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Erdogan leaves Davos

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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:17 pm

turkkan wrote:Get your gun and kick me out because thats the only way any of us are going. Or else accept that your children should learn turkish, eoka should be classified as a turkish organisation and dr kucuk should be a national her with his b-day celebrated as a national holiday :P barbaric war criminal? Lol im 21 years old.

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Postby turkkan » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:21 pm


Lol defeated. Have a good day and make you sure you keep up with your gym workout. You will seriously need it.
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:31 pm

deafeted militarily but politically NOT... your TRCN is not recognised.
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Postby DT. » Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:39 pm

runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
runaway wrote:
Piratis wrote:The only reason there is no fighting now is that we choose to continue our struggle against your illegal occupation by peaceful means, while we would have every right to do what Palestinians do.

Are you sure it is that? Or is it more the fact that you are fucking afraid of Turkey?

Actually you're right, we are. Judging from our history with turkey and the violence that country has brought on our country we know that Turkey is capable of doing all that again.

So yes, we are afraid of turkey cause we know the atrocities and horrors that turkey can commit.

Sorry for being repetitive but this idiot GC needs to prove this before he comes up with anything:

I know for a fact that a lot of TC's on this forum cringe everytime you post something. quote]

Be a man for once and prove this brainless. Which fact? Who on this forum?

Until then shut the fuck up.

you wanna tell me to shut the fuck up face to face you little turkish shit? Can you fly out to nicosia from eastern anatolia or wherever you come from? Lets meet up at Ledra Palace...nice and neutral.

You may now carry on screwing one of your cousins.

still waiting for the TC names..........
oh and I haven't recevied any emails from anyone yet. Seems like every TC recognized TRNC.

here you are dear ... &start=150
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Postby runaway » Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:14 pm

DT. wrote:
runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
runaway wrote:
Piratis wrote:The only reason there is no fighting now is that we choose to continue our struggle against your illegal occupation by peaceful means, while we would have every right to do what Palestinians do.

Are you sure it is that? Or is it more the fact that you are fucking afraid of Turkey?

Actually you're right, we are. Judging from our history with turkey and the violence that country has brought on our country we know that Turkey is capable of doing all that again.

So yes, we are afraid of turkey cause we know the atrocities and horrors that turkey can commit.

Sorry for being repetitive but this idiot GC needs to prove this before he comes up with anything:

I know for a fact that a lot of TC's on this forum cringe everytime you post something. quote]

Be a man for once and prove this brainless. Which fact? Who on this forum?

Until then shut the fuck up.

you wanna tell me to shut the fuck up face to face you little turkish shit? Can you fly out to nicosia from eastern anatolia or wherever you come from? Lets meet up at Ledra Palace...nice and neutral.

You may now carry on screwing one of your cousins.

still waiting for the TC names..........
oh and I haven't recevied any emails from anyone yet. Seems like every TC recognized TRNC.

here you are dear ... &start=150

still waiting for the TC names..........

I don't see any names liar.
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Postby DT. » Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:37 pm

runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
runaway wrote:
Piratis wrote:The only reason there is no fighting now is that we choose to continue our struggle against your illegal occupation by peaceful means, while we would have every right to do what Palestinians do.

Are you sure it is that? Or is it more the fact that you are fucking afraid of Turkey?

Actually you're right, we are. Judging from our history with turkey and the violence that country has brought on our country we know that Turkey is capable of doing all that again.

So yes, we are afraid of turkey cause we know the atrocities and horrors that turkey can commit.

Sorry for being repetitive but this idiot GC needs to prove this before he comes up with anything:

I know for a fact that a lot of TC's on this forum cringe everytime you post something. quote]

Be a man for once and prove this brainless. Which fact? Who on this forum?

Until then shut the fuck up.

you wanna tell me to shut the fuck up face to face you little turkish shit? Can you fly out to nicosia from eastern anatolia or wherever you come from? Lets meet up at Ledra Palace...nice and neutral.

You may now carry on screwing one of your cousins.

still waiting for the TC names..........
oh and I haven't recevied any emails from anyone yet. Seems like every TC recognized TRNC.

here you are dear ... &start=150

still waiting for the TC names..........

I don't see any names liar.

Mein Commandant...I shall never give up the names of these Cypriot patriots :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:58 am

Here is an article on the repurcussions of Erdogans outburst at Perez.

