by cannedmoose » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:07 am
The likelihood is that if you did the test on mainland Greeks and Turks, you'd find all sorts in the mix - Greeks would have Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Italian, Bulgar traits and Turks would have Greek, Assyrian, Persian, Kurdish etc etc etc.
Suffice to say that hardly any nation contains a homogenous ethnic group without significant genetic input from the surrounding region. I think Iceland is the only country in the world where the genetic make-up of the nation is relatively homogenous, due to the initial settlement by small groups from certain locations in Norway and the lack of immigration to the country ever since. To claim that Greece and Turkey are in any way similar to the Icelandic case would be ridiculous. That's why when I hear Greeks claim that their ancestors literally invented the whole world, I always think "yes, but how do you know your ancestors even lived in what is now Greece at the time, they could easily have been Anatolian peasants..."