I read a lot on this site claiming the 'truth' about Cyprus, supporting TRNC, but at my Greek school I was told that Turkey occupated Greece and Cyprus for over 400 years, and Greek babies were kidnapped and brought up in Turkey by Turkish families (without being told about their true origins) and joined the army to fight their own people (the Greeks) and kill their families without knowing who they were. My Greek teacher's mother was forced to move and be brought up in Constantinople with her family when she was younger. Also I was told the Turks closed down Greek schools in Greece and Cyprus and thy secretly did night mass.
If this is true, then the Turks got their come uppance. Yes, I accept that violent murders, rapes and kidnappings of innocent people were wrong, but I'm afraid that's what you get for acting in such a cruel, disgusting and sickening way towards the Greeks and continuing it for almost half a millennium! it was their way of escaping the hell they had suffered.
Whosever fault it is, I think that Cyprus should stay divided for obvious reasons. It's not worth the risk of another war and let's face it, it's inevitable that fightings and killings will occur again if this happened (for the time being anyway).
Who is telling the truth? The Turks (I don't like to say Turkish-Cypriots) make out Greeks to be ruthless, heart-less, cruel, cold-hearted, evil murderers! But the Greeks seem to have been provoked for 400 years and it finally boiled over.
Who is right?