Greece Giakoumeli and others v. Greece 08-12-2005 [not yet received]
2 Greece Georgopoulos and others v. Greece 08-12-2005 [not yet received]
3 Greece Renieri and others v. Greece 08-12-2005 [not yet received]
4 Greece Gili and others v. Greece 08-12-2005 [not yet received]
5 Greece Vozinos v. Greece 04-08-2005 [not yet received]
6 Greece Tsaras v. Greece 04-08-2005 [not yet received]
7 Greece Spyropoulos v. Greece 04-08-2005 [not yet received]
8 Greece Ioannidis v. Greece 04-08-2005 [not yet received]
9 Greece Gavalas v. Greece 04-08-2005 [not yet received]
10 Greece Zafiropoulos v. Greece 30-06-2005 [not yet received]
11 Greece Grylli v. Greece 30-06-2005 [not yet received]
12 Greece Gika and others v. Greece 30-06-2005 [not yet received]
13 Greece Tsamou v. Greece 21-04-2005 [not yet received]
14 Greece Sflomos v. Greece 21-04-2005 [not yet received]
15 Greece Plastarias v. Greece 21-04-2005 [not yet received]
16 Greece Koufogiannis v. Greece 21-04-2005 [not yet received]
17 Greece Kollias v. Greece 21-04-2005 [not yet received]
18 Greece Kabetsis v. Greece 21-04-2005 [not yet received]
19 Greece Giosakis v. Greece (no. 2) 12-02-2009 [not yet received]
20 Greece Giosakis v. Greece (no. 1) 12-02-2009 [not yet received]
21 Greece Argyrou and others v. Greece 15-01-2009 [not yet received]
22 Greece Sossoadouno v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
23 Greece Charalambidis v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
24 Greece Katsivardelos v. Greece 25-10-2007 [not yet received]
25 Greece Luan Metushi v. Greece 25-10-2007 [not yet received]
26 Greece Behar Metushi v. Greece 25-10-2007 [not yet received]
27 Greece Kaskaniotis and others v. Greece 09-06-2005 [not yet received]
28 Greece Fraggalexi v. Greece 09-06-2005 [not yet received]
29 Greece Charalambos Karagiannis v. Greece 09-06-2005 [not yet received]
30 Greece Aggelopoulos v. Greece 09-06-2005 [not yet received]
31 Greece Nikolopoulos v. Greece 02-06-2005 [not yet received]
32 Greece Nafpliotis v. Greece 02-06-2005 [not yet received]
33 Greece Stamos and others v. Greece 19-05-2005 [not yet received]
34 Greece Moïsidis v. Greece 19-05-2005 [not yet received]
35 Greece Makedonopoulos v. Greece 19-05-2005 [not yet received]
36 Hungary,Greece Karalyos and Huber v. Hungary and Greece 06-04-2004 [not yet received]
37 Greece Entreprises Meton et Etep v. Greece 21-03-2002 [not yet received]
38 Greece Vontas and others v. Greece 05-02-2009 [not yet received]
39 Greece Typopoiitria Thivas AE v. Greece 11-12-2008 [not yet received]
40 Greece Nerattini v. Greece 18-12-2008 [not yet received]
41 Greece Examiliotis v. Greece (no. 3) 04-12-2008 [not yet received]
42 Greece Karvountzis v. Greece 06-11-2008 [not yet received]
43 Greece Dali v. Greece 06-11-2008 [not yet received]
44 Greece Geromanolis and others v. Greece 16-10-2008 [not yet received]
45 Greece Vlachos v. Greece 18-09-2008 [not yet received]
46 Greece Gorou v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
47 Greece Siafaka v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
48 Greece Lemonidou v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
49 Greece Lambropoulou v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
50 Greece Chelmi v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
51 Greece Chatzimanikas v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
52 Greece Kabili v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
53 Greece Vlachou v. Greece 19-06-2008 [not yet received]
54 Greece Philippos Ionnidis v. Greece 19-06-2008 [not yet received]
55 Greece Ichtigiaroglou v. Greece 19-06-2008 [not yet received]
56 Greece Zourdos and others v. Greece 05-06-2008 [not yet received]
57 Greece Lambadaridou v. Greece 05-06-2008 [not yet received]
58 Greece Loukas v. Greece 29-05-2008 [not yet received]
59 Greece Tsilira v. Greece 22-05-2008 [not yet received]
60 Greece Karanikas and others v. Greece 29-04-2008 [not yet received]
61 Greece Galiatsou-Koutsikou and others v. Greece 24-04-2008 [not yet received]
62 Greece Avramidis and others v. Greece 24-04-2008 [not yet received]
63 Greece Avoutzis and others v. Greece 24-04-2008 [not yet received]
