paliometoxo wrote:Get Real! wrote:paliometoxo wrote:aparantly that phone number is techinca number.
Part of TG Technica Systems Group. 60 Perikleous Ave., Strovolos 2021, Nicosia, T
gonna go there and if its a warehouse then stay far away from them wouldent trust them.. ty
What is it you need?
well they have a lap top i really like but i dont know if i can trust this company they say they dont accept credit cards and take money on delivery so i think they might sell me crap and i lose 800 euros for nothing.. i rang just now and techinca line answerd and no one answerd the line even though they close at 6 and i rang at 5:30 but have you tried to buy from this company before Get real? ... details/38 very good lap top for so cheap or am i behind times and that is now old lol
paliometoxo wrote:Euxwristw Get real espesially for the link.. i dont mind the price for me the price is very good i was just not sure if i could trust the company.
Sotos: ty i think i will just do that its definatly a good lap top, it was just the fact the company wont accept credit cards i thought it sounded a bit weird for a company to not accept cards.
paliometoxo wrote:really? i thought sony is top of the list lol i saw a good sony vio i was thinking about.. IBM?? Acer i had and i had two of them and for some strange reason they just keep switching off on their own for no reason so i dont trust acer anymore iw ont buy a 3rd one..
what lap top would you advise? something with attached webcam microphone bluetooth wireless best graphics card 4GB ram at least 350GB hard drive ive looked on google for hours and thats the best i can find Intel Core 2 Duo .. you get the idea something good that will last a long time for around 830 euros
and hp i thought that was last on the list
paliometoxo wrote:its ok thanks for the advise Get Real i will look into IBM
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