cannedmoose wrote:You be the judge Hazza...
She's pretty. Who is she?
erolz wrote:cannedmoose wrote:However, this guy is asking for ridicule when he arrives at the house dressed in a sari and deliberately being as camp as possible.
I still don't see why behaving differently is inviting ridicule (any more that going on BB is inviting ridicule)? It he acted and behaved like a 'flaming sterotypical scouser or scot would he also be inviting ridicule. How would one not invite ridicule - behave like a 'normal' person?cannedmoose wrote:Most of the gay people I know are appalled by him as he reinforces every negative and ridiculous stereotype that you can think of.
Then most gay people you know are imo being prejudice simply because this person is 'different' (not because he is gay and I don't even know or care if he is but because he choses to behave differently to your gay friends) and they should know better. A sterotype is only negative if you consider behaving camp is negative. On what basis is behaving camp negative. I happen to think behaving how others want you to behave is more negative that behaving how you want to behave - but I would not 'sinlge out' someone for doing this.cannedmoose wrote:Therefore, it is Kemal who is doing a disservice to the gay community, not me.
Doing a disservice to the gay community? What is this? Some kind of oppression of 'normal' behaving gay people against people who chose to behave camp?
There's no need to be so agressive on this issue, otherwise people think you are such a kind Sourcie might use this against you in the future
Main_Source wrote: Gotta admit, in your face-stereotypical poofters annoy me like hell!
Main_Source wrote:
I think im gonna spend the whole of this summer watching lesley and Saskia's tits...and Sam's hotpants.
Main_Source wrote:and Erolz...Kemal is not different, he's quite a stereotypical cross dresser who's brash and loud.
Main_Source wrote:
Gotta admit, in your face-stereotypical poofters annoy me like hell!
Isn't tollerance of others a wonderful thing.
Main_Source wrote:
I think im gonna spend the whole of this summer watching lesley and Saskia's tits...and Sam's hotpants.
I hear that in your face stereotypoical neaderthal males annoy the hell out of some people.
Main_Source wrote:
and Erolz...Kemal is not different, he's quite a stereotypical cross dresser who's brash and loud.
and that's a good reason to single him out for ridicule is it?
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