64 Greece Association "E. Apostolopoulos and K. Lymperopoulo... 24-04-2008 [not yet received]
65 Greece Anastasopoulos and others v. Greece 24-04-2008 [not yet received]
66 Greece Anastasiadis and others v. Greece 24-04-2008 [not yet received]
67 Greece Avdelidis and others v. Greece 10-04-2008 [not yet received]
68 Greece Seremetis v. Greece 27-03-2008 [not yet received]
69 Greece Markou v. Greece 27-03-2008 [not yet received]
70 Greece Dim. Kai Aik. Tzivani O.E. v. Greece 27-03-2008 [not yet received]
71 Greece Kouroupis v. Greece 27-03-2008 [not yet received]
72 Greece Papastefanou v. Greece 20-03-2008 [not yet received]
73 Greece Techtron E.P.E. v. Greece 06-03-2008 [not yet received]
74 Greece Sekseni v. Greece 06-03-2008 [not yet received]
75 Greece Gikas v. Greece 06-03-2008 [not yet received]
76 Greece Mariettos and Mariettou v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
77 Greece Kontogeorgas v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
78 Greece Konstantinos Ladas v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
79 Greece Kaparos v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
80 Greece Chatzinikolaou v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
81 Greece Tseronis v. Greece 07-02-2008 [not yet received]
82 Greece Karahalios v. Greece (no.

06-12-2007 [not yet received]
83 Greece Karahalios v. Greece (no. 7) 06-12-2007 [not yet received]
84 Greece Alexiou v. Greece 06-12-2007 [not yet received]
85 Greece Giannetaki E. & S. Metaforiki Ltd and Giannetakis ... 06-12-2007 [not yet received]
86 Greece Sampsonidis and others v. Greece 06-12-2007 [not yet received]
87 Greece Odeon Cineplex A.E. v. Greece 18-10-2007 [not yet received]
88 Greece Polychronakos v. Greece 11-10-2007 [not yet received]
89 Greece Georgios Papadopoulos v. Greece 11-10-2007 [not yet received]
90 Greece Poulitsidi v. Greece 11-10-2007 [not yet received]
91 Greece Filioti v. Greece 11-10-2007 [not yet received]
92 Greece Ergo Abekte v. Greece 27-09-2007 [not yet received]
93 Greece Soghia Hellas v. Greece 27-09-2007 [not yet received]
94 Greece Doggakis and others v. Greece 26-07-2007 [not yet received]
95 Greece Zisis v. Greece 19-07-2007 [not yet received]
96 Greece Thomas Makris v. Greece 21-06-2007 [not yet received]
97 Greece Roïdakis v. Greece 21-06-2007 [not yet received]
98 Greece Noel Baker v. Greece 21-06-2007 [not yet received]
99 Greece Peca v. Greece 21-06-2007 [not yet received]
100 Greece Georgoulis and others v. Greece 21-06-2007 [not yet received]
101 Greece Papasteriades v. Greece 31-05-2007 [not yet received]
102 Greece Leonidopoulos v. Greece 31-05-2007 [not yet received]
103 Greece Papadogeorgos v. Greece 03-05-2007 [not yet received]
104 Greece Chrysochoou v. Greece 03-05-2007 [not yet received]
105 Greece Psarakis v. Greece 26-04-2007 [not yet received]
106 Greece Makropoulou and others v. Greece 26-04-2007 [not yet received]
107 Greece Vasilev v. Greece 18-01-2007 [not yet received]
108 Greece Andriotis and Andrioti v. Greece 25-01-2007 [not yet received]
109 Greece Tsekouridou v. Greece 25-01-2007 [not yet received]
110 Greece Elmaliotis and Konstantinidis v. Greece 25-01-2007 [not yet received]
111 Greece Aja International Trade B.V. v. Greece 25-01-2007 [not yet received]
112 Greece Aggelakou-Svarna v. Greece 14-12-2006 [not yet received]
113 Greece Sillaidis v. Greece 30-11-2006 [not yet received]
114 Greece Diakoumakos v. Greece 30-11-2006 [not yet received]
115 Greece Dalidis v. Greece 21-09-2006 [not yet received]
116 Greece Adelfoi Io. Verri A.E. Choirotrofiki Epicheirisi v... 27-07-2006 [not yet received]
117 Greece Galatalis v. Greece 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
118 Greece Nikas and Nika v. Greece 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
119 Greece Lazaridi v. Greece 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
120 Greece Kortessi v. Greece 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
121 Greece Allushi v. Greece 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
122 Greece Andoniadis v. Greece 06-07-2006 [not yet received]
123 Greece Kakamoukas and others v. Greece 22-06-2006 [not yet received]
124 Greece Athanasiou v. Greece 01-06-2006 [not yet received]
