team choose to accept this noble mission and fail, then the illustrious CF ANZAC SIOB 1 RAR will deny all knowledge of your actions.

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Thanks once again Admin!