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Congress team: Tassos has no motive for settlement

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Congress team: Tassos has no motive for settlement

Postby brother » Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:51 am

Congress team: Tassos has no motive for settlement

PRESIDENT Tassos Papadopoulos has no motive to reunify the country, US Congressman Ed Whitfield said yesterday.

Whitfield, who heads an 11-member American delegation visiting the occupied areas, also accused Papadopoulos of blocking EU aid to Turkish Cypriots.

Speaking shortly before his departure through occupied Tymbou airport in the north, the congressman suggested that Papadopoulos wanted to get rid of all Turkish settlers and rule the whole of the island.

“Our general view is that Papadopoulos has no motive to try and reunify this country,” Whitfield said.

He added: “He often says that the Turkish government should sign a protocol allowing the free flow of goods to and from Cyprus.

“But he is not prepared to allow the free flow of goods and people to Turkish Cyprus, the Turkish area.”

Whitfield’s delegation, which included two other congress members, Nathan Deal and Eddie Johnson, yesterday met with Democratic Party leader Serdar Denktash and Turkish Republican Party leader Ferdi Sabit Soyer.

Speaking after the meeting, Soyer said the north was as legal as the Greek Cypriot side, adding that the Turkish Cypriots wanted peace in the area and the development of relations between Cyprus, Turkey and Greece on the basis of EU regulations and political equality.

Government Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides repeated yesterday that the visit was in contempt of UN resolutions and violated a US State Department directive that any visits should go through legal points of entry.

Chrysostomides said the US approach concerning the “so-called isolation” of the Turkish Cypriots was wrong, and suggested that what was considered isolation was the result of the continuous occupation of the northern part of the island.

The spokesman suggested, however, that US official visits to the north would not continue.

“Even the American government cannot violate the basic principles of international law so easily,” Chrysostomides said.

It was the first such visit to the north, sparking a barrage of criticism from Greek Cypriot politicians.

Its what i have been saying for soooo long now and i have the u.s congressman repeating the same things, when will the GC accept that tassos is now the biggest problem for Cyprus unification
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Postby Main_Source » Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:19 pm

Speaking shortly before his departure through occupied Tymbou airport in the north, the congressman suggested that Papadopoulos wanted to get rid of all Turkish settlers and rule the whole of the island.

lol and whats wrong with this? Isnt the whole point of reunification, to have one island ruled by the President of Cyprus?

As fof the Turkish settlers...well they can do one.

I wonder what the same US congressmen would have said if they visted the south?
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:44 pm

Brother wrote:Its what i have been saying for soooo long now and i have the u.s congressman repeating the same things, when will the GC accept that tassos is now the biggest problem for Cyprus unification

Why is it so Brother? Can you just go a little bit further than sloganism and substantiate your claims with some objective reasoning and evidence?
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Postby brother » Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:36 pm

Kifeas, you like to play the question game but o.k lets play.

Tassos is a terrorist turned leader, he lies when he talked about no tc being killed(must be on drugs) then he lies about talking to the SG who confirmed his lies(probably on stronger drugs that day) then he progressed even more by refusing to date to say what changes he wanted to annan plan, then he refuses to meet the tc elected leader Talat and sit at the negotiating table, he ralies to get concessions from Turkey(would not be a problem but he does this at the detrement of the tc community) and lets not forget the way he stabbed the E.U in the back which they publicly announced(lets not get into the annan plan) and they would only say that because he obviousley led them to believe he was going to get the 'yes' vote to stop Cyprus entering as a divided island.

These spring to mind off the top of my head, how much more do you need to be convinced this person tassos is a snake who is no good to cyprus.

But i am sure you will try and justify his actions but i ask you if Talat had done all these things what would you think of him?
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Postby brother » Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:29 pm

Kifeas here is another link for you to read:

Lets see tassos wrigle out of this one too, alas piratis is right and the balance of power has started to shift, you can thank tassos for this.

The tassos stratergy on cypriots is like "The blind leading the blind"
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Postby brother » Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:26 am

‘We’re not worried about recognition’
By Elias Hazou

THE GOVERNMENT yesterday again denounced the visit of three US congressmen via an illegal port of entry, but played down fears that this represented a trend toward gradual recognition of the breakaway regime.

