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It is worthed to read the files

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It is worthed to read the files

Postby halil » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:12 pm

To understand what was going on in Cyprus it is worthed to read Ex-president Glafkos Clerides archives .
here is the link for u .Files are in Pdf version .
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Re: It is worthed to read the files

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:13 am

halil wrote:To understand what was going on in Cyprus it is worthed to read Ex-president Glafkos Clerides archives

I’m afraid not! Clerides was a career politician who wasted no less than TWO RoC presidential terms achieving absolutely NOTHING, and now all of a sudden that he is about to croak he’s got all these “things” he wants say! Well, I for one aren’t interested!

The important thing to remember is that Clerides, in his current ripe old age of 90?, is far more concerned with “clearing” his name by distancing himself as far away as possible from any responsibilities and shifting all blame to others and preferably the deceased such as Makarios, than the wellbeing of the people of Cyprus.

Allegations of private conversations in his “memoirs” such as “I said to Makarios... and he then said…” and similar statements, are NOT credible evidence by ANY measure, as they CANNOT be verified by an outside neutral source of ever taking place.

Furthermore, statements from Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot, Turkish, or Greek politicians, CANNOT be considered credible evidence in debates for obvious reasons.

Item 2 of our agreed article… “What constitutes CREDIBLE EVIDENCE?” and under “BAD sources of evidence” says:

“2. Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot, Armenian Cypriot, Turkish, and Greek websites, all prone to bias and therefore suspected of serving their respective interests.”

Those who do, should read these articles with... not a pinch, but a bucket of salt!

Regards, the honorable Ombudsman GR! :)
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Re: It is worthed to read the files

Postby halil » Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:43 pm

Get Real! wrote:
halil wrote:To understand what was going on in Cyprus it is worthed to read Ex-president Glafkos Clerides archives

I’m afraid not! Clerides was a career politician who wasted no less than TWO RoC presidential terms achieving absolutely NOTHING, and now all of a sudden that he is about to croak he’s got all these “things” he wants say! Well, I for one aren’t interested!

The important thing to remember is that Clerides, in his current ripe old age of 90?, is far more concerned with “clearing” his name by distancing himself as far away as possible from any responsibilities and shifting all blame to others and preferably the deceased such as Makarios, than the wellbeing of the people of Cyprus.

Allegations of private conversations in his “memoirs” such as “I said to Makarios... and he then said…” and similar statements, are NOT credible evidence by ANY measure, as they CANNOT be verified by an outside neutral source of ever taking place.

Furthermore, statements from Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot, Turkish, or Greek politicians, CANNOT be considered credible evidence in debates for obvious reasons.

Item 2 of our agreed article… “What constitutes CREDIBLE EVIDENCE?” and under “BAD sources of evidence” says:

“2. Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot, Armenian Cypriot, Turkish, and Greek websites, all prone to bias and therefore suspected of serving their respective interests.”

Those who do, should read these articles with... not a pinch, but a bucket of salt!

Regards, the honorable Ombudsman GR! :)

those archives are your goverment archives and most of them has got ROC stamps on them .....If they are not credible all the claims of your goverments or sayings or arguments are also uncredible GR.....

those oeople who cliks on the pdf's files first might see Greek writings first ,keep searching on them and you can find how they were talking to find out solution for Cyprus problem at 68-74 than suddenly we had a coup in Cyprus.Also in this forum people are saying that there was no killing happened in Cyprus after 1967 ....It did happened.... you can find these kind of the informationes between lines ..... you can find TC's and GC's proposols and their answers to each other ..... Also you can find what the Turkey was thinking about Cyprus .....

Looks like my friend GR does not like this things that peoples are not idea what was happening in Cyprus at those times will learn lots of things.

these files are 12 filed in pdf files it might take your time to read but it will be much better to read them than arguing here .... no you did this you did this to us .....

first read those valuable informations and think twice .....
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