miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:Guilty: Britain admits collusion, new torture claims emerge ... 34735.html
Have you ever wondered as to the reasons why secret services indulge in such practices , or is your mission purely dictated by your obsession and sick hatred of the West ?
Paphitis rather stupidly stated earlier that you are "supporting Cyprus "
what he actually meant is that you are supporting every single terrorist group starting with Al Qaeda , Hamas , Hezbollah , Jihad is holy , Kill the infidels , Death to America Party Of God !!
Tell me mate , are your state of the art gadgets Al Qaeda made !!
You are nothing but a babbling fool who has no idea about reality as your world is black and white and you no doubt suffer from acute tunnel vision.
I feel insulted that a person of your very limited comprehension and intellect would even consider putting words in my mouth so I ask you to crawl back under your rock..
I am done with you as you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. For your information, if an armed conflict ever started in Cyprus, then at the very LEAST the CNG would be able to liberate at least 50% of the occupied areas. Trust me, I know what I am talking about!
Air forces and numbers mean nothing in a 24-48 hour conflict. An army of 50,000 is more than capable of bringing down a nation with an army of 6,000,000, and that is a fact!
So piss off!
I suggest you go and drink your milk boy to help your brain grow . I sussed you out a long time ago but tried to at least listen to you . You are talking so much shit I can smell it from here . So we can take the Turkish army 6 million of them and defeat them can we. You are a bigger fool than I thought you were if you believe the rubbish you post "Air forces and numbers mean nothing in a 24-48 hour conflict. An army of 50,000 is more than capable of bringing down a nation with an army of 6,000,000, and that is a fact! ""
What bollocks ! I just hope the likes of you are safely locked up where they belong a bloody loony bin mate.
What absolute shit , and who told you that Turkeys army is just 6 million !!!
What a Plonker !
Miltiades, if you were one bit intelligent you would have had GR on the ropes in your personal dual with him as his biased debate is riddled with so many inconsistencies and double standards, but since you are nothing but an incompetent nincompoop, I suggest you confine your postings to the Jokes and Enigma section where you belong.
You can lead a fool to water but you can't force him to drink!
When referring to a military of 6,000,000, I was referring to the Red Army of the People's Republic of China. As I said, your comprehension skills are below par, so please quit wasting our time. Turkey does NOT have a military of 6,000,000....