Well done, arresting pensioners was so brave [/quote]
Just as stupid as GC's being arrested for picking flowers from the house they were forced to flee from the north.
detailer wrote:Kifeas,
As we see here in every new post, the benefits of TC and GC are conflicting almost in every single matter. So please please stop saying that we are "one", or we are all cypriots only. To solve Cyprus problem, we must all accept that we are different first and respect each other' difference. Based on this respect, the will surely come later.
detailer wrote:Dont tell me that "illegality" bullshit. There are many TC place in south which was "governised" as well.
Building roads on them or whatever....
detailer wrote:I explained you very clearly that GC dont even let us to sell our oranges to Europe to through southern ports. That's not suprising to me, economic developement of TC in anyway is bad for GC (administartion) since it will make TC stronger in negotiation table. So please accept that our benefits conflict and then we can minimise the conflicts by "give and take".
magikthrill wrote:Also i might say i am confused as you claim to have aknowledge of EU laws yet at the same time your name is "YES2KKTC".
"In May 2004, the government agreed to implement the European Union’s Green Line Regulation on the movement of goods and people, which states EU citizens have the right of free movement within the EU. It went a step further and drafted the code, which stipulates, among other things, that “EU citizens can cross the line to and from the areas not controlled by the government, irrespective of the point of entry”. "
Nickp wrote:Well done, arresting pensioners was so brave
Why? Why respecting legality and property rights of one Cypriot towards another Cypriot should make us different? A TC may do something illegal by building into the land of another GC or another TC, and the same can be said when a GC does something illegal, by building into the property of another GC or another TC.
When a TC in the north builds illegally into the property of another TC in the north, this is something illegal, but still all TC are one, and when a TC builds into the property of a GC, this is not illegal? You have a very strange logic!
Then those TCs must come to the south and take the government to the court. Because the RoC built a road in a TC's land, it means I must accept that a TC has the right to take my land in Lapithos and cut it in plots and build houses and then sell them to the British. Like they do now with my Land in Lapithos. If somebody steels your car, you just go and steel someone else’s car, or you take the one who stole your car to the police or to the court?
You didn't explain to me how the GCs do not let you to sell your oranges to Europe.
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