DT. wrote:denizaksulu wrote:DT. wrote:There should be a rule that forbids children from posting on this Forum... Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
You are a twisted individual Kikapu with the "loose" shit coming out of your mouth....
All your "queries" here have been answered on this Forum and explained but you twist and turn them into your own Turkish and TC hating rhetoric to confuse who....Your self Question Rolling Eyes
The result of the voting should tell you and that stubborn fool Miltiades that the TC people will not fall for stupid tricks that undermine our existence....You have your country the "RoC".......Now stick it where the sun don't shine and it might help to stem the flow of verbal diarrhea that seems to be an endless flow out of your mouth.......We will NOT be represented by the illegal regime that took my rights in the CYPRUS REPUBLIC......Simple as that.....If the "RoC" wanted a TC to win the competition to make it look like they really wanted fairness in Cyprus ( as only those corrupt bastards that run the "RoC" can do) then they could have used all those OXI T-Shirts left over from the Annan Plan campaign on the other contestants....But as usual it is more about changing world opinion and double crossing the TC people....The world does not get fooled so easily any more baby......They are wise to what is gong in Cyprus the GC ways.....Only you in your own little world can twist what is to what you would like it to be......Corrupt and vindictive to the TC people...
I am not going to call you a Greek any more...I hope yo really are a TC......I want you to be a TC......That way your self loathing can be complete and I can only hope that you suffer every morning when you look in the mirror and have to shave your Turkish face....ENJOY..........
SO let me get this straight. Those corrupt individuals running the government of Cyprus (AKEL) should have rigged the vote to get a tc to represent Cyprus so as to fool the world.
Yet they didn't because those corrupt individuals..still...wanted....to..fool the world??![]()
OK, you lost me, what is the big bad GC meant to have done now?
DT, you are not blind, for surely that is the Turkish way of doing things. I cant believe what I read sometimes.
Deniz..he's joking.
(I hope)
I know. Zan jokes a lot.