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Ergenekon's Foreign Policy Guide

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Ergenekon's Foreign Policy Guide

Postby CBBB » Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:55 am

By Merve Mervan

- Ergenekon network mainly aims to break Turkey's ties with the NATO and the West in general.

- Most of the Ergenekon members are anti-Semitic. They claim that the MOSSAD has played very dirty role in Turkish politics and aimed to divide the country into poles.

- Almost all Ergenekon members are isolationalist. They are against the European Union, United State and Israel. All are ultra-nationalist Kemalist.

- The Ergenekon generals prefer Russian and Iranian relations instead of American and Western relations.

- Ergenekon made a strong campaign against the US intervention in Iraq in 2003.

- Ergenekon members are against all kind of negotiations in Cyprus.

- Ergenekon members have very strong relations with Moscow. One of the high level members, Levent Ersoz had escaped to Moscow.

- Some of the Ergenekon members, like Dogu Perincek, has special relations with China.

- Ergenekon defends that Turkey should not join the EU. They see the EU as anti-Turkish and enemy organization.

- Ergenekon members argue that the biggest danger for Turkish interests is an independent Kurdish state in northern Iraq. They defends that Turkey should destroy the Barzani and Talabani forces. They further argue that Turkey should intervene militarily in Kerkuk issue.

- Almost all of them are anti-Semitic. Some of the Ergenekon intellectuals wrote anti-Semitic books and started anti-Semitic campaigns in order to spread their anit-Israeli opinion amon the people.

- Ergenekon defends that the secret Jews and secret Armenians govern the country.

- Ergenekon is against any dialogue with Armenia and Armenians.

- Ergenekon claims that the current AKP Government is backed by the US.

- According to the Ergenekon papers, the US wants to use Turkey in order to re-construct the Middle East (Greater Middle eastern Project).

- Dogu Perincek, one of the leading Ergenok names: "The name of the enemy is the United States. The US wants to destroy the unity of the nation and the country." (March 2008)

- Perincek: The one who is behind terrorism in Turkey is the US (July 2007)

- Retired General Tuncer Kilinc, the former General Secretary of the Turkish National Security Council (MGK), argued that Turkey should leave the NATO alliance and should search possibilities for close co-operation with Russia and other power centers in the region. Kilinc is considered one of the significant members of the Ergenekon network. Kilinc said "the United States use the NATO and United Nations in its global hegemony. Kilinc further claimed that Turkey (30 May 2007).

21 January 2009

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

By Merve Mervan ... guide.html

Pity they got caught.
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Postby insan » Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:59 pm

Mass clear by Uncle Sam. The end of anti-globalization in Turkey.
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Postby iceman » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:11 pm

I only wish they could extend this Ergenekon investigation to Cyprus, but everyone knows they won't.
It will turn last 50 years Turkish foreign policy upside down if they did!
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Postby insan » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:18 pm

iceman wrote:I only wish they could extend this Ergenekon investigation to Cyprus, but everyone knows they won't.
It will turn last 50 years Turkish foreign policy upside down if they did!

Why? R there some untouchables in Cyprus that have the special protection of Uncle Sam and therefore even they r anti-globalism; they r not touched? I'm highly interested to hear ur opinions...
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Postby iceman » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:29 pm

insan wrote:
iceman wrote:I only wish they could extend this Ergenekon investigation to Cyprus, but everyone knows they won't.
It will turn last 50 years Turkish foreign policy upside down if they did!

Why? R there some untouchables in Cyprus that have the special protection of Uncle Sam and therefore even they r anti-globalism; they r not touched? I'm highly interested to hear ur opinions... ... artid=2431
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Postby CBBB » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:36 pm

iceman wrote:
insan wrote:
iceman wrote:I only wish they could extend this Ergenekon investigation to Cyprus, but everyone knows they won't.
It will turn last 50 years Turkish foreign policy upside down if they did!

Why? R there some untouchables in Cyprus that have the special protection of Uncle Sam and therefore even they r anti-globalism; they r not touched? I'm highly interested to hear ur opinions... ... artid=2431

You need to register to view this link!!! I would never manage that in Turkish.
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Postby iceman » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:49 pm

CBBB wrote:
iceman wrote:
insan wrote:
iceman wrote:I only wish they could extend this Ergenekon investigation to Cyprus, but everyone knows they won't.
It will turn last 50 years Turkish foreign policy upside down if they did!

