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Why do GCs want to live with TCs?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:20 am

doesntmatter wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
xxNilxx wrote:Because we were living together before for generations peacefully, before foreign powers victimised Cyprus to the divide and rule policy. I want a free, demetrilised, united Cyprus for all Cypriots and I don't want my population to be assimilated by Turks. I want to live with my brothers, the Greek speaking Cypriots.

P.S. Who told you TCS do not want to live? That's your opinion if you don't but you have no right to speak for most TCs. Majority of TCs do, but like all Cypriots they want to be insured of their safety.

What gives you the right to speak for the majority of TCs? Do you have special rights or have you got the ok from the majority of TCs?

By the way, you can't be asimilated by your own people who speak the same language, have the same religion and same culture as you have. If you want to live with the Greeks just move to the South, no one is stopping you.

By the same token you could've moved to Turkey throughout the Cypriot turbulences as no one was stopping YOU from returning to your homeland so quit asking others to go elsewhere just because they don't agree with you.

There you go proving what a silly billy you are GR.

What he/she said is an statement as if he/she knows what he/she is talking about. My sentence however, is a kind of suggestion/question because (as you have miserably failed to see (or comprehend)) it starts with an "IF", get it?

Bloody hell GR, when are you going to start to comprehend what you read you clown? :roll:

Trust me when I tell you that there’s no correlation between our levels of education… :lol:
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Postby doesntmatter » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:26 am

Get Real! wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
xxNilxx wrote:Because we were living together before for generations peacefully, before foreign powers victimised Cyprus to the divide and rule policy. I want a free, demetrilised, united Cyprus for all Cypriots and I don't want my population to be assimilated by Turks. I want to live with my brothers, the Greek speaking Cypriots.

P.S. Who told you TCS do not want to live? That's your opinion if you don't but you have no right to speak for most TCs. Majority of TCs do, but like all Cypriots they want to be insured of their safety.

What gives you the right to speak for the majority of TCs? Do you have special rights or have you got the ok from the majority of TCs?

By the way, you can't be asimilated by your own people who speak the same language, have the same religion and same culture as you have. If you want to live with the Greeks just move to the South, no one is stopping you.

By the same token you could've moved to Turkey throughout the Cypriot turbulences as no one was stopping YOU from returning to your homeland so quit asking others to go elsewhere just because they don't agree with you.

There you go proving what a silly billy you are GR.

What he/she said is an statement as if he/she knows what he/she is talking about. My sentence however, is a kind of suggestion/question because (as you have miserably failed to see (or comprehend)) it starts with an "IF", get it?

Bloody hell GR, when are you going to start to comprehend what you read you clown? :roll:

Trust me when I tell you that there’s no correlation between our levels of education… :lol:

Yes GR, I was never educated as a clown so you are right there can't be any correlation between our levels of education… :lol:

Anyways, I hope I was able to teach you the difference between a "statement" and a "suggestion/question" in the hope that next time you see a sentence that starts with an "IF" you'll know not make a fool of yourself again. Glad to be of help. :wink::lol:
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Postby SoSolidCrew » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:29 am

Piratis wrote:
SoSolidCrew wrote:I think we should give the whole island to cavemen cause they lived there for a millions of years. Made sense? Ah, and all USA belongs to Indians now.

So you are still a caveman? Or maybe you are still living in the middle ages?

You never heard of things like human rights or International law?

And then you wonder why some call people like you Barbarians? Seriously?

Don't you think it is time to progress and become civilized, instead of trying to find lame excuses for continuing with atrocities such as land grabs, genocides, ethnic cleansings and human rights violations?

human rights does not say people whose ancestors were living on the same land for 1000s years should have more rights than the ones who are there for 600 years (or whatever it is).
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:32 am

doesntmatter wrote:
Piratis wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
Piratis wrote:
SoSolidCrew wrote:I think we should give the whole island to cavemen cause they lived there for a millions of years. Made sense? Ah, and all USA belongs to Indians now.

So you are still a caveman? Or maybe you are still living in the middle ages?

You never heard of things like human rights or International law?

And then you wonder why some call people like you Barbarians? Seriously?

Don't you think it is time to progress and become civilized, instead of trying to find lame excuses for continuing with atrocities such as land grabs, genocides, ethnic cleansings and human rights violations?

