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Is this rubbish or what?

Postby eracles » Thu May 06, 2004 4:24 pm

I think so, but I keep seeing more and more of these reports of these noble actions of the US. ... 1083790800

"I recently got some information after the Cyprus referendum. We've already read press leaks about a US request for a base on Cyprus in return for recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and an end to the embargo. There's also a deal over Cyprus to send Turkish troops to Iraq."
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Postby redmania » Thu May 06, 2004 4:44 pm

It is the continual rape of Aphrodite by Turkey and the US.
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Postby Piratis » Thu May 06, 2004 4:58 pm

The only solution is if Cypriots get united. If we don't, then what we lost in 1974 will be lost by TC also and north will become a huge military base serving the interests of Turkey, US, UK and Israel.

It is our fate to be ruled by every empire that exists. Since now they can not have total control over us because we are a democratic state within EU, they will use the north for their dirty plans in the region.
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well now there's been a statement...

Postby eracles » Thu May 06, 2004 5:05 pm ... 06&hn=8313

U.S. Embassy: United States Has No Intention To Establish Military Bases In Cyprus
Anadolu Agency: 5/6/2004
ANKARA - The U.S. Embassy in Ankara has said that the United States did not have any intention to establish military bases in Cyprus.

Releasing a statement, the U.S. Embassy in Ankara said on Thursday, ''several recent reports in the Turkish press have claimed that the United States is seeking to establish military bases in Cyprus.''

Recalling that one such report alleged that Secretary of State Colin Powel discussed the issue with Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) during their meeting in the United States earlier this week, the statement added, ''these reports are completely false.''
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Postby metecyp » Thu May 06, 2004 6:28 pm

Let's not jump to conclusions with speculative news.
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Postby insan » Thu May 06, 2004 6:49 pm

Every major and minor local and foreign interest groups tried to influence Cypriots, political parties of Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Eu and all other relevant individuals and establishments; either goodwillingly or self-interestingly, perhaps both...

Of coarse status-quoers and army played their role and affected the result of referandum... Status-quoers used every material that exists and even they produced some to make TCs to say "no" to the Annan Plan.. but General Ozkok didn't give any credits to the status-quoers arguments in his latest press conference which was held a week before the referanda... infact he constantly emphasized that during the implementation of the plan some serious proplems might occur but every problem could be solved diplomaticaly ...

Furthermore CTP and BDH had based their referandum slogans on EU not reunification of the Cyprus... Their basic slogan was "we are going to be connected to Europe by saying yes" ... Why? Because every bi-communal approachment had failed, not much satisfied the TCs who were expecting a better welcome from RoC and GCs...

"we are going to be connected to Europe" was meaning a lot for TCs who were isolated from the world and exploited by Denktash regime for more than 40 years...

Under these circumstances, CTP, BDH and their supporters think that reunification of the island is just a tool of ending the isolation of TCs and less control of Turkey... and in long terms, no control of Turkey... It depends on GCs attitudes against TCs... and of coarse it depends on status-quoers provocative actions too... if they do the same things which they had done in late 50s, 60s and early 70s; this will give a chance to mainland opportunist self-seekers to put pressure on government and army to intervene either diplamaticaly or militarily...

But I believe that modern, humanist, democratic Cypriots are stronger than the evil-minded nationalists of both sides... If all of the positive powers of Cyprus be able to organize under the same framework, they can easily overcome of every problem in an unified Cyprus...

I don't know how this joint organisation of the positive powers will come true... It seems CTP and BDH don't trust AKEL anymore or at least they don't trust the leadership of AKEL. They totally don't like the Papadopluos and DIKO policies.... They obliged to come together with DESI leader Anastasiades for "yes" propaganda...

I think most of the GC political parties have similar feelings and thoughts against at least CTP because their relations with Turkey, US and one-sided accusations which have arised from their "no" votes to Annan Plan...

I've told it before... Our politicians are not capable to shape a good future for us... and our ropes are in their hands... Even the civil initiatives are their propaganda machines...

What's left over? Just a few intellectuals talking and talking by themselves and not able to do something for their country...


Being a part of western world means being a part of their common policies... US and EU, nevertheles Turkey as a Nato member have some common policies in east mediterrenean area... Either we like it or not this is the world powers reality... East meditarrenean is a very startegically important area due to its location to middle east, international security and smuggling control...

This is a natural total conclusion... TCs don't wanna wait just another 40 years just for nothing but more expolitations...

Though if US estabishes a military base in North, will put the whole island under terrorism danger although EUs expansion to east meditarrenean most probably will cause the same thing and Cyprus soon will become a target of the middle eastern terrorists ...

Actually we are all on a road to hell...
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Postby insan » Thu May 06, 2004 6:59 pm

It's obvious that there are different meanings of the "yes" and "no"s of the GCs on an ideological basis...

