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"I killed 10 Greekcypriots"

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"I killed 10 Greekcypriots"

Postby RAFAELLA » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:50 am

Πυροβόλησα στο μέτωπο τον πρώτο Κύπριο αιχμάλωτο, μετά σκότωσα άλλους 9

Παρασκευή 23 Ιανουαρίου 2009

ΣΥΓΚΛΟΝΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ κατέθεσε σε τηλεοπτική εκπομπή Τούρκος ηθοποιός: «Σκότωσα δέκα ανθρώπους» στην τουρκική εισβολή στην Κύπρο. Το πρώτο θύμα του ήταν ένας 19χρονος αιχμάλωτος ο οποίος δεν αποκλείεται σήμερα να είναι ακόμη στη λίστα των αγνοουμένων. Ο Τούρκος ηθοποιός δηλώνει ότι από τότε έχει ακόμη εφιάλτες.

Ο Αττίλα Ολγκάτς είναι ηθοποιός εδώ και 45 χρόνια. Τον κάλεσαν σε εκπομπή του Κανάλ Τουρκ για να μιλήσει για τη σειρά «Κοιλάδα των Λύκων», την πιο δημοφιλή σειρά στην Τουρκία, στην οποία παίζει. Τελικά μίλησε για τη δική του ζωή σοκάροντας και τον παρουσιαστή και τους τηλεθεατές. «Στο σενάριο της σειράς σκότωσα έναν άνθρωπο, αλλά τι κρίμα, στην πραγματική ζωή σκότωσα για την πατρίδα δέκα»! Και τότε ο Ολγκάτς άρχισε να εξιστορεί τα γεγονότα. Του είχε μείνει μια μέρα για να απολυθεί και τότε ακριβώς ξεκίνησε η εισβολή στην Κύπρο. Η εντολή ήταν να πάει στην Κύπρο να πολεμήσει. Έφερε αντίρρηση. «Εγώ είμαι καλλιτέχνης, δεν μπορώ να σκοτώσω άνθρωπο», είπε στον διοικητή του. Ο διοικητής όμως είχε άλλη άποψη: «Εδώ τελειώνει η τέχνη. Εδώ είναι η πραγματική ζωή, ο πόλεμος. Από τη στιγμή που δόθηκε η διαταγή θα σκοτώσεις».

Ο Ολγκάτς μαρτυρεί ότι το πρώτο παιδί που σκότωσε ήταν 19 χρόνων, ένας στρατιώτης αιχμάλωτος. «Όταν του έτεινα το όπλο με έφτυσε στο πρόσωπο. Τον πυροβόλησα στο μέτωπο. Μετά σκότωσα άλλους εννέα. Κάθε φορά που σκότωνα κάποιον πήγαινα στο αρχηγείο και έκλαιγα. Την άλλη μέρα ξανασκότωνα», μαρτυρεί ο Τούρκος ηθοποιός. Λέει ότι από τότε δεν τον εγκατέλειψαν οι εφιάλτες, για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα δεχόταν ψυχολογική στήριξη. «Γι΄ αυτό ακόμη δεν τρώω κρέας. Δεν μπορώ να δω αίμα. Έχω ακόμη στο μυαλό μου τα παιδιά που σκότωσα, τα τρομακτικά πτώματα», εξομολογείται ο Αττίλα Ολγκάτς. Αποκαλύπτει μάλιστα ότι για πρώτη φορά ύστερα από 25 χρόνια εξολομογείται αυτήν την αλήθεια. «Η Τουρκία μπήκε σε έναν τρομακτικό πόλεμο. Είμαι ο πρώτος καλλιτέχνης που σκότωσε άνθρωπο», λέει μετανιωμένος ο Τούρκος ηθοποιός, προσθέτοντας ότι ο πόλεμος αυτός επηρέασε ακόμη και την επαγγελματική του ζωή αφού για αρκετό διάστημα δεν μπορούσε να ασχοληθεί με τίποτα. Θυμάται ακόμη τα λόγια του διοικητή του: «Νομίζεις ότι θα σκοτώνεις πάντα μόνο πάνω στη σκηνή; Πάρε το όπλο και σκότωσε κάποιον να δεις στ΄ αλήθεια πώς είναι»!
For the photo, click: ... id=4498171


Atilla Olgaç, Kıbrıs'ta elleri bağlı esiri alnından vurmuş

Tiyatro sanatçısı Atilla Olgaç, Kıbrıs harekatında 10 kişiyi öldürdüğünü açıkladi

