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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby nathar » Thu May 06, 2004 10:17 am

We all follow news about Cyprus
We are all involved in the present situation
We all, somehow, have and express ideas about Cyprus future frame
I am one of you and I am sure we share worries and thoughts
Surely under a username we can express more freely
Please assist me as to create an objective frame for our country's future by giving your opinion to the following:
a. Which were the decisive incentives for your YES or NO vote?
b. Which is your opinion of Cyprus future?
c. Which is your opinion as Cypriot as to the steps that Cyprus should follow to rich the future you dream?
Thanks a lot for an eventual cooperation
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Postby X-ite » Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:36 am

a. Which were the decisive incentives for your YES or NO vote?
b. Which is your opinion of Cyprus future?
c. Which is your opinion as Cypriot as to the steps that Cyprus should follow to rich the future you dream?
Thanks a lot for an eventual cooperation[/quote]

a. Ok, here's why I could never accept the Annan plan:
1.The Greek Cypriots can't even hope not to be compensated for the properties they lost in '74 but to buy property and settle in Northern Cyprus even though we can settle ANYWHERE else in the world. Why not in my own country?
2. The High Court which would effectively run the country would consist of three Greek Cypriots, three Turkish Cypriots and three foreigners. We have made the request that those three foreigners come from the European Union so as to guarantee their neutrality and their European ideals but our request was not granted.
This system is susceptible to the balance of powers and we all know who is the power in the region.
Also, apart from being the judicial power in the country it would also make laws - that's the stuff dictatorships are made of.
3. Where do the British fit in? How does NATO fit in?
Nato would get two military bases in Cyprus and the British would get 4% of our land ( and the oil fields we discovered off the coast of Cyprus which could help alleviate the financial burden of the solution ) which they don't currently own, the land they use for the military bases is lent to them ( even though they never pay the rent ). And it makes me wonder... was this plan drafted in the spirit of reconciliation or did someone post a sign in Burgenstock reading come all ye faithful. Sorry but I'm ideologically opposed to this.
4. Turkey would control Cypriot FIR. Cyprus belongs to its citizens, nobody else.
5. The EU would have to ask permission from Turkey before using our ports and our airports. I don't want that, no Greek Cypriot does because first of all we want an independent country and secondy we want to be good partners in the EU and help the furthering of EU integration.
6. But perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT THING is that the Republic of Cyprus would dissolve within 24 hours ( and just 1 week before we join the EU, how ironic...) but before the United Republic of Cyprus could rise its ugly head the agreement would have to be ratified by the Turkish parliament and Cyprus could well be taken hostage so that Turkey gets a date from the EU and don't rebuke this arguement by saying what can we do? take an oath? No, there was something more practical you could have done; the Annan plan should say that the parliaments of the countries involved must pass an act before the referrenda which would say that if the plan was accepted by foth sides it would automatically take force. C'mon don't tell me that all these years that the UN have been working on this plan they couldn't have thought of that, it only took me a minute to think it... but you see the plan was drafted in such a way that it would leave loopholes for Turkey.
AND there's a lot more like the renewal of the Treaty of Guarantee. Why do we need that? Why should Turkey have rights of Intervention? It's a foreign country, it's foreign to me just like Greece is foreign to you... and just like Britain is foreign to everyone... We will never have peace in this country for as long as we cling on to our mother countries. Sure you have the right to preserve your language, your tradition and your special needs as a community and so do I but the only way forward is to be neutral. I don't think that any solution will be satisfactory otherwise.

Is there anyone either GC or TC who agrees with me?
I would really like to hear your views
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:38 am

As I said many times this plan was rejected because the resulting Cyprus would be:
1)undemocratic - We would depend on Turkish Cypriots, a big part of which will be Turkish settlers, to take any decision. 1 citizen = 1 vote. This is what democracy is all about, and the Annan plan did not respect this.

2)not independent - The resulting state would be a protectorate of Turkey and UK. Foreign countries would have a say on our internal affairs and we will not have control over our own country! Even worst, those countries would have the right not only to maintain troops in Cyprus forever, but to also intervene whenever they see fit.

3)not united - The plan was a partition plan that created a loose association between two mostly independent regions. This is not federation, which was our last and final compromise.

4)not respecting human rights - It legalizes crimes such as the invasion and the settlers, and it denies to Cypriots many of their basic human rights.

The above are just a small sample of why we voted no. For some people some of the above (or other) points were more important than others but we all had very good reasons that absolutely justify our decision.
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Postby michalis5354 » Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:29 pm

b. Which is your opinion of Cyprus future?

EU will create new challenges for both TCs and GCs. Politics is about Interest and If Tukey manage to get a date for joining the EU , then I think there will be sufficient reasons to become more flexibe regarding the solution , In that case everyopne has to be Flexible and think the island first and nothing else. So I can say that I am optimistic as far as I can be!

Which is your opinion as Cypriot as to the steps that Cyprus should follow to rich the future you dream?

Removing all obstacles that keep Cyprus divided!
Understanding the other side. As there are innocent victims on both sides!
More channels of communication between the two sides! As Problems are solved only by communication and nothing else!
Old Fashioned practises should be abandoned!
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