Kikapu wrote:runaway wrote:
u r totally out of topic baby. the question is will GCs ever choose a song in Turkish which is an oficial language of the island or a TC singer who is an official citizen of the island to represent them in Eurovision. The answer is a big OXI.
I don't think so. This is exactly what we are talking about...TRUST, so the fact that the TC's are invited to play football by the GC's, blows your theory on this stupid and worthless Eurovision Song Contest out of the water..................Next case please.!:
Check for yourself:
Paphitis wrote:
We like to use vulgar Turkish words, because we tend to associate vulgarity and bad experiences as synonymous with everything Turkish.. Who could blame us?
Kifeas wrote:How ungrateful these Turks are! After Greeks gave them so many words to satisfy their brain needs, they complain that the Greeks have stolen a few words to satisfy their stomach needs.
These are some of the words the Greeks gave the Turks:
Ekonomi, matematik, geometri, trigonometri, psikoloji, astronomi, astroloji, kozmos, politika, demokrasi, otokrasi, otoriter, filozofi, ideoloji, teokrasi, teoloji, antropoloji, biyoloji, kimya, fizik, antagonizm, strateji, taktik, planet, jimnastik, pedoloji, ansiklopedi, kibernetik, sibernetik, organizasyon, sistem, organizma, laik, etc, etc..
And these are some of the words the Turks gave the Greeks, for which they complain about:
Dolma, burek, şeftali, kebap, yoğurt, kasap, pezevenk, kavgacı, kabadayı, haşhaş, siktir, etc..
I hope you you are mature enough to grasp the utter hostility and contempt in the these posts for my native language .
To think that we are supposed to live in peaceful coexistence with this lot !
What an empty dream !