Akels "no" is realted with "trust"... suspicions on Annan Plans implementation...

Dikos "no" is related with the satisfactory of the GCs demands...

Desis "no" is related with nationalistic issues...

Akels "yes" is related with trust and strong belief of Cypriots good will ... which stated clearly below by Eleni Mavrou who is an MP and member of the Central Committee of AKEL

"Either you choose to take a chance based on optimism and the power of people to surpass difficulties and to build the future either by taking into account the dangers and favouring the preservation of the current status quo, you choose certainty over uncertainty. Each one of us should decide how he/she envisions the future of Cyprus. I respect both approaches given that our decision will be taken with honesty and not hiding behind fears and slogans.
The responsibility at such crucial times is not placed only on political powers and politicians. The society cannot be absent. Each one of us has to assume his share of responsibility and take a position. "
*Eleni Mavrou is an MP and member of the Central Committee of AKEL

Desis "yes" is related with "capitalistic" ideolagy which MicAtCyp explained it very well in one of his postings...
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Postby insan » Thu May 06, 2004 7:12 pm

This was and still is my case... I love Eleni Mavrou :wink:

Time to take a stance…

2004-04-23 | Phileleftheros | ?????? ??????

Just as we were beginning to believe that democracy has been established in our country, that the freedom of speech has been consolidated, that the political dialogue has been gradually becoming a feature of the public life of this country, we had to abandon our illusions abruptly. Ghosts that were thought to be locked away in the closet of the past seem to be revived.
Mechanisms of manipulation, suppression and intimidation of the citizens known at the first years of the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus seem to become re-established. Numerous allegations are brought to light one by one. Even if certain allegations are characterized by intend, it is still hard to believe that “there is no smoke without fire”. Not to mention when you have witnessed certain interventions with your own eyes.
TV stations report and comment based on “recommendations”. At schools, teachers put pressure (or suppress) and intimidate pupils. Women at the entrance of super-markets are insulted because they refuse to take pamphlets distributed by various groups. Employees at the public services are threatened with dismissal. Politicians are warned and their telephones are tapped. A political party even issued a public announcement in an effort to question and to slander the scientific analysis of the publicist, T. Tsielepis.
Every nationalist thinks he will get even “forgetting” the price that Cyprus has been paying all these years. The “dialogue” about the Annan plan brought to surface dangerous social trends. If we have not yet realized that gagging voices that are opposed to our own view or even the dominant view is not simply a sign of political underdevelopment, but also the first indication of a repressive and undemocratic society, then we should start worrying. The effort to gag any voice, even if it is out of tune, constitutes obscurantism and lack of political freedom. In reality, nowadays this is the main characteristic of the opinions expressed by the Church. For example, the aphorism of the Bishop of Kerynia, Pavlos who decided as another Saint-Peter, “those who say YES connive at injustice and will never enter the kingdom of heavens”. I am wondering if I must add the appeal of the Bishop of Paphos to all fighters of 55-59 to celebrate following May 1st the union of Cyprus with Greece,
Perhaps even more interesting are certain other statements made several days ago by the Bishop of Paphos. When asked why the Cypriots should say NO at the referendum, the Bishop answered: “Because the citizen says: for how long are we going to continue feeding those slobs? It will never end?”
The interesting part of the above statement does not concern the racism stemming from the opinions of a hierarch. The interesting part is that it brings to light a political belief that few people have dared to make public. At least in my opinion, the statement can be interpreted in this way: Mr. Chrysostomos simply does not want to live in a common state with the Turkish Cypriots.
Perhaps the dilemma raised at the referendum ought to be: Do we or don’t we want to live with the “others”?
The Annan plan has positive and negative points. It creates difficulties and problems. It offers prospect and hides dangers. Therefore, there are not many ways to approach the dilemma of the referendum. Either you choose to take a chance based on optimism and the power of people to surpass difficulties and to build the future either by taking into account the dangers and favouring the preservation of the current status quo, you choose certainty over uncertainty. Each one of us should decide how he/she envisions the future of Cyprus. I respect both approaches given that our decision will be taken with honesty and not hiding behind fears and slogans.
The responsibility at such crucial times is not placed only on political powers and politicians. The society cannot be absent. Each one of us has to assume his share of responsibility and take a position.
*Eleni Mavrou is an MP and member of the Central Committee of AKEL
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Postby mehmet » Thu May 06, 2004 8:25 pm

I would be happy for her to be the first leader of a united island. Let's hope her inflence grows adn those of the bishops decreases.
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Postby Piratis » Thu May 06, 2004 10:36 pm

Let's hope her inflence grows

I don't agree with her. I believe most don't.
If you want to agree for a solution with the minority that Mavrou represents, then go ahead. But remember you have to agree with the majority if anything is going to be put into action.

I am "afraid" that after such claims her influence will decrease. Good for her that parliament elections are not soon.
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