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Postby Main_Source » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:20 am

Greeks would have Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Italian, Bulgar traits and Turks would have Greek, Assyrian, Persian, Kurdish etc etc etc

dont make me explain to you how Macedonia is part of Greece..we dont want to go there now do we lol.
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Postby cannedmoose » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:38 am

I'm fully aware of the Macedonia (FYROM)-Greece debate sourcey...
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Postby Yiannis » Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:57 am

Ethnicity have always and will always be the way of man to keep the people of a country united.This can be bad but it can also be good.The important thing is to know that we are above all human beings.

Personally i'm proud for whoever has done something in Cyprus in terms of architecture,art or in general anything usefull for the society over the centuries let that be a Phoynecian a Greek a Roman or a Turkish or whatever. The cypriot nationality and characteristics have simply evolved and changed throughout this period. However this evolution has stoped in modern world after the communication with all over the world was better established. The closed societies are a thing of past and really u cannot talk about unigue ethnic identities anymore in any place of the world.

In my opinion u should rather discuss things that happened in cyprus rather than discussing things that happened either in Turkey or in Greece or any other part of the world.It seems to me that Cypriots are more proud and aware of things being done by ancient people in Turkey or Greece rather than things done by ancient people in Cyprus. How many of you know that recent findings showed that people in Cyprus have been making wine earlier than Greeks and how many of you know that probably ancient Cypriots are the oldest so far discovered in producing perfumes? In general honestly how many of you know more about Cyprus History than Greek or Turkish history?

Personally im not even slightly proud of what great greeks have done in history simply because i dont consider myself to relate to these great minds and therefore i will be just proud of an ancestor that has litle chance of being mine.

By the way let me also inform you that even in today's Greece people from different parts of Greece argue on the matter of being real greeks.Many greeks are only considering pure greeks those that come from Athens,all these according to greek friends of mine in my university.
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Postby cannedmoose » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:17 pm

Also Yiannis re, don't forget that Cyprus holds the dubious honour of being (according to all available evidence to this date) the first place in the world where cats were domesticated - even before the ancient Egyptians... I say dubious because with the number of cats running around the island now, I wish they'd never brought them there...
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Postby demetriou_74 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:45 pm

catsare great moving targets BroImage
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Postby Michael Coumas » Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:32 pm

It may be that this thread has run it's course but it would be nice to know if Leon has at least in some small way been directed toward a more tolerant, respectfull middle ground view rather than the extremist possibly blinkered xenophobic viewpoint that his teacher allegedly promoted.
Leon - there are obviously some learned people on this forum, it does no harm to listen. I take you to be an intelligent young person with an enquiring mind, an excellent quality; I hope you have picked up enough from the points made to challenge anyone preaching hatred. My Father and I could relate accounts of horrific acts of barbarism but what would be the point. Lets try to find remedies not fault, believe me peace is by far the better option. I wish you well.
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Postby Leon » Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:03 pm

Michael (and all of you other people here) why do you think that my teacher is feeding me with sh*t :?: She's a very respectable person and she only said the truth from what her mother suffered as a young girl :shock:. Why do you have difficulty with that? Michael, why are you saying that I have an extremist, xenophobic view :?: I can honestly say I am one of the few people in my school that is not racist, homophobic and has grudges against people because of their origin. I hate racism and homophobia, my mother is a lesbian. I think that racism and homophobia are two of the most pathetic excuses for vendettas and crime in the world :!:

Well let me reverse ur question.In an older post of yours u were saying that you want to get the cypriot citizenship right?Well then i will ask u why do u think u are more Cypriot than a tc?

Because a Cypriot is of Greek blood and speaks Greek (well there's the exception of that in some cases of Cypriots living abroad) and that's what I am :wink:. Liek I say though, my opinion can soon change but only if someone shows me evidence of why.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:22 pm

leon dont change for nobody.
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Postby Murtaza » Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:46 pm

I can honestly say I am one of the few people in my school that is not racist, homophobic and has grudges against people because of their origin. I hate racism and homophobia, my mother is a lesbian. I think that racism and homophobia are two of the most pathetic excuses for vendettas and crime in the world

Oh No We are doomed!
how can be someone more racist?
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Postby demetriou_74 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:48 pm

Murtaza wrote:
Oh No We are doomed!
how can be someone more racist?

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