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Erdogan leaves Davos

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Erdogan leaves Davos

Postby SoSolidCrew » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:17 pm

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Re: Erdogan leaves Davos

Postby insan » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:38 pm

@L@ :shock: As a lawyer u tell us a lil Mr. SoSolidCrew :) ???
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Postby DT. » Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:58 pm

WOW! :shock:

Firstly, I gotta say....a Turkish PM being so pissed off at someone else doing the killing for a change made my moment of Zen. :lol:

Secondly....did he slap the moderator on the arm? :lol:

Thirdly..what the hell is gonna hapen to the Turkey-Israel alliance now? I mean if he doesn't get along with Peres the No1 moderate Israeli of this world how is he going to communicate with Oelmert?
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Postby Oracle » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:09 am

I reckon Mr Erdogan is a member on this forum. His debating skills are very familiar .... :lol:

... Whom did he call a barbarian? :lol:
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:20 am

looooooooooooool so funny, but they do this type of thing on lots of debate shows or whatever they run out of time so what.. instead he gets up and storms off LOL like a baby
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:22 am

Well, maybe he is finally seeing the light.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:50 am

While I share his anger at Israel, I'm sure it won't take long before it comes back haunt him. Turkey, Israel, US, UK, same cockroaches just different sewers.
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Postby Big Al » Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:01 am

Get Real! wrote:While I share his anger at Israel, I'm sure it won't take long before it comes back haunt him. Turkey, Israel, US, UK, same cockroaches just different sewers.

GR, you know as well as anyone that a politicians stance is based on public opinion within their respective countries, and public opinion in turkey aint going to change toward israel. rather than commend him for having the balls harshly criticize israel when other world leaders are turning a blind eye forum members are using this as another opportunity to have a go at the turkish leadership. The greek and GC administrations would gain alot of respect from me if they took the same stand, we shouldnt be using the gaza conflict as an opportunity to gain political points against eachother (TC's and GC's i mean).
In times like this we should thank our lucky stars that TC's and GC's havent taken such extreme measures against eachother on cyprus, the island does have huge issues itself but id rather be living in cyprus (north or south) rather than living with those poor buggers in gaza.
I commend Erdogan for showing he has some balls, even if it means damaging relations with Israel and the US/UK.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:24 am

Big Al wrote:
Get Real! wrote:While I share his anger at Israel, I'm sure it won't take long before it comes back haunt him. Turkey, Israel, US, UK, same cockroaches just different sewers.

GR, you know as well as anyone that a politicians stance is based on public opinion within their respective countries, and public opinion in turkey aint going to change toward israel. rather than commend him for having the balls harshly criticize israel when other world leaders are turning a blind eye forum members are using this as another opportunity to have a go at the turkish leadership. The greek and GC administrations would gain alot of respect from me if they took the same stand, we shouldnt be using the gaza conflict as an opportunity to gain political points against eachother (TC's and GC's i mean).
In times like this we should thank our lucky stars that TC's and GC's havent taken such extreme measures against eachother on cyprus, the island does have huge issues itself but id rather be living in cyprus (north or south) rather than living with those poor buggers in gaza.
I commend Erdogan for showing he has some balls, even if it means damaging relations with Israel and the US/UK.

Israel ethnically cleanses Palestinians, and Turkey ethnically cleanses Kurds and Cypriots…

Israel violates the airspace and territory of neighbors such as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine, and Turkey violates that of Cyprus, Iraq, and Greece…

Israel is an invader and occupier of Syrian, Palestinian, and Lebanese territory, while Turkey is an invader and occupier of Cyprus and Iraq…

Israel ignores multiple UN resolutions issued against her and so does Turkey…

Israel parlays with and cashes in from the US doing her dirty work, and so does Turkey…

I now ask you… what’s the difference between them?
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Postby Big Al » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:50 am

Get Real! wrote:
Big Al wrote:
Get Real! wrote:While I share his anger at Israel, I'm sure it won't take long before it comes back haunt him. Turkey, Israel, US, UK, same cockroaches just different sewers.

GR, you know as well as anyone that a politicians stance is based on public opinion within their respective countries, and public opinion in turkey aint going to change toward israel. rather than commend him for having the balls harshly criticize israel when other world leaders are turning a blind eye forum members are using this as another opportunity to have a go at the turkish leadership. The greek and GC administrations would gain alot of respect from me if they took the same stand, we shouldnt be using the gaza conflict as an opportunity to gain political points against eachother (TC's and GC's i mean).
In times like this we should thank our lucky stars that TC's and GC's havent taken such extreme measures against eachother on cyprus, the island does have huge issues itself but id rather be living in cyprus (north or south) rather than living with those poor buggers in gaza.
I commend Erdogan for showing he has some balls, even if it means damaging relations with Israel and the US/UK.

Israel ethnically cleanses Palestinians, and Turkey ethnically cleanses Kurds and Cypriots…
Turkey's hand was forced over Cyprus, it had to go in to protect TC's from being ethnically cleansed. While Turkey is chasing down PKK terrorists there has not been a report of a single injury from northern iraq, even after hundreds of bombs were dropped.

Israel violates the airspace and territory of neighbors such as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine, and Turkey violates that of Cyprus, Iraq, and Greece…Cut the shit GR, Iraq is aware of whats going on and infact is now helping Turkey root out the terrorists. Why should Turkey recognise the ROC airspace when no one recognises TC airspace, the ROC does not have airspace in northern cyprus. And finally Greece, fuck why dont we just give istanbul to greece too, they are claiming lands a stones throw away from mainland Turkey.

Israel is an invader and occupier of Syrian, Palestinian, and Lebanese territory, while Turkey is an invader and occupier of Cyprus and Iraq…
Iraq??? What are you talking about???? Turkey sent soldiers into the mountains of iraq for 2 weeks, didnt kill a single civilian and then returned home, they arent occupying any part of iraq. As for cyprus, they did not invade they excersied their rights as a guarantor and continue to do so to protect the TC population. You can thank idea's of enosis for Turkey being in cyprus.

Israel ignores multiple UN resolutions issued against her and so does Turkey…
Turkey will never leave cyprus unless the TC's want them to leave, no UN resolution is worth another TC dying.

Israel parlays with and cashes in from the US doing her dirty work, and so does Turkey…
What work does the US do for Turkey?????

I now ask you… what’s the difference between them?

Respect for human life, standing up for whats right. Would you prefer TC and GC's start fighting like palestinians and israeli's?????

PS GR, we were talking about Erdogan walking off during the debate, you have gone off on another tangent here. my point was Erdogan had the balls to tell Israel what the whole world was thinking. As i said earlier, Christofias and Karamanlis would get much more respect from me if they did the same.
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