125 Greece Tsiotras v. Greece 01-06-2006 [not yet received]
126 Greece Arvanitaki-Roboti and others v. Greece 18-05-2006 [not yet received]
127 Greece Mantzila v. Greece 04-05-2006 [not yet received]
128 Greece Filippos Mavropoulos - Pan. Zisis O. E. v. Greece 04-05-2006 [not yet received]
129 Greece Ekdoseis N. Papanikolaou A. E. v. Greece 04-05-2006 [not yet received]
130 Greece Kefalas and others v. Greece 27-04-2006 [not yet received]
131 Greece Inexo v. Greece 27-04-2006 [not yet received]
132 Greece Horomidis v. Greece 27-04-2006 [not yet received]
133 Greece Chatzibyrros and others v. Greece 06-04-2006 [not yet received]
134 Greece Simaskou v. Greece 30-03-2006 [not yet received]
135 Greece Kollokas v. Greece 30-03-2006 [not yet received]
136 Greece Damilakos v. Greece 30-03-2006 [not yet received]
137 Greece Tzaggaraki and others v. Greece 26-01-2006 [not yet received]
138 Greece Dimitrakopoulou v. Greece 08-12-2005 [not yet received]
139 Greece Bitsinas v. Greece 15-11-2005 [not yet received]
140 Greece Drakidou v. Greece 10-11-2005 [not yet received]
141 Greece Nikopoulou v. Greece 29-09-2005 [not yet received]
142 Greece Athanasiou v. Greece 29-09-2005 [not yet received]
143 Greece Loumidis v. Greece 04-08-2005 [not yet received]
144 Greece Koutrouba v. Greece 04-08-2005 [not yet received]
145 Greece Atmatzidi v. Greece 21-07-2005 [not yet received]
146 Greece Patsouraki and others v. Greece 30-06-2005 [not yet received]
147 Greece Patelaki-Skamagga and others v. Greece 30-06-2005 [not yet received]
148 Greece Potiri v. Greece 23-06-2005 [not yet received]
149 Greece Tavlikou-Vosynioti v. Greece 09-06-2005 [not yet received]
150 Greece Panagakos v. Greece 09-06-2005 [not yet received]
151 Greece Zolotas v. Greece 02-06-2005 [not yet received]
152 Greece Karra v. Greece 02-06-2005 [not yet received]
153 Greece Giannakopoulou v. Greece 02-06-2005 [not yet received]
154 Greece Kaggali v. Greece 19-05-2005 [not yet received]
155 Greece Korre v. Greece 28-04-2005 [not yet received]
156 Greece Kolybiri v. Greece 28-04-2005 [not yet received]
157 Greece Hadjidjanis v. Greece 28-04-2005 [not yet received]
158 Greece Athanasiadis and others v. Greece 28-04-2005 [not yet received]
159 Greece Basoukou v. Greece 21-04-2005 [not yet received]
160 Greece Makris v. Greece 07-04-2005 [not yet received]
161 Greece Dimitrellos v. Greece 07-04-2005 [not yet received]
162 Greece Alija v. Greece 07-04-2005 [not yet received]
163 Greece Refene-Michalopoulou and others v. Greece 17-03-2005 [not yet received]
164 Greece Gika and others v. Greece 17-03-2005 [not yet received]
165 Greece Apostolaki v. Greece 17-03-2005 [not yet received]
166 Greece Stamoulakatos v. Greece 26-10-1993 A 271
167 Greece Kallitsis v. Greece (no. 2) 17-02-2005 [not yet received]
168 Greece Veli-Makri and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
169 Greece Vasilaki and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
170 Greece Stathoudaki and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
171 Greece Papamichaïl and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
172 Greece Mikros v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
173 Greece Lagouvardou-Papatheodorou and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
174 Greece Kozyris and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
175 Greece Koutroubas and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
176 Greece Kouremenos and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
177 Greece Kosti-Spanopoulou and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
178 Greece Kalliri-Giannikopoulou and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
179 Greece Goutsia and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
180 Greece Giamas and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
181 Greece Charmantas and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
182 Greece Andrianesis and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
183 Greece Kotsanas v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
184 Greece Andreadaki and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
185 Greece Sadik Amet and others v. Greece 03-02-2005 [not yet received]
