Just to make the figures in the link I gave a bit clearer
Below is these figures of colum 1 for all countries except uk where colum 2 is used - IE the current actual net +/- figures for each country sorted on that stat
Netherland -0.55
Germany -0.52
Sweden -0.47
Austria -0.37
Italy -0.29
Cyprus -0.28
France -0.27
U Kingdom -0.25
Denmark -0.2
Finland -0.14
Spain 0.32
Ireland 0.56
Malta 1.16
Belgium 1.32
Slovenia 1.4
Portugal 1.6
Greece 2.25
Hungary 3.15
Czech Rep 3.26
Slovakia 3.36
Estonia 3.85
Poland 3.85
Lithuania 4.5
Latvia 4.51
Luxembou 5.89
As can be seen a bit clearer form this sorted list not only is the RoC a net contributor to EU funds it is in fact the sixth largest net contributor (relative to GNI - gross national income, not in absolute terms) of all EU members!
PS I believe the strange figure for luxemborg relates to money it gets from the EU to pay for EU insitituions. If you seperate out these monies it becomes a net contributor into the EU. This also has some effect on Belgiums ranking as well I believe as it is the other major center for EU insitutions and thus alos recives monies for this. The distortion in Belgiums case is less pronounced because it has a greater GNI that luxemborg.
PPS There is much argument as to if these figures mean anything and constant arguments about what kind of figures would mean anything. To get just a taste of this and if you are intrested have a look here
PPPS sorry for the multiple edits - got in a bit of a mess with my copy and pasting. All should be ok now.