The Travel Advisory: Israeli tourism to Turkey plunges

Jan. 31, 2009 Mark Feldman , THE JERUSALEM POST

For many years, Turkey has been the most popular tourist destination for Israelis. Turkish resorts from Antalya to Bodrum have offered us first-class service at reasonable rates. At first, it was the casinos that attracted the tourists. Then, when the Muslim government closed them down, the resorts reinvented themselves. Luxury locations sprang up like mushrooms after the rain. Some resorts stayed traditional, while others became quite exotic, with one modeling itself on the Kremlin and another taking the Titanic as its vision. All exist to spoil tourists with their all-inclusive packages. A two-hour flight takes you to Istanbul. The charms of Istanbul, coupled with an exotic environment, has had Turkish Airlines and a multitude of Turkish charters flying more passengers to Turkey than any other foreign airline. No more. Although Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has since toned down his remarks, saying they were against the government and not the people of Israel, his repeated criticism of Israel during the recent war against Hamas has led to a severe downturn in Israelis flying to Turkey. Erdogan called Operation Cast Lead "a crime against humanity," deploring what he saw as excessive force and suggesting that Israel be barred from the United Nations. He accused Israel of "perpetrating inhuman actions which would bring it to self-destruction," adding that "Allah will sooner or later punish those who transgress the rights of innocents."
There have been boycotts from the Israeli consumer in the past, but never on this level. The anger is both deep and palpable. Across the country, travel agents report, Israelis are voting with their feet and avoiding travel to Turkey. Wholesalers report a 70 percent drop in flight bookings, and reservations to the resorts have all but disappeared. Turkish Airlines has also been severely damaged. The national carrier of Turkey is known as an excellent airline with great security. It prides itself on its expansive network with three daily flights to Istanbul that also take passengers to other international destinations. Customers in the past have often flown Turkish Airlines to New York, Cape Town, all over Europe and the Far East. Turkish Airlines has been strident in keeping airfares very competitive and was used by clients seeking inexpensive prices to destinations beyond Istanbul. In fact, Turkish Airlines was quite proud of marketing itself with Istanbul as a hub for close to 100 cities to which it flies outside of Turkey. No more. Travel Agency executives report that clients are willing to pay more and fly another airline rather than transit Istanbul Airport. They view Turkish Airlines as a symbol of the Turkish government. There have been reports that Turkish consumer groups are calling for a boycott on Israeli products. This would obviously damage Israel's business interests and put companies at risk. Trade between Israel and Turkey in 2008 was close to $3 billion. Over 500,000 Israelis chose to travel to Turkey in 2008. Dropping millions of hard-earned dollars and shekels, they thought the Turkish people were appreciating them. Officials from the Turkish Ministry of Tourism make constant visits to Israel, promoting more and more sites, to encourage the Israeli travel agents to sell more Turkey. We may be a thick-skinned people but when push comes to shove, Israeli consumers, along with their western counterparts, take such criticism and actions seriously. The results in the last few weeks have been surprising. It's gratifying to see that some principles remain sacrosanct and that the lure of an inexpensive trip is not inviolable. Israeli travelers are electing to take off at the last minute for cities in Europe rather than patronize these resorts. With prices falling dramatically due to the fall in the price of oil, keeping airfares and packages at bargain basement levels, Israelis are choosing to go elsewhere.
Skiing in the mountains of Turkey is no longer an option. Israeli bloggers are doing their best to keep this issue in the forefront. Keeping in mind that we're in the middle of the winter and the start of a recession, the question is how long will this anger last? Gauging the intensity of the people writing blogs leads me to believe that it could be a long hard winter. When consumers feel so insulted and an Israeli basketball team is forced to forfeit a game in Ankara due to the unruly and threatening behavior of the crowd, memories remain vivid. El Al stopped flying to Istanbul last year, citing security costs and the inability to make money on the route. Israeli charter companies have also curtailed their flight schedule. This means that until the Turkish government makes amends or warmer weather leads to cooler minds, Istanbul will revert back to Constantinople and be only a pleasant memory for that most demanding client - the Israeli traveler.

Mark Feldman is the CEO of "Ziontours", Jerusalem.
For questions and comments email him at [email protected]
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Postby DT. » Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:16 am

thats the price for demagogue behaviour
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:32 pm

Here is a sesponse to the article from the Jerusalem Post. It may be of interest.

Dear Mr. Feldman,

I read your article in the JPost about the economic retraction of the Israelis in regards to their vacation and trade choice of Turkey. May it be, but it is never the one way road. If that is the true attitude of the people of Israel and the government, please announce tomorrow that your defense companies are withdrawing their business deals with the Turkish Military. I don't think so. Because the money is so sweet in these deals.

Your writings sounds like what your government wants to say to Turkish government, but won't say it out loud. At this point, your expression of "when push comes to show" is also true for the people of Turkey. I know that your lobbyists are sending messages to the Turkish government saying that unless what Mr. Erdoğan has said and done is somehow retracted by him or his government, you will support the Armenians in their never ending quest of passing so called "acknowledgment of Armenian genocide" through the American Senate. So it may be. But, that even, as you might very well know, will not changed the fact that the so called genocide is no more than the exaggerations of Armenians'. They know very well that they "bit the hand that fed them" by revolting against the Ottoman army which they were the soldiers of. If the genocide was true, why rest of the Armenians did not suffer of the same fate.

My dear friend. No one on these day and time is "special" as a human race, including your people. Everyone has a right to live in peace and prosper through their own abilities, including you, me, people of Palestine and everyone else on the face of the earth. Unless you stop your own acting of "us and only us, no one else matters" attitude, what happens over there will never stop. No one is cheering when Hamas send rockets over, but no one is also not cheering when you send over your bombs either. The only winner is the creators of the war machines. You know this as well.

In between the lines you are saying (and threatening) that you will not commerce with Turkey anymore. Fine, then the people of Turkey will not commerce with Israel either. The people of Turkey will put pressure on the government and the military not to buy any Israeli products, and we both will be fine. People of Turkey will not suffer without the Israeli products just as Israelis will be OK if they don't vacation in Turkey. For the Turkish Airlines, they were doing just fine before and will do so after the flight are reduced to 1 a day.

I worked with the Jewish doctors for about 10 days when the earthquake happened in my hometown in 1999. They were just fine people. My father was even treated in the military hospital that was erected. And, I appreciated very much. The doctors there were just fine people. It was an humanitarian act that was appreciated very much. I am sure the Turkish doctors will be there if needed as well. What is wrong with that? When the life as we know comes to an end, where will be the Jewish people? Left alone by the almighty God? I don't think so.

Mr. Feldman, this is an e-mail from a layman in Turkiye to a layman in Israel. My wish is for you to respect the right to life of Palestinians just as it is my wish to Palestinian people to respect the right to life or your people. There is no other way for peace which serves for you and me.


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