Why? R there some untouchables in Cyprus that have the special protection of Uncle Sam and therefore even they r anti-globalism; they r not touched? I'm highly interested to hear ur opinions... ... artid=2431

You need to register to view this link!!! I would never manage that in Turkish.

oppsss...I did not notice articles were only visible to members...will post the article (and some other liks) for insan and other Turkish reading members..

Tarih: 20 Ocak 2009 Salı

Kıbrıs’taki hamaset cephesinin Ergenekon’la ilgili son bildirisi şu satırlarla tamamlanıyor: “Türk kimliğimizi savunmak, ulusal değerlerimize sahip çıkmak, Rumun egemenliğini reddetmek, KKTC Devleti’ne ve halkımızın egemen varlığına kararlılıkla sahip çıkmak eğer Ergenekonculuksa, evet bizler Ergenekoncuyuz.” Hayret... Nasıl bir saptama bu? Türk kimliğinizi savunduğunuz için size kim Ergenekoncu dedi ki şimdiye kadar? Ya da ulusal değerlere sahip çıkmanın, Rumun egemenliğini reddetmenin veya KKTC’yi savunmanın Ergenekonculukla ne ilgisi var? Mehmet Ali Talat, ya da CTP de açık bir biçimde savunmuyor mu bunları? Ama hani, onlara Ergenekoncu diyen oldu mu? Siz yanlış sormuşsunuz soruyu... Deseydiniz ki: Bizim Kutlu Adalı cinayetiyle ne ilgimiz var? St. Barnabas’a biz mi baskın düzenledik? Türk İntikamTugayı’nı biz mi kurduk? Solomu’yu biz mi vurduk, İsak’ı biz mi linç ettik? “Avrupa” gazetesini biz mi bombaladık? Muhaliflerin parti binalarını biz mi kurşunladık? Bombayla Talat’a biz mi gözdağı verdik? Miting alanına o bombaları biz mi yerleştirdik? İşte bu soruları böyle sorsaydınız, o zaman sizi anlar ve biz de size hak verirdik.
Ergenekon’un Kıbrıs uzantılarını kim inkar edebilir ki? Bu kadar faili meçhul bomba ve cinayet... Kimin işi bunlar? Denktaş Türkiye’deki Ergenekoncu dostları tutuklanırken feryat ediyor. Hiçbir delil yok, diyor... Delil ortada yokken, birini tutup içeri tıkmak ve özgürlüğünden mahrum etmek adalete sığmazmış. Nedense ansızın bir hukukçu olduğunu hatırlamış ve Türkiye’deki savcılara uyarılarda bulunuyor... Sanki burada ‘casus’ diye bizi tutuklarlarken delil mi vardı? Tıpkı Ergenekon zanlılarına yapılan baskın gibi, evlerimize baskın yapılmadı mı?.. Apar topar götürüldük... İçeri tıkıldık... Tüm ekranlar ağız birliğiyle harekete geçirildi hemen. ‘Casusluk şebekesi’ çökertilmiş... ‘Hukukçu’ Denktaş yalanı bastı: -Delilleri gördüm, dedi... Ne delili? Sanki delil melil mi vardı?
Türkiye’deki Ergenekon tutuklamalarından en son şikayetçi olması gereken adamdır Denktaş... Merak etmesin ancak... Ergenekon kasırgası Kıbrıs’a uzanmaz... Ne kadar yazsak, ne kadar söylesek boş... Ankara’dakiler, bunun bu adaya uzanmasına izin vermez... Göze alamazlar bunu... Neden mi? Çok basit... Kıbrıs sorununun yapısından dolayı... Rum tarafından çekinirler... Dünyaya ‘bağımsız’ bir devlet olarak sunmaya çalıştıkları KKTC’nin içyüzünün ortaya çıkmasından korkarlar... Ergenekon’un Kıbrıs defterlerinin açılması demek, TC Genelkurmayı’na bağlı olan adadaki Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin burada neler yaptığının gözler önüne serilmesi demek... İşgalin açıkça belgelenmesi demek... Denktaş da bilir bunu... Kendisinin hiçbir zaman tutuklanmayacağının ve sorgulanmayacağının farkında... Bunun için çok rahat bir tavır koyuyor Türkiye’deki tutuklamalara...
Bir diğer mesele de şu: Pek çoğu Kıbrıs’taki Ergenekon’u Annan Planı ile ilişkilendiriyor yalnız... Oysa Ergenekon bu plandan çok önce adada vardı... Ve asıl faaliyetlerini de o zamanlarda gösterdi... Yani adada çözüm ve barışçı güçlerin sindirilmesi 2002 yılından sonra başlamadı. En kabarık dosyası bu tarihten önceki dosyası... Ki elleyemez bile onu aslan savcı...