186 Greece Efstathiou v. Greece 10-07-2003 2003-IX
187 Greece Gialamas v. Greece 21-10-2004 [not yet received]
188 Greece Velliou v. Greece 14-10-2004 [not yet received]
189 Greece Belaousof and others v. Greece 27-05-2004 [not yet received]
190 Greece Wintersberger v. Greece 05-02-2004 [not yet received]
191 Greece Litoselitis v. Greece 05-02-2004 [not yet received]
192 Greece Patrianakos v. Greece 15-07-2004 [not yet received]
193 Greece Lazarou v. Greece 08-07-2004 [not yet received]
194 Greece Kalkanis v. Greece 08-07-2004 [not yet received]
195 Greece Liadis v. Greece 27-05-2004 [not yet received]
196 Greece Manios v. Greece 11-03-2004 [not yet received]
197 Greece Interoliva ABEE v. Greece 10-07-2003 [not yet received]
198 Greece Papazoglou and others v. Greece 13-11-2003 [not yet received]
199 Greece Kanakis and others v. Greece 23-10-2003 [not yet received]
200 Greece Konstantopoulos AE and others v. Greece 10-07-2003 [not yet received]
201 Greece Koumoutsea and others v. Greece 06-03-2003 [not yet received]
202 Greece Mentis v. Greece 20-02-2003 [not yet received]
203 Greece Georgios Papadopoulos v. Greece 06-02-2003 [not yet received]
204 Greece Vitaliotou v. Greece 30-01-2003 [not yet received]
205 Greece Teka Ltd v. Greece 26-06-2002 [not yet received]
206 Greece Xenopoulos v. Greece 28-03-2002 [not yet received]
207 Greece E.H. v. Greece 25-10-2001 [not yet received]
208 Greece Dionyssios Petrotos v. Greece 29-02-2000 [not yet received]
209 Greece Tsomtsos v. Greece 31-03-1998 1998-II, no. 68
210 Greece The Holy Monasteries v. Greece 01-09-1997 1997-V, no. 45
211 Greece Sarantidis v. Greece 05-02-2009 [not yet received]
212 Greece Petroulia v. Greece 06-11-2008 [not yet received]
213 Greece Angelov v. Greece 06-11-2008 [not yet received]
214 Greece Louli v. Greece 31-07-2008 [not yet received]
215 Greece Alvanos and others v. Greece 20-03-2008 [not yet received]
216 Greece Pyrgiotakis v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
217 Greece Koskina and others v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
218 Greece Kanellopoulos v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
219 Greece Vasilakis v. Greece 17-01-2008 [not yet received]
220 Greece ZANTE-Marathonisi A.E. v. Greece 06-12-2007 [not yet received]
221 Greece Tsivis v. Greece 06-12-2007 [not yet received]
222 Greece Kosmidis and Kosmidou v. Greece 08-11-2007 [not yet received]
223 Greece Gjashta v. Greece 18-10-2007 [not yet received]
224 Greece Raspoptsis v. Greece 27-09-2007 [not yet received]
225 Greece Karagiannopoulos v. Greece 21-06-2007 [not yet received]
226 Greece Pantaleon v. Greece 10-05-2007 [not yet received]
227 Greece Tastanidis v. Greece 12-10-2006 [not yet received]
228 Greece Karanakis v. Greece 03-05-2007 [not yet received]
229 Greece Sakkopoulos (no. 2) v. Greece 22-02-2007 [not yet received]
230 Greece Rompoti and Rompotis v. Greece 25-01-2007 [not yet received]
231 Greece Gorou v. Greece 11-01-2007 [not yet received]
232 Greece Vaden v. Greece 29-03-2007 [not yet received]
233 Greece Gousis v. Greece 29-03-2007 [not yet received]
234 Greece Gerogiannakis v. Greece 10-08-2006 [not yet received]
235 Greece Agga v. Greece (no. 4) 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
236 Greece Agga v. Greece (no. 3) 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
237 Greece Koleci v. Greece 27-04-2006 [not yet received]
238 Greece Basoukos v. Greece 27-04-2006 [not yet received]
239 Greece Iera Moni Profitou Iliou Thiras v. Greece 22-12-2005 [not yet received]
240 Greece Proios v. Greece 24-11-2005 [not yet received]
241 Greece Palaska v. Greece 19-05-2004 [not yet received]
242 Greece Hourmidis v. Greece 19-05-2004 [not yet received]
243 Greece Kurti v. Greece 29-09-2005 [not yet received]
244 Greece Amassoglou v. Greece 21-07-2005 [not yet received]
245 Greece Kokkini v. Greece 17-02-2005 [not yet received]
246 Greece Vlasopoulos and others v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
247 Greece Theodoros Anagnostopoulos v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
248 Greece Stamatios Karagiannis v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
249 Greece Selianitis v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
