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Erdogan leaves Davos

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Postby turkkan » Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:41 am

February 2008: “Turkey launches major Iraq incursion” ... index.html

December 2007: “Turkey's PM defends Iraq incursions” ... 127520.htm

Now get out of my sight...

You my 'compatriot' are an utter delusional retard whon thinks he is a intellect of some sort. I asked you specifically to tell me how many civilians were killing according to kurdish sources in the 2008 offensive, if you cant be bothered to do your research assume that as far as millitary operations of that scale go it was a very small number and no one accused turkey. including the kurdish regional goverment of killing them intentionally in the bombings. So basically turkey did everything possible and spent millions on precision missiles so that civilians wont get killed. So what has Erdogan done wrong exactly? What you want to refer to in your miserable analysis is the killings that took place in the nineties during the cross border incursions in which Erdogan had no role whatsoever.

I have no trouble getting out of your way, as long as you stay on your part of the island and we will stay on OUR part.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:02 am

I will believe that Erdogan is sincere in his indignation when he tears up the ARMS DEAL his government did with Israel only a few months back...Until then I will believe he is only playacting for the benefit of the Turkish voters in the upcoming local elections... :(
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Postby turkkan » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:31 am

I will believe that Erdogan is sincere in his indignation when he tears up the ARMS DEAL his government did with Israel only a few months back...Until then I will believe he is only playacting for the benefit of the Turkish voters in the upcoming local elections...

You want turkey to act against its national interests, face the wrath of the jewish lobbies in america over a conflict that has been going on for over 50 years and has no end in sight? And what will Erdogan have achieved at the end by breaking these arms deals for turkey or for the palestinians? Turkey now has the ability to get advanced weaponry from israel that america has no intention of selling to anyone but israel in the near future and requires for her own security, why should she exactly throw that away?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:59 pm

turkkan wrote:
I will believe that Erdogan is sincere in his indignation when he tears up the ARMS DEAL his government did with Israel only a few months back...Until then I will believe he is only playacting for the benefit of the Turkish voters in the upcoming local elections...

You want turkey to act against its national interests, face the wrath of the jewish lobbies in america over a conflict that has been going on for over 50 years and has no end in sight? And what will Erdogan have achieved at the end by breaking these arms deals for turkey or for the palestinians? Turkey now has the ability to get advanced weaponry from israel that america has no intention of selling to anyone but israel in the near future and requires for her own security, why should she exactly throw that away?

Then he should be honest and shut up about Gazza...What has he achieved now???? Acting like an Istanbul Maganda (Yobo) in international forums does not serve Turkey's national interests,Turkkan....He can't have his cake and eat it too... :evil:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:46 pm

turkkan wrote:
February 2008: “Turkey launches major Iraq incursion” ... index.html

December 2007: “Turkey's PM defends Iraq incursions” ... 127520.htm

Now get out of my sight...

You my 'compatriot' are an utter delusional retard whon thinks he is a intellect of some sort. I asked you specifically to tell me how many civilians were killing according to kurdish sources in the 2008 offensive, if you cant be bothered to do your research assume that as far as millitary operations of that scale go it was a very small number and no one accused turkey. including the kurdish regional goverment of killing them intentionally in the bombings. So basically turkey did everything possible and spent millions on precision missiles so that civilians wont get killed. So what has Erdogan done wrong exactly? What you want to refer to in your miserable analysis is the killings that took place in the nineties during the cross border incursions in which Erdogan had no role whatsoever.

I have no trouble getting out of your way, as long as you stay on your part of the island and we will stay on OUR part.

Turkish Armed Forces Attack Sites in Northern Iraq

“Reuters says that 10 villages were hit, homes and schools ruined.”

Extract from the House of Lords Official Report for May 22, 1997

“We have raised the reports of the killing of civilians in Erbil with the KDP. It has said publicly that although it took action to close PKK offices in Erbil, it denies the allegations of rape and murder of civilians. “

Turkish forces launch Iraq raid

“Turkish fighter jets bombed villages in northern Iraq over the weekend and the government in Baghdad complained that at least one civilian woman was killed.” ... 96940.html

Turkey in Iraq: Menacing Civilians, Fraying Alliances, Exposing Hypocrisy

“Turkish attacks supposedly target only terrorists. But the conflict quickly began to displace civilian families and threaten the delivery of food and medicine in the region. Civilians are scared of getting caught in the cross-fire,” ... _hypocrisy

Now shut your stupid face you incompetent fool and GET OUT of my sight!
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Postby turkkan » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:00 pm

Lol, is that what you have come up with? One civilian killed? Compare that to the operation the americans carried our in fallujah or what the israelis have just achieved in a week and if you had one brain cell you would see that it was a hugely succesful operation in terms of preventing civilian casualties for its size. I really wonder sometimes if that son of your you threatened to send to fight us in the future is as big as a mutt as you, should make things very easy for us. Now go cry about famagusta and make predictions about how this year will be the year the TRNC will collapse while i take a nice siesta in omorfo.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:04 pm

turkkan wrote:Lol, is that what you have come up with? One civilian killed? Compare that to the operation the americans carried our in fallujah or what the israelis have just achieved in a week and if you had one brain cell you would see that it was a hugely succesful operation in terms of preventing civilian casualties for its size. I really wonder sometimes if that son of your you threatened to send to fight us in the future is as big as a mutt as you, should make things very easy for us. Now go cry about famagusta and make predictions about how this year will be the year the TRNC will collapse while i take a nice siesta in omorfo.

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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:11 pm

Someone had to speak out. well done PM Erdoğan.
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Postby turkkan » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:14 pm

Get your gun and kick me out because thats the only way any of us are going. Or else accept that your children should learn turkish, eoka should be classified as a turkish organisation and dr kucuk should be a national her with his b-day celebrated as a national holiday :P barbaric war criminal? Lol im 21 years old.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:15 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Someone had to speak out. well done PM Erdoğan.

One war criminal accusing another because he allegedly killed fewer civilians!

Erdogan, made a complete fool of himself…
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