İSTANBUL - 'Kurtlar Vadisi'nin Kılıç'ı, 45 yıllık tiyatro sanatçısı Atilla Olgaç hayatıyla ilgili bir gerçeği ilk kez Gülşen Yüksel ve Müge Dağıstanlı'nın sunduğu 'Orada Neler Oluyor'da açıkladı.
Atilla Olgaç "Kılıç karakteriyle senaryo gereği adam öldürdük. Ama ne yazık ki bu vatan için ben gerçek hayatta 10 kişiyi vurdum" dedi. Atilla Olgaç "Askerlikte terhisime 1 gün kalmıştı. Tam o sırada Kıbrıs Barış Hareketi oldu. Beni Mersin'den Kıbrıs'a gönderdiler. Savaşın en acımasızca ve en kanlı bölümünün sürdüğü temizleme harekatında görev verdiler. Komutana 'Yapamam, adam öldüremem, ben sanatçıyım' dedim. 'Burada sanat bitti. Burası gerçek hayat, savaş. Emir verdim mi öldüreceksin' dedi. İlk öldürdüğüm çocuk 19 yaşında, esir düşmüş bir askerdi. Silahı yüzüne doğrulttuğumda yüzüme tükürdü. Alnından vurdum, öldü. Daha sonraki çatışmalarda 9 kişiyi daha öldürdüm. Öldürdükten sonra gidip karargâhta ağlıyor, ertesi gün yine öldürüyordum. Rüyamdan çıkmıyor. Uzun süre psikolojik tedavi gördüm. Bu yüzden hala et yiyemiyorum. Kan göremiyorum. Aklıma öldürdüğüm çocuklar, kokmuş cesetler geliyor" dedi.

"O lanet olası görüntü gitmiyor"

Bu acıyı 25 yıl sonra ilk kez itiraf ettiğini söyleyen Atilla Olgaç "Türkiye'de korkunç bir savaşta bulunmuş, adam öldürmüş, gazilik unvanı almış tek sanatçıyım" dedi. Atilla Olgaç sözlerine şöyle devam etti: Savaş uzun süre mesleğimi de etkiledi. Kitlendim, bir şey yapamadım. Bugün o komutanın 'Hep sahnede numaradan mı adam öldüreceksin. Silahı al da, gerçekten öldür bakalım. Nasıl oluyormuş' dediğini hatırlıyorum. " dedi. ... egoryID=77
For photo, click: ... yen-Atilla

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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:55 am

Very brave of this fellow. I heard on Astra radio today though that this might be a publicity stunt in order to imrove the ratings of the serial he is in. This is probably too far fetched. All we need now is for all culprits from both sides to come forward and confess. In this way we can get rid of the skeletons we all have in our closets.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:02 pm

Bananiot wrote:Very brave of this fellow. I heard on Astra radio today though that this might be a publicity stunt in order to imrove the ratings of the serial he is in. This is probably too far fetched. All we need now is for all culprits from both sides to come forward and confess. In this way we can get rid of the skeletons we all have in our closets.

It does seem far fetched, Bananiot, because he describes one of the killings in detail and the rest were not. But the expression on his face in the above picture sure can kill 10 people without any trouble at all.!
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:29 pm

Rafaella beat me to it.

Killing of a soldier who had surrendered is a war crime. He should face justice.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:32 pm

Turkish actor remorseful over killing Greek Cypriots in 1974
By Elias Hazou

A Turkish actor appearing on a hit television series in Turkey has told of how he shot dead at least 10 Greek Cypriot soldiers during the 1974 hostilities in Cyprus.

The story was picked up by a Greek reporter based in Istanbul.

The actor, Attila Alkac, made the harrowing revelations yesterday while being interviewed on a television show broadcast by the Kanal Türk channel.

Alkac was brought on the show to talk about the ‘Valley of the Wolves’, a series dealing among other things with the controversial issue of the ‘deep state.’

Hugely popular with Turkish viewers, the series once featured a cameo by Turkish Cypriot strongman Rauf Denktash. The series has spawned a movie of the same name grossing $27.9 million at the box office.

While discussing a scene from the series where he make-believe shoots and kills someone, Alkac paused and began recounting his experiences with the Turkish invasion force in Cyprus in the summer of 1974.