250 Greece Karobeïs v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
251 Greece Charalambos Katsaros v. Greece 10-02-2005 [not yet received]
252 Greece Karellis v. Greece 02-12-2004 [not yet received]
253 Greece Rodopoulos v. Greece 14-10-2004 [not yet received]
254 Greece Kotsaridis v. Greece 23-09-2004 [not yet received]
255 Greece Livanos v. Greece 16-05-2002 [not yet received]
256 Greece Logothetis v. Greece 18-04-2002 [not yet received]
257 Greece Examiliotis v. Greece 18-04-2002 [not yet received]
258 Greece Ouzounis and others v. Greece 18-04-2002 [not yet received]
259 Greece Sajtos v. Greece 21-03-2002 [not yet received]
260 Greece Adamogiannis v. Greece 14-03-2002 [not yet received]
261 Greece Tiburzi v. Greece 25-10-2001 [not yet received]
262 Greece Kolokitha v. Greece 07-06-2001 [not yet received]
263 Greece Zohiou v. Greece 29-03-2001 [not yet received]
264 Greece Boulougouras v. Greece 27-05-2004 [not yet received]
265 Greece Terzis v. Greece 29-01-2004 [not yet received]
266 Greece The former King of Greece and others v. Greece 23-11-2000 2000-XII
267 Greece Sotiris and Nikos Koutras ATTEE v. Greece 16-11-2000 2000-XII
268 Greece Ioannis Papadopoulos v. Greece 09-01-2003 [not yet received]
269 Greece Tsironis v. Greece 06-12-2001 [not yet received]
270 Greece Marinakos v. Greece 04-10-2001 [not yet received]
271 Greece Savvidou v. Greece 01-08-2000 [not yet received]
272 Greece Antonakopoulos, Vortsela and Antonakopoulou v. Gre... 14-12-1999
273 Greece Sakellaropoulos v. Greece 11-04-2002 [not yet received]
274 Greece Bizzotto v. Greece 15-11-1996 1996-V, no. 21
275 Greece Angelopoulos v. Greece 11-04-2002 [not yet received]
276 Greece Spentzouris v. Greece 07-05-2002 [not yet received]
277 Greece Kosmopolis S.A. v. Greece 29-03-2001 [not yet received]
278 Greece I.M. v. Greece 04-10-2001 [not yet received]
279 Greece Kallitsis v. Greece 14-12-2000 [not yet received]
280 Greece Tsavachidis v. Greece 21-01-1999
281 Greece Ikonomitsios v. Greece 19-10-2000 [not yet received]
282 Greece Zarmakoupis and Sakellaropoulos v. Greece 19-10-2000 [not yet received]
283 Greece Fatourou v. Greece 03-08-2000 [not yet received]
284 Greece Tsingour v. Greece 06-07-2000 [not yet received]
285 Greece Theodoraki and others v. Greece 11-12-2008 [not yet received]
286 Greece Chrysoula Aggelopoulou v. Greece 04-12-2008 [not yet received]
287 Greece Paraponiaris v. Greece 25-09-2008 [not yet received]
288 Greece Terzoglou v. Greece 27-03-2008 [not yet received]
289 Greece Korfiatis v. Greece 20-03-2008 [not yet received]
290 Greece Bekir-Ousta and others v. Greece 11-10-2007 [not yet received]
291 Greece Vassilios Stavropoulos v. Greece 27-09-2007 [not yet received]
292 Greece Markoulaki v. Greece (no. 1) 26-07-2007 [not yet received]
293 Greece John v. Greece 10-05-2007 [not yet received]
294 Greece Anastasiadis v. Greece 10-05-2007 [not yet received]
295 Greece Zouboulidis v. Greece 14-12-2006 [not yet received]
296 Greece Perlala v. Greece 22-02-2007 [not yet received]
297 Greece Nastou v. Greece (no. 2) 05-04-2007 [not yet received]
298 Greece Theordorakis and Theodorakis - Tourisme et Hôtels ... 20-07-2006 [not yet received]
299 Greece Beka-Koulocheri v. Greece 06-07-2006 [not yet received]
300 Greece Papa v. Greece 06-07-2006 [not yet received]
301 Greece Kefalas and others v. Greece 08-06-1995 A 318 A
302 Greece Aggeli v. Greece 02-03-2006 [not yet received]
303 Greece Tsantiris v. Greece 01-12-2005 [not yet received]
304 Greece Katsoulis and others v. Greece 24-11-2005 [not yet received]
305 Greece Lalousi-Kotsovos v. Greece 19-05-2004 [not yet received]
306 Greece Savvas v. Greece 13-10-2005 [not yet received]
307 Greece Agatianos v. Greece 04-08-2005 [not yet received]
308 Greece Arvanitis v. Greece 16-06-2005 [not yet received]
309 Greece Jarnevic and Profit v. Greece 07-04-2005 [not yet received]
310 Greece Viaropoulos and others v. Greece 31-03-2005 [not yet received]
311 Greece Oikonomidis v. Greece 17-02-2005 [not yet received]
312 Greece Papastavrou and others v. Greece 18-11-2004 [not yet received]
313 Greece Nastos v. Greece 15-07-2004 [not yet received]
314 Greece Tsirikakis v. Greece 23-01-2003 [not yet received]