Look who is talking about being "civilised", a left over from the "barbarian" Greeks and GCs who tried to eliminate us TCs in Cyprus for his enosis dream. Very funny. :lol:

Nobody ever tried to eliminate you. On multiple occasions you attacked us with the aim to enslave us and deny our freedom. 1571, 1821, 1958 and 1974 are such examples.

The only thing we ever did was to fight in the wars and conflicts which you started against us.

Isn't it passed your bedtime? :roll:

Listen mate, no one here believes your lies and no one ever takes you seriously when you come up with crap such as above.

Now answer me this question before your mummy takes away your keyboard, did you Greeks/GCs want enosis or not?

And your answer better include the period from 1963 through to 1974 and not try to hide it like you GReeks and GCs would love the whole world to forget. :lol:

Of course we wanted our freedom like all other Greeks, and to live in a free Greek state. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Here is the proof, right from the beginning:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

So the Cypriots wanted their freedom from the foreign Turkish oppressors, while the Turks massacred anybody who opposed their brutal rule over our island.

And that was in 1821. In 1958 while we were fighting against the new foreign oppressors the British, you again attacked us and started the inter-communal conflict, again trying to stop Cypriots from gaining their self-determination.

So, what Cypriots wanted always was their freedom and self-determination from foreign oppressors. Nothing more, nothing less. The same is true 1821, for 1958, for 1963 and for today. We never surrendered to any Turkish or British invaders, we never gave up our self-determination rights, and we never will.

The TCs should respect the self-determination rights of Cypriots as a whole instead of trying to force their will by force. This way we can live together in peace on this island.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:40 am

SoSolidCrew wrote:
Piratis wrote:
SoSolidCrew wrote:I think we should give the whole island to cavemen cause they lived there for a millions of years. Made sense? Ah, and all USA belongs to Indians now.

So you are still a caveman? Or maybe you are still living in the middle ages?

You never heard of things like human rights or International law?

And then you wonder why some call people like you Barbarians? Seriously?

Don't you think it is time to progress and become civilized, instead of trying to find lame excuses for continuing with atrocities such as land grabs, genocides, ethnic cleansings and human rights violations?

human rights does not say people whose ancestors were living on the same land for 1000s years should have more rights than the ones who are there for 600 years (or whatever it is).

It is 438.

And no, human rights says that citizens of a country should not be discriminated based on their race and that they should all have the exact same rights. That is exactly what I am saying. That Cypriots (GCs, TCs, Armenians, Maronites, Latins and every other Cypriot citizen) should have exactly the same rights, in a democracy with one person one vote, without racist or other discriminations.

It is some Turks who say that ethnic cleansing, land grab, segregation, separation and human rights violations can be a "solution". All I am saying is that if those are the elements in a solution that they want, then they shouldn't be surprised if those things will be indeed part of the solution, but not against us, but against them instead.
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Postby doesntmatter » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:44 am

Piratis wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
Piratis wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
Piratis wrote:
SoSolidCrew wrote:I think we should give the whole island to cavemen cause they lived there for a millions of years. Made sense? Ah, and all USA belongs to Indians now.

So you are still a caveman? Or maybe you are still living in the middle ages?

You never heard of things like human rights or International law?

And then you wonder why some call people like you Barbarians? Seriously?

Don't you think it is time to progress and become civilized, instead of trying to find lame excuses for continuing with atrocities such as land grabs, genocides, ethnic cleansings and human rights violations?

Look who is talking about being "civilised", a left over from the "barbarian" Greeks and GCs who tried to eliminate us TCs in Cyprus for his enosis dream. Very funny. :lol:

Nobody ever tried to eliminate you. On multiple occasions you attacked us with the aim to enslave us and deny our freedom. 1571, 1821, 1958 and 1974 are such examples.

The only thing we ever did was to fight in the wars and conflicts which you started against us.

Isn't it passed your bedtime? :roll:

Listen mate, no one here believes your lies and no one ever takes you seriously when you come up with crap such as above.

Now answer me this question before your mummy takes away your keyboard, did you Greeks/GCs want enosis or not?