Şener Levent

and some links to relevant articles on various papers.. ... IS_POSTASI ... ntisi.aspx ... &zoneid=16
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:52 pm

CBBB wrote:
iceman wrote:
insan wrote:
iceman wrote:I only wish they could extend this Ergenekon investigation to Cyprus, but everyone knows they won't.
It will turn last 50 years Turkish foreign policy upside down if they did!

Why? R there some untouchables in Cyprus that have the special protection of Uncle Sam and therefore even they r anti-globalism; they r not touched? I'm highly interested to hear ur opinions... ... artid=2431

You need to register to view this link!!! I would never manage that in Turkish.

An extract from this article:

Türkiye’deki Ergenekon tutuklamalarından en son şikayetçi olması gereken adamdır Denktaş... Merak etmesin ancak... Ergenekon kasırgası Kıbrıs’a uzanmaz... Ne kadar yazsak, ne kadar söylesek boş... Ankara’dakiler, bunun bu adaya uzanmasına izin vermez... Göze alamazlar bunu... Neden mi? Çok basit... Kıbrıs sorununun yapısından dolayı... Rum tarafından çekinirler... Dünyaya ‘bağımsız’ bir devlet olarak sunmaya çalıştıkları KKTC’nin içyüzünün ortaya çıkmasından korkarlar... Ergenekon’un Kıbrıs defterlerinin açılması demek, TC Genelkurmayı’na bağlı olan adadaki Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin burada neler yaptığının gözler önüne serilmesi demek... İşgalin açıkça belgelenmesi demek... Denktaş da bilir bunu... Kendisinin hiçbir zaman tutuklanmayacağının ve sorgulanmayacağının farkında... Bunun için çok rahat bir tavır koyuyor Türkiye’deki tutuklamalara...


"Denktash is the last person to complain about the Ergenekon arrests in Turkey. He has no cause to worry. The Ergenekon storm will not stretch to Cyprus. It does not matter how much we write or speak. Those in Ankara will never allow it to stretch to Cyprus. They cannot risk this. Why? That is simple. It has to do with the make-up of the Cyprus problem. They are nervous of the Greek Cypriot side. They are afraid of revealing the inner workings of the TRNC, which they try to protray to the world as an 'independent' state. Opening Ergenekon's Cyprus notebook means revealing to the public gaze what the Turkish Military Forces on the island attached to the Republic of Turkey Chief of General Staff have got up to here. It means openly documenting the occupation. Denktash also knows this. He is aware thet he will never be arrested and interrogated. This is why he he comments so nonchalantly on the arrests in Turkey."

PS - Iceman, I am working on your request.
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Postby insan » Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:00 pm

iceman wrote:
insan wrote:
iceman wrote:I only wish they could extend this Ergenekon investigation to Cyprus, but everyone knows they won't.
It will turn last 50 years Turkish foreign policy upside down if they did!

Why? R there some untouchables in Cyprus that have the special protection of Uncle Sam and therefore even they r anti-globalism; they r not touched? I'm highly interested to hear ur opinions... ... artid=2431

What Levent put forward in his today article is sensible to me. I agree that Denktash, most probably had some type of relations with some of the protagonist of Ergenokon. However it seems the operation is only towards the protagonists of Ergenokon not the hoods.
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:42 am

Even when the Ergenekon thing is fully exposed there will be a typically cynical response of "so what, it is no more and no less than what happens in other countries". Wait and see.
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