315 Greece Vasilopoulou v. Greece 26-09-2002 [not yet received]
316 Greece Vayopoulou v. Greece 15-07-2004 [not yet received]
317 Greece Pothoulakis v. Greece 15-07-2004 [not yet received]
318 Greece Karagiannis and others v. Greece 15-07-2004 [not yet received]
319 Greece Metaxas v. Greece 27-05-2004 [not yet received]
320 Greece Nastou v. Greece 22-04-2004 [not yet received]
321 Greece Papathanasiou v. Greece 05-02-2004 [not yet received]
322 Greece Yagtzilar and others v. Greece 15-01-2004 [not yet received]
323 Greece Katsaros v. Greece 13-11-2003 [not yet received]
324 Greece Diamantides v. Greece 23-10-2003 [not yet received]
325 Greece Yagtzilar and others v. Greece 06-12-2001 2001-XII
326 Greece Halatas v. Greece 26-06-2003 [not yet received]
327 Greece Papazafiris v. Greece 23-01-2003 [not yet received]
328 Greece Former King of Greece and others v. Greece 28-11-2002 [not yet received]
329 Greece Vasilopoulou v. Greece 21-03-2002 [not yet received]
330 Greece Hatzitakis v. Greece 11-04-2002 [not yet received]
331 Greece Tsirikakis v. Greece 17-01-2002 [not yet received]
332 Greece Georgiadis v. Greece 28-03-2000 [not yet received]
333 Turkey Yagci and Sargin v. Turkey 08-06-1995 A 319
334 Turkey Mansur v. Turkey 08-06-1995 A 321
335 Greece Fakiridou and Schina v. Greece 14-11-2008 [not yet received]
336 Greece Vamvakas v. Greece 16-10-2008 [not yet received]
337 Greece Meïdanis v. Greece 22-05-2008 [not yet received]
338 Greece Milionis and others v. Greece 24-04-2008 [not yet received]
339 Greece Tourkiki Enosi Xanthis and others v. Greece 27-03-2008 [not yet received]
340 Greece Emin and others v. Greece 27-03-2008 [not yet received]
341 Greece Katrami v. Greece 06-12-2007 [not yet received]
342 Turkey Asan v. Turkey 27-11-2007 [not yet received]
343 Greece Moschopoulos-Veïnoglou and others v. Greece 18-10-2007 [not yet received]
344 Greece Lionarakis v. Greece 05-07-2007 [not yet received]
345 Greece Kampanellis v. Greece 21-06-2007 [not yet received]
346 Albania Bajrami v. Albania 12-12-2006 [not yet received]
347 Greece N.T. Giannousis & Kliafas Brothers S.A. v. Greece 14-12-2006 [not yet received]
348 Greece Mavromatis v. Greece 22-06-2006 [not yet received]
349 Greece Gorou v. Greece 22-06-2006 [not yet received]
350 Greece Nastos v. Greece 30-03-2006 [not yet received]
351 Greece Satka and others v. Greece 02-03-2006 [not yet received]
352 Greece Papamichalopoulos and others v. Greece 24-06-1993 A 260 B
353 Greece GeorgiosPapageorgiou v. Greece 09-05-2003 2003-VI
354 Greece Agathos and 49 others v. Greece 23-09-2004 [not yet received]
355 Greece Theodoropoulos and others v. Greece 15-07-2004 [not yet received]
356 Greece Ipsilanti v. Greece 06-03-2003 [not yet received]
357 Greece Malama v. Greece 18-04-2002 [not yet received]
358 Greece Yiarenios v. Greece 19-02-2004 [not yet received]
359 Greece Konti-Arvaniti v. Greece 10-04-2003 [not yet received]
360 Greece Platakou v. Greece 11-01-2001 2001-I
361 Greece Anagnostopoulos and others v. Greece 07-11-2000 2000-XI
362 Greece Smokovitis and others v. Greece 11-04-2002 [not yet received]
363 Greece Klavdianos v. Greece 17-10-2000 [not yet received]
364 Greece Katikaridis v. Greece 15-11-1996 1996-V, no. 20
365 Greece Tsomtsos v. Greece 15-11-1996 1996-V, no. 21
366 Greece Garyfallou AEBE v. Greece 24-09-1997 1997-V, no. 49
367 Greece Koskinas v. Greece 20-06-2002 [not yet received]
368 Greece Pialopoulos and Alexiou v. Greece 27-06-2002 [not yet received]
369 Greece Beis v. Greece 20-03-1997 1997-II, no. 34
370 Greece Philis v. Greece 27-06-1997 1997-IV, no. 40
371 Greece Ahmet Sadik v. Greece 15-11-1996 1996-V, no. 20
372 Greece Avis Enterprises v. Greece 30-07-1998 1998-V, no. 85
373 Greece Reveliotis v. Greece 04-12-2008 [not yet received]
374 Greece Kokkinis v. Greece 06-11-2008 [not yet received]
375 Greece Kanellopoulou v. Greece 11-10-2007 [not yet received]
376 Greece Housing Association of War Disabled and Victims of... 27-09-2007 [not yet received]
377 Turkey Öcalan v. Turkey 12-05-2005 2005-IV
378 Greece Mamidakis v. Greece 11-01-2007 [not yet received]
379 Turkey Apostolidi and others v. Turkey 27-03-2007 [not yet received]