And your answer better include the period from 1963 through to 1974 and not try to hide it like you GReeks and GCs would love the whole world to forget. :lol:

Of course we wanted our freedom like all other Greeks, and to live in a free Greek state. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Here is the proof, right from the beginning:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

So the Cypriots wanted their freedom from the foreign Turkish oppressors, while the Turks massacred anybody who opposed their brutal rule over our island.

And that was in 1821. In 1958 while we were fighting against the new foreign oppressors the British, you again attacked us and started the inter-communal conflict, again trying to stop Cypriots from gaining their self-determination.

So, what Cypriots wanted always was their freedom and self-determination from foreign oppressors. Nothing more, nothing less. The same is true 1821, for 1958, for 1963 and for today. We never surrendered to any Turkish or British invaders, we never gave up our self-determination rights, and we never will.

The TCs should respect the self-determination rights of Cypriots as a whole instead of trying to force their will by force. This way we can live together in peace on this island.

Does you brain actually understand what your fingers are typing or do you copy/paste without reading first.

You are not the only "Cypriots" on the island and you can not do whatever suits you. You need to respect our wishes as well and that we will never agree and will never surrender to your enosis wish.

You started the war in 1963 to fulfill your enosis dream not us TCs. What we did was to resist becoming Greek Muslims under a foreign country and fought back.

If you want to join Greece, join with the 70 odd % you have in the south, we are not interested. Do what the hell you like, not our problem. :roll:
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:44 am

doesntmatter wrote:
xxNilxx wrote:Because we were living together before for generations peacefully, before foreign powers victimised Cyprus to the divide and rule policy. I want a free, demetrilised, united Cyprus for all Cypriots and I don't want my population to be assimilated by Turks. I want to live with my brothers, the Greek speaking Cypriots.

P.S. Who told you TCS do not want to live? That's your opinion if you don't but you have no right to speak for most TCs. Majority of TCs do, but like all Cypriots they want to be insured of their safety.

What gives you the right to speak for the majority of TCs? Do you have special rights or have you got the ok from the majority of TCs?

By the way, you can't be asimilated by your own people who speak the same language, have the same religion and same culture as you have. If you want to live with the Greeks just move to the South, no one is stopping you.

a good example right there of any tc wanting re united cyprus and peace the turks have to call them craizy and put them down... if you dont want peace and re united land what are you doing in cyprus?

Nil is a very good tc girl who is talking more sense then you trying to post hate to everyone, trying to say partition or death, people liek you who favour parttition are beter off in turkey trying to spread hate and the few you see trying to be peacful and kind you put down if your own fellow tcs..

a nation that does that ie turkey should be far away from cyprus
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Postby SoSolidCrew » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:50 am

Well you know, Turkey's acts are based on two international treaties. Thats why today, international community does not have any legal binding on Turkey. And still a NATO member. And a temporary member of UN Security Council. Turkey might had exaggerated the operation but still, in roots, it has legal bases.

Whatever, human rights have certain rules about minority rights. Those are to avoid assimilation and to satisfy them to not to have/want an independent country. You can not just recognise every citizen as same individuals or members of the same ethnic group.

But being a minority has certain restrictions. A minority is 'under protection' but it is also 'not the natural owner of the state'

The state, United Cyprus for example, should recognise Cypriot Turks, not as same with Cypriot Greeks. However, that should not make them minority neither. Turkey once made this mistake, on the Kurdish issue. Today, the problem is going to an end, a good end. Which is, Kurds are not minorities as usual; but they are not ethnic Turks too. They are Kurds but both Turks and Kurds are under the same nation, not race.

In Cyprus, that must be happen. Cypriot Turks are not Greeks. They are not related to the Greeks by blood. They were not 'forcefully' converted into Islam people. Accept that, they are different. Different language, religion, culture, RACE. You are Greeks and they are Turks.

However, yes, they are both, can be both Cypriots. With equal rights, not "same rights as Greeks have"; they should have same adapted rights for both sides.
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Postby doesntmatter » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:51 am

paliometoxo wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
xxNilxx wrote:Because we were living together before for generations peacefully, before foreign powers victimised Cyprus to the divide and rule policy. I want a free, demetrilised, united Cyprus for all Cypriots and I don't want my population to be assimilated by Turks. I want to live with my brothers, the Greek speaking Cypriots.

