Oracle wrote:Thank you GR!, Paliometoxo and Nikitas for casualties inflicted by Turks on Turks during the 1974 Invasion.
What I would like to find out about, are the TC casualties (civilian) inflicted by the Turks during their invasions.
The image portrayed (on forum) is that ZERO TCs were killed, intentionally or even accidentally, by the Turkish soldiers. Instead only the GCs are accused of any TC deaths and missing individuals.
How can they be so sure?
How can the Turkish soldiers have been so "skillful" to have killed so many (civilian) GCs, and yet avoid harming a single TC?
Iceman has suggested that the TCs banded together, and presumably let the Turks know exactly where they were.
YFred has said they have a secret technique, which he knows, but he won't tell us!
... This is how ridiculous their portrayal of these "Super-Soldiers" seems to be!
Nop. Never said no such thing. It was no secret. All the TC Mucahids new about it. It is standard military practice. If you had asked nicely like a normal human being, I would have told you, but as you are being rather reptilian, you will have to work it out yourself.
Please tell me there is some light upstairs. It’s not completely empty.