380 Greece Agga v. Greece (no. 2) 17-10-2002 [not yet received]
381 Greece Examiliotis v. Greece (no. 2) 04-05-2006 [not yet received]
382 Greece Mohd v. Greece 27-04-2006 [not yet received]
383 Greece Mouzoukis v. Greece 13-04-2006 [not yet received]
384 Greece Eko-Elda AVEE v. Greece 09-03-2006 [not yet received]
385 Greece Ouzounoglou v. Greece 24-11-2005 [not yet received]
386 Greece Ioannidou-Mouzaka v. Greece 29-09-2005 [not yet received]
387 Greece Sigalas v. Greece 22-09-2005 [not yet received]
388 Greece Mavroudis v. Greece 22-09-2005 [not yet received]
389 Greece Castren-Niniou v. Greece 09-06-2005 [not yet received]
390 Greece M.Ö. v. Turkey 19-05-2005 [not yet received]
391 Greece Fotopoulou v. Greece 18-11-2004 [not yet received]
392 Greece Serif v. Greece 14-12-1999 1999-IX
393 Greece Sidiropoulos and others v. Greece 10-07-1998 1998-IV, no. 79
394 Greece Pafitis and others v. Greece 26-02-1998 1998-I, no. 66
395 Greece Papastavrou and others v. Greece 10-04-2003 2003-IV
396 Greece Peers v. Greece 19-04-2001 2001-III
397 Greece Anagnostopoulos v. Greece 03-04-2003 [not yet received]
398 Turkey Öcalan v. Turkey 12-03-2003 [not yet received]
399 Greece Dougoz v. Greece 06-03-2001 2001-II
400 Greece Malama v. Greece 01-03-2001 2001-II
401 Greece Gitonas and others v. Greece 01-07-1997 1997-IV, no. 42
402 Greece AEPI v. Greece 11-04-2002 [not yet received]
403 Greece Papachelas v. Greece 04-04-2000 [not yet received]
404 Greece Karakasis v. Greece 17-10-2000 [not yet received]
405 Greece Pentidis and others v. Greece 09-06-1997 1997-III, no. 39
406 Greece Philis v. Greece 27-08-1991 A 209
407 Greece Katikaridis v. Greece 31-03-1998 1998-II, no. 68
408 Greece Hornsby v. Greece 19-03-1997 1997-II, no. 33
409 Greece Papamichalopoulos and others v. Greece 31-10-1995 A 330 B
410 Turkey Nacaryan and Deryan v. Turkey 24-02-2009 [not yet received]
411 Austria Klug v. Austria 15-01-2009 [not yet received]
412 Austria Holzinger v. Austria 15-01-2009 [not yet received]
413 Greece Ouranio Toxo and others v. Greece 20-10-2005 2005-X
414 Turkey Pasaoglu v. Turkey 08-07-2008 [not yet received]
415 Greece Anonymos Touristiki Etairia Xenodocheia Kritis v. ... 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
416 Greece Tsalkitzis v. Greece 16-11-2006 [not yet received]
417 Greece Alsayed Allaham v. Greece 18-01-2007 [not yet received]
418 Greece Efstathiou and others v. Greece 27-07-2006 [not yet received]
419 Greece Kaja v. Greece 27-07-2006 [not yet received]
420 Greece Zacharakis v. Greece 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
421 Greece Housing Association of War Disabled and Victims of... 13-07-2006 [not yet received]
422 Greece Liakopoulou v. Greece 24-05-2006 [not yet received]
423 Greece Athanasiou and others v. Greece 09-02-2006 [not yet received]
424 Greece Nastou v. Greece (no. 2) 15-07-2005 [not yet received]
425 Greece Manolis v. Greece 19-05-2005 [not yet received]
426 Greece Organochimika Lipasmata Makedonias A.E. v. Greece 18-01-2005 [not yet received]
427 Greece Portington v. Greece 23-09-1998 1998-VI, no. 90
428 Greece Kliafas and others v. Greece 08-07-2004 [not yet received]
429 Greece Karahalios v. Greece 11-12-2003 [not yet received]
430 Greece Biozokat A.E. v. Greece 09-10-2003 [not yet received]
431 Greece Nastou v. Greece 16-01-2003 [not yet received]
432 Greece Stoidis v. Greece 17-05-2001 [not yet received]
433 Greece Katsaros v. Greece 06-06-2002 [not yet received]
434 Greece Haralambidis and others v. Greece 29-03-2001 [not yet received]
435 Greece Valsamis v. Greece 18-12-1996 1996-VI, no. 27
436 Greece Efstratiou v. Greece 18-12-1996 1996-VI, no. 27
437 Greece Arvelakis v. Greece 12-04-2001 [not yet received]
438 Greece Raif Oglu v Greece 27-06-2000 [not yet received]
439 Greece Reklos and Davourlis v. Greece 15-01-2009 [not yet received]
440 Greece Leonidis v. Greece 08-01-2009 [not yet received]
441 Turkey Nacaryan and Deryan v. Turkey 08-01-2008 [not yet received]
442 Romania Forum Maritime S.A. v. Romania 04-10-2007 [not yet received]
443 Greece Diamantides v. Greece (no. 2) 19-05-2005 [not yet received]
444 Greece Zazanis and others v. Greece 18-11-2004 [not yet received]
445 Greece Kyrtatos v. Greece 22-05-2003 2003-VI