P.S. Who told you TCS do not want to live? That's your opinion if you don't but you have no right to speak for most TCs. Majority of TCs do, but like all Cypriots they want to be insured of their safety.

What gives you the right to speak for the majority of TCs? Do you have special rights or have you got the ok from the majority of TCs?

By the way, you can't be asimilated by your own people who speak the same language, have the same religion and same culture as you have. If you want to live with the Greeks just move to the South, no one is stopping you.

a good example right there of any tc wanting re united cyprus and peace the turks have to call them craizy and put them down... if you dont want peace and re united land what are you doing in cyprus?

Nil is a very good tc girl who is talking more sense then you trying to post hate to everyone, trying to say partition or death, people liek you who favour parttition are beter off in turkey trying to spread hate and the few you see trying to be peacful and kind you put down if your own fellow tcs..

a nation that does that ie turkey should be far away from cyprus

Little birdy in a metal suit has spoken. :lol:

Where did I call her "craizy" or "put her down"?

I merely suggested that if she wants to live with you Greeks she can move to the south. If she does she'll be happy and we'll be happy, get it? :roll:
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:56 am

doesntmatter wrote:
Piratis wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
Piratis wrote:
doesntmatter wrote:
Piratis wrote:
SoSolidCrew wrote:I think we should give the whole island to cavemen cause they lived there for a millions of years. Made sense? Ah, and all USA belongs to Indians now.

So you are still a caveman? Or maybe you are still living in the middle ages?

You never heard of things like human rights or International law?

And then you wonder why some call people like you Barbarians? Seriously?

Don't you think it is time to progress and become civilized, instead of trying to find lame excuses for continuing with atrocities such as land grabs, genocides, ethnic cleansings and human rights violations?

Look who is talking about being "civilised", a left over from the "barbarian" Greeks and GCs who tried to eliminate us TCs in Cyprus for his enosis dream. Very funny. :lol:

Nobody ever tried to eliminate you. On multiple occasions you attacked us with the aim to enslave us and deny our freedom. 1571, 1821, 1958 and 1974 are such examples.

The only thing we ever did was to fight in the wars and conflicts which you started against us.

Isn't it passed your bedtime? :roll:

Listen mate, no one here believes your lies and no one ever takes you seriously when you come up with crap such as above.

Now answer me this question before your mummy takes away your keyboard, did you Greeks/GCs want enosis or not?

And your answer better include the period from 1963 through to 1974 and not try to hide it like you GReeks and GCs would love the whole world to forget. :lol:

Of course we wanted our freedom like all other Greeks, and to live in a free Greek state. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Here is the proof, right from the beginning:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

So the Cypriots wanted their freedom from the foreign Turkish oppressors, while the Turks massacred anybody who opposed their brutal rule over our island.

And that was in 1821. In 1958 while we were fighting against the new foreign oppressors the British, you again attacked us and started the inter-communal conflict, again trying to stop Cypriots from gaining their self-determination.

So, what Cypriots wanted always was their freedom and self-determination from foreign oppressors. Nothing more, nothing less. The same is true 1821, for 1958, for 1963 and for today. We never surrendered to any Turkish or British invaders, we never gave up our self-determination rights, and we never will.

The TCs should respect the self-determination rights of Cypriots as a whole instead of trying to force their will by force. This way we can live together in peace on this island.

Does you brain actually understand what your fingers are typing or do you copy/paste without reading first.

You are not the only "Cypriots" on the island and you can not do whatever suits you. You need to respect our wishes as well and that we will never agree and will never surrender to your enosis wish.

You started the war in 1963 to fulfill your enosis dream not us TCs. What we did was to resist becoming Greek Muslims under a foreign country and fought back.

If you want to join Greece, join with the 70 odd % you have in the south, we are not interested. Do what the hell you like, not our problem. :roll:

There was no "war to fulfill enosis" in 1963. Once again you show how ignorant you are.

What Cyprus should do is what Cypriots democratically decide for their own island. You are free to cast your vote as you wish. But you can not impose undemocratically your will on Cyprus. There is a Greek minority in Turkey as well, and I don't think that those Greeks are asked separately for their opinion.
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