It also hit back at the comments of Congressman Ed Whitfield, head of the delegation that arrived on the island through occupied Tymbou airport in the north. Shortly before departing, Whitfield accused President Papadopoulos of blocking EU aid to Turkish Cypriots and hinted he represented the main stumbling block to achieving a settlement.
“Our general view is that Papadopoulos has no motive to try and reunify this country,” Whitfield said.

The delegation, which included congressmen Nathan Deal and Eddie Johnson, was welcomed by US Ambassador Michael Klosson in the north, further angering the government. There had been talk of the three congressmen crossing over to the south, but apparently any such plans were scrapped after the hubbub created by the government and the media.

Government Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides said the visit was in contempt of UN resolutions and violated a US State Department directive that any visits should go through legal points of entry.

The visit coincided with that of another 11-member American delegation arriving via Larnaca airport. Headed by Congressman Jim Colby (Republican), they met with President Papadopoulos on Tuesday. After the meeting, Colby had a totally different reading of Papadopoulos’ intentions than Whitfield. But he stood by the delegation’s visit to the north, saying it violated no laws or US policy.

US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher also defended the action. Asked why this was the first time Ambassador Klosson had participated in a controversial event on the island, Boucher said the US government saw nothing wrong with it.

“What is different now is what we have been discussing for a year. I’ll leave it at that. There has been a changed climate during this time. The US government has been engaging in efforts… to ensure that Turkish Cypriots do not feel as isolated as in the past.”

For its part, the government insisted the move was out of line, but at the same time downplayed speculation that the visit to the north set a precedent that could upgrade the status of the breakaway regime.

“Even the United States cannot easily flaunt the fundamental principles of international law,” Government Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides said. He went on to predict that the illegal visit was a one-off occurrence.

In a rare show of unity, politicians condemned the congressmen’s action as well as Boucher’s statements.

Socialists EDEK blasted Whitfield, with party leader Yiannakis Omirou calling his comments “audacious,” “outrageous and monstrous.”

DISY boss Nicos Anastassiades was more restrained, describing the entry via the north as “unacceptable.” But he suggested that political Machiavellianism was at play.

The purpose of the visit by the 10 congressmen was “to offset the negative impressions created by the three who visited the north,” remarked Anastassiades.

But he advised caution against further embittering relations between the two countries.
“What we should all keep in mind,” he said, “is that the United States remains the sole superpower, with whom we should seek ways of interacting that are not based on spontaneous reactions, bur rather ways geared at achieving positive results.”

Press reports claimed that a reception and cocktail party held Tuesday at the US Embassy in Nicosia in honour of the congressmen was boycotted by the government, with no senior official attending.

The government has seemingly another reason to be irritated: it claims it had been conveying representations to Washington for almost a month asking that the visit to the north not be carried out.
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Postby RAFAELLA » Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:40 am

brother wrote:Tassos is a terrorist turned leader, .

You can call him whatever you want.
Papadopoulos is the democratically elected and the internationaly recognised president of CyR wether you like it or not.

brother wrote:...he refuses to meet the tc elected leader Talat and sit at the negotiating table, he ralies to get concessions from Turkey(would not be a problem but he does this at the detrement of the tc community) .

Why would he meet with Talat? TR is responsible for today's situation, not the Tcs, therefore he should sit at the negotiating table with Erdogan. If Talat wants to join them then no problem :D
He is not asking for concessions to be made by Tr. He is asking for international laws and human rights to be respected.

brother wrote:and lets not forget the way he stabbed the E.U in the back which they publicly announced(lets not get into the annan plan) and they would only say that because he obviousley led them to believe he was going to get the 'yes' vote to stop Cyprus entering as a divided island.

If he stubbed EU then why Cy is one of the 25 members of the union?
Even if Papadopoulos was not against this plan, are you so naive to believe that Gcs could have voted Yes?

brother wrote:These spring to mind off the top of my head, how much more do you need to be convinced this person tassos is a snake who is no good to cyprus..

...and Talat is good for Cy, right? That's why he doesn't do anything to prevent the sale of Gc properties.

brother wrote:But i am sure you will try and justify his actions but i ask you if Talat had done all these things what would you think of him?

Talat is new in this position although he started showing the first signs of the Denktashian disease... :?
..and what about Denktash? You forgot the behavior of this pachyderm all those years?
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