446 Greece Agoudimos & Cefallonian Sky Shipping co. v. Greece 28-06-2001 [not yet received]
447 Greece Varipati v. Greece 26-10-1999 [not yet received]
448 Greece Katsoulis and others v. Greece 08-07-2004 [not yet received]
449 Belgium Lovens v. Belgium 11-03-2004 [not yet received]
450 Belgium Lenaerts v. Belgium 11-03-2004 [not yet received]
451 Belgium Bouzalmad v. Belgium 11-03-2004 [not yet received]
452 Greece Skondrianos v. Greece 18-12-2003 [not yet received]
453 Greece Papachelas v. Greece 25-03-1999 1999-II
454 Greece Iatridis v. Greece 25-03-1999 1999-II
455 Greece Satka and others v. Greece 27-03-2003 [not yet received]
456 Greece Karagiannis and others v. Greece 16-01-2003 [not yet received]
457 Greece Agrotexim and others v. Greece 24-10-1995 A 330
458 Greece Tsirlis and Kouloumpas v. Greece 29-05-1997 1997-III, no. 38
459 Denmark Amrollahi v. Denmark 11-07-2002 [not yet received]
460 Greece Georgiadis v. Greece 29-05-1997 1997-III, no. 38
461 Greece Paskhalidis and others v. Greece 19-03-1997 1997-II, no. 33
462 Greece Kotsaftis v. Greece 12-06-2008 [not yet received]
463 Greece Paschalidis, Koutmeridis and Zaharakis v. Greece 10-04-2008 [not yet received]
464 Greece Kakamoukas and others v. Greece 15-02-2008 [not yet received]
465 Greece Arvanitaki-Roboti and others v. Greece 15-02-2008 [not yet received]
466 Greece Lykourezos v. Greece 15-06-2006 [not yet received]
467 Greece Kokkinakis v. Greece 25-05-1993 A 260 A
468 Greece Assymomitis v. Greece 14-10-2004 [not yet received]
469 Greece Protopapa and Marangou v. Greece 28-03-2000 [not yet received]
470 Greece Hornsby v. Greece 01-04-1998 1998-II, no. 69
471 Greece Vergos v. Greece 24-06-2004 [not yet received]
472 Greece Rizos and Daskas v. Greece 27-05-2004 [not yet received]
473 Greece Kosmopoulou v. Greece 05-02-2004 [not yet received]
474 Greece Dactylidi v. Greece 27-03-2003 [not yet received]
475 Greece Iatridis v. Greece 19-10-2000 2000-XI
476 Greece Azas v. Greece 19-09-2002 [not yet received]
477 Greece Thlimmenos v. Greece 06-04-2000 2000-IV
478 Greece Pialopoulos and others v. Greece 15-02-2001 [not yet received]
479 Greece Academy Trading Ltd. and others v. Greece 04-04-2000 [not yet received]
480 Greece Agga v. Greece 25-01-2000 [not yet received]
481 Greece Manoussakis and others v. Greece 26-09-1996 1996-IV, no. 17
482 Greece Lsi Information Technologies v. Greece 20-12-2001 [not yet received]
483 Greece Alexandridis v. Greece 21-02-2008 [not yet received]
484 Greece Petropoulou-Tsakiris v. Greece 06-12-2007 [not yet received]
485 Greece Makaratzis v. Greece 20-12-2004 2004-XI
486 Greece Hadjianastassiou v. Greece 16-12-1992 A 252
487 Greece Logothetis v. Greece 12-04-2001 [not yet received]
488 Greece Messochoritis v. Greece 12-04-2001 [not yet received]
489 Greece Larissis v. Greece 24-02-1998 1998-I, no. 65
490 Greece Papageorgiou v. Greece 22-10-1997 1997-VI, no. 54
491 Greece Stamoulakatos v. Greece No. 2 26-11-1997 1997-VII, no. 58
492 Spain Mangouras v. Spain 08-01-2009 [not yet received]
493 Greece Bekos and Koutropoulos v. Greece 13-12-2005 2005-XIII
494 Greece I Avgi Publishing and Press Agency S.A. & Karis v.... 05-06-2008 [not yet received]
495 Greece Sakkopoulos v. Greece 15-01-2004 [not yet received]
496 Greece The Holy Monasteries v. Greece 09-12-1994 A 301 A
497 Greece Canea Catholic Church v. Greece 16-12-1997 1997-VIII, no. 60
498 Greece Stran Greek Refineries and Stratis Andreadis v. Gr... 09-12-1994 A 301 B
499 Greece Kampanis v. Greece 13-07-1995 A 318 B
500 Greece Twalib v. Greece 09-06-1998 1998-IV, no. 77
501 Belgium Pressos Compania Naviera S.A. and others v. Belgiu... 03-07-1997 1997-IV, no. 42
502 Greece Sampanis and others v. Greece 05-06-2008 [not yet received]
503 Greece Serifis v. Greece 02-11-2006 [not yet received]
504 Italy E.P. v. Italy 16-11-1999 [not yet received]
505 Turkey Cafer Kurt v. Turkey 24-07-2007 [not yet received]
506 Greece Celniku v. Greece 05-07-2007 [not yet received]
507 Greece Grigoriades v. Greece 25-11-1997 1997-VII, no. 57
508 Greece Zelilof v. Greece 24-05-2007 [not yet received]
509 Turkey Tüm Haber Sen and Çinar v. Turkey 21-02-2006 2006-II
510 Italy A.L.M. v. Italy 28-07-1999