Shocking the show’s hosts, Alkac described how as a conscript he got sucked into the “Turkish peacekeeping operation,” as he called it, just one day before he was set to be discharged from the army.

After disembarking on the island, Alkac approached his commanding officer and told him he was an “artist” and as such did not want, and could not, kill other human beings.

According to Alkac, the officer dismissed the plea, saying: “This is where art ends and real life begins. It’s time you felt like what it means to kill a man for real.”

Shortly after, Alkac was ordered to carry out his first execution. The victim was a 19-year-old Greek Cypriot soldier captured by Turkish forces.

The actor then described how the POW spat on his face when Alkac raised his weapon.

“I shot him in the forehead,” Alkac said with disarming candor.

“Every time I’d kill someone, I would go back to the barracks and break down in tears. But the next day, I would go out and shoot someone else. I killed nine more people.”

Alkac described how the killings still haunted him with nightmares, and that for a long time he needed psychological support to deal with the trauma of his experiences.

“To this day, I cannot eat meat and cannot stand the sight of blood. In my head I keep seeing the youths that I killed,” he said.

It is not clear whether all 10 persons Alkac claims to have killed were POWs.

Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2009
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Postby iceman » Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:35 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Rafaella beat me to it.

Killing of a soldier who had surrendered is a war crime. He should face justice.

Rafaella also beat me to it....I read this story on another Turkish daily Milliyet and was translating the article into English to post here..

Actor Atilla Olgac has revealed that in 1974, during the peace operation he killed 10 persons,one being a POW.
Atilla Kilic, AKA "Kilic" from TV serial Kurtlar Vadisi said, "according to his role in the the script "Kilic" has killed many, but unfortunately i killed ten people in real life for this country."

During a programme on Kanalturk yesterday morning he said "during my compulsory military service, the Cyprus peace operation took place, I was sent to Cyprus from Mersin where i was stationed.
Was given duty during the "clean up" campaign which was the bloodiest & most merciless part of the war.
I said to my commander "i am an actor,man of art, i cannot kill" and he said "art is over,this is real life...war...When i order, you kill."

My first kill was a young, 19 year old prisoner..when i raised my rifle towards his head, he spat on my face..I shot him on his forehead,he died.
Following days i killed nine more times in gunfights.
After every kill,i used to cry back at the camp but go out and kill again the next day.
I still keep having nightmares about it.I had psychological treatment for a long time..I still cannot eat meat,can't stand the sight of blood..Reminds me of the kids i killed and the bad odor of corpses...
Confessing his bitter memories after 25 years,Olgac has said "I am the only actor in Turkey who took place in a terrible war,killed,decorated as a war veteran"
"The war affected my career as an actor for a long time..I was numbed,couldn't do a thing.
Even today i can hear the voice of that commander telling me "Will you always pretend to kill on stage?Take your rifle and kill for real...see how it is in real life......" ... 01.2009&b=
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:30 pm

Bananiot wrote:Very brave of this fellow. I heard on Astra radio today though that this might be a publicity stunt in order to imrove the ratings of the serial he is in.

If so then he must be very stupid because shooting apprehended prisoners in the forehead is a war crime.

This is probably too far fetched. All we need now is for all culprits from both sides to come forward and confess. In this way we can get rid of the skeletons we all have in our closets.

Your swift moves on the forum to soften the blow are most disgusting!
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Postby DT. » Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:51 pm

Where the other 9 POW's as well? One tranlsation talks of 9 more killed one a day and the other talks of the 9 killed in gun fights.
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Postby halil » Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:57 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Very brave of this fellow. I heard on Astra radio today though that this might be a publicity stunt in order to imrove the ratings of the serial he is in.

If so then he must be very stupid because shooting apprehended prisoners in the forehead is a war crime.

This is probably too far fetched. All we need now is for all culprits from both sides to come forward and confess. In this way we can get rid of the skeletons we all have in our closets.

Your swift moves on the forum to soften the blow are most disgusting!

Bravo Bananot .
I am with you again with this idea .
GR again at onesided thinks .Killers are at both sides are walking freely.

GR , i hope you are not one of them mate .... Why he is trying to soften the sutuation .He is saying right things here mate . Try to see otherside of the coin as well mate . Show me one coin that has got only one side .Nothing is for soften it . At least he talks about the killers which are present both sides of the Cyprus also in Turkey and Greece mate .
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:05 pm

This story is on the front page of today's Cyprus Weekly (in English).
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