Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:humanist wrote:VP eurovision is not an example if she was crap she was crap. end of story. you can dramatise evrything and look for the negatives but the reality is that she was crap. that is going along with all the other cypriots who participated and were also crap. actually crap is not the right word .... perhaps were not as good as the one to represent Cyprus.
Crap or brilliant she still would not have won because the voting pool is anti TC and racist so we all know she was on a road to nowhere. You still do not understand that being good or bad is not important as the GCs would never allow a TC to win.
Did You vote for her, VP, or were you one of the "racist" who refused to vote for her.!
How many of your "racist" TC friends voted for her.?
The TC community let her down, and you are happy about it.!
The TC's won't even vote for one of their own, but expects others to do.!
That's racist.!
We really didnt understand what was going on, it was all in Greek plus it was not my country this would be like me voting for the French song, the GCs in the south voted not the TRNC. Zelis took your advice and accepted to compete under the "RoC" thinking she was one of you but soon realized she didnt stand a chance in hell even if she was the best singer because the GCs voting pool would never vote for let alone let her win.
Thats why we need safeguards to guarantee we get a look in somewhere along the line, as I stated before the system used by Greece and Turkey might be better for us.
"excuses are like assholes, that everybody has one".! just that, you have more excuses than most.!
So, VP, you and your "racist" TC community did not support her and are happy that she failed. How pathetic and sad is that.! Had only few thousand bothered to vote for her from your "racist" community, she would have won. You are just not willing to play by the rules and have an open competition. You want everything guaranteed because you think it is owed to you, therefore you do not have to lift a finger to get what you want, and you expect people to actually respect you for that. I very much doubt it. Zelis is not complaining that she lost, because she understands how competitions work, but I'm sure she is very disappointed that her "racist" community did not support her, just because it was in the south. You call it another country, but since there isn't another country in Cyprus, where else did you expect her to compete in for the Eurovision. Is the "trnc" a country.? If so, how come she did not represent the "trnc" in this contest. Perhaps that's why you are upset, that she did not represent the "trnc" and instead chose to sing for another country.! So, VP, who was chosen in the “trnc” to represent that “country” in the upcoming Eurovision contest. Sorry, I couldn’t hear you, what was the name again, please repeat it.!
Tell me something, VP. Had she represented Turkey, would then all the "racist" TC's would have voted for her. Turkey is a foreign country, is it not, so what's the difference. Do you not support Turkey in all sports or other events that takes place around the world. So, supporting a foreign country is not the issue, the issue is your racist attitude, and Zelis poor support from her community has once again exposed you into the open.
Zelis is a Turkish Cypriot, which means the RoC is her country, like it is to all Turkish Cypriots, because the north is part of her territory. To make it even more certain, 80,000 TC's now hold a RoC passports or an ID cards, therefore most of the True TC's in the north are RoC citizens, officially, therefore they consider the RoC as their country. The TC's just did not support her, end of story.! Imagined if only 10% of the TC's supported her, she would have won by a landslide. You have let her down, VP, so shame on you and your "racist" community.! Perhaps they did not support her, because they did not like her song, but they did not support the GC singers either, so that makes the TC community "double racist".!
Then again, perhaps the TC community thought all the singers were rubbish and did not bother to vote, just like the overwhelming majority GC who did not vote for any of the candidates. I have told you that this was a stupid competition that not many people are interested taking part in. Perhaps neither community was "racist" but just plain smart not to promote this
No Talent Song Contest.!