Another ECHR case:
Oracle wrote:Here's some more knowledge for your collection, insan ...
A survey by a university in Turkey has shown almost 40% support for the practice of "honour killing".
It questioned 430 people, most of them men. When asked the appropriate punishment for a woman who has committed adultery, 37% replied she should be killed.
Twenty-five percent said that she deserved divorce, and 21% that her nose or ears should be cut off.
The survey group was small but the results are a reminder that "honour killing" - a practice where women are murdered for allegedly bringing shame on their family - still has significant support in parts of Turkey.
Oracle wrote:Here's some more knowledge for your collection, insan ...
A survey by a university in Turkey has shown almost 40% support for the practice of "honour killing".
It questioned 430 people, most of them men. When asked the appropriate punishment for a woman who has committed adultery, 37% replied she should be killed.
Twenty-five percent said that she deserved divorce, and 21% that her nose or ears should be cut off.
The survey group was small but the results are a reminder that "honour killing" - a practice where women are murdered for allegedly bringing shame on their family - still has significant support in parts of Turkey.
insan wrote:christos1 wrote:insan wrote:insan wrote:
Slowly, slowly ... it's not easy to destroy all the myths while fierce propagandists like u exert to hush up the truths and replace them with what Gene Rossides propagates.
Keep exerting to distract peoples attention towards whom u hate. U expect to hush up the human rights violations of Greece and Banana Republic of Cyprus.Poor Kristos Galimatias, staphylinoidea.
What hate? I am supplying links to western press. Look, you are the one who created this thread, i am simply adding to it. Like this ECHR link: ... hment=true
What hate? Unlike you my friend. My links are from reputable sources. Enjoy the reading. There is a lesson to be learned...
1 + 2 is......
Ur welcome. Keep adding what u like.
insan wrote:I have thousands of pages of human rights violations of Greece would u like me to post all of them?
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