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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby wallace » Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:54 pm

runaway wrote:
wallace wrote:the only problem will be when she is voted out

at least u admit she ll be voted out coz she s Turkish.

Is that what I sad? Do you have reading problems or something? :lol: I sad if she loses due to better singers you moron. And she is TC not Turkish. Now off you go foreigner 8)
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:58 pm

runaway wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:The Turkish Cypriot singer Zelis Senol has just made it to the final 9 of the Cypriot Eurovision Song Selection. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ... view&id=94

All the partitionists can now kiss my arse.

First TC in 30 years and in a Greek TV where TCs have no right to vote. Even if they did, they wouldn't understand what was going on in the show since South Cypriot TV doesn't broadcast in their language... and no need to say she won't be choosen.
Viva Bayrak TV!

"excuses are like ass holes, that everybody has one"

However, the NeoPartitionist seem to have many more than others.!!

Blame Denktash for keeping the crossings closed for such a long time and if it wasn't for the fact that the RoC was about to enter the EU, they still would be closed and this TC singer will be sitting at home dreaming about one day representing her country of Cyprus, as well as other TC's dreaming of being part of Europe. Well, she now has a chance, which is more than what Denktash gave her and others.!

Let me guess and say that she will be singing in English.! :lol: :lol:

I further rest my case with you.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

ur case is downnnnnnnn as she won't be elected to represent South Cyprus. by the way who r u blaming for the rejection of Anna Plan? Mr.Denktas again? hahahaha

She would be representing Cyprus, PERIOD. There's no such thing as South Cyprus, and if you don't believe me, I will bet you any wager, that during the ESC, they will say either Republic of Cyprus or just Cyprus with the True Flag of Cyprus. So, how much have you got.?

If she does not make it, she will not make it, so what. Then she will have to take her loss like any other person. Who ever said that she was entitled to anything. She will give her best and let the people decide.

I don't blame anyone for rejecting the Annan Plan. I only PRAISE all those who rejected the Annan Plan. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't be so sure Denktash rejected the AP. He was only sidelined to fool the GC's to think that he was not interested in the AP. It was just a con job that did not work for him and all the NeoPartitionist who have been pissing and moaning ever since.!
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Postby runaway » Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:26 pm

Kikapu wrote:
She would be representing Cyprus, PERIOD. There's no such thing as South Cyprus, and if you don't believe me, I will bet you any wager, that during the ESC, they will say either Republic of Cyprus or just Cyprus with the True Flag of Cyprus. So, how much have you got.?

and during ESC South Cypriots say FYROM instead of Macedonia to make a fool of themselves. But the country is still Makedonija. Reject KKTC as much as u want. It's there and it s the land of "satılmamış" TCYPs Miss GCwannabe.
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Postby DT. » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:00 pm

runaway wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
She would be representing Cyprus, PERIOD. There's no such thing as South Cyprus, and if you don't believe me, I will bet you any wager, that during the ESC, they will say either Republic of Cyprus or just Cyprus with the True Flag of Cyprus. So, how much have you got.?

and during ESC South Cypriots say FYROM instead of Macedonia to make a fool of themselves. But the country is still Makedonija. Reject KKTC as much as u want. It's there and it s the land of "satılmamış" TCYPs Miss GCwannabe.

You don't find it strange that you have so many TC's disagreeing with you? There's a young tc singer who's entering the competition for her country...does that say anything to you.

I know for a fact that a lot of TC's on this forum cringe everytime you post something. You're a liability to the tc side and only manage to provide our own nationalists with further ammunition. Why am I saying all this to you? Because I know that if a TC told you, there would be a good chance you'd change your tact. The fact that a GC is pre-empting this almost gaurantees that your sick logic will force you to continue as you are.....embarassing your side even more....providing more ammunition to the Cypriots of this forum against partitionist foreigners like you.

BTW, the proper name for your govt is occupation regime, don't be confused next time.
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Postby runaway » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:10 pm

DT. wrote:
You don't find it strange that you have so many TC's disagreeing with you? There's a young tc singer who's entering the competition for her country...does that say anything to you.

u r good at manipulating things. list me the nick names of TCs diagreeing with me. come on. I've read comments of at least 8 TCs writing here constantly. and 7 of them share my view. and I don't think the other is a TC either and I won't believe she s a TC unless there s a TC who has met her in person in KKTC.

now be a good boy and write down the nick names of the TCs who don't recognize TRNC....
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:41 pm

runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
You don't find it strange that you have so many TC's disagreeing with you? There's a young tc singer who's entering the competition for her country...does that say anything to you.

u r good at manipulating things. list me the nick names of TCs diagreeing with me. come on. I've read comments of at least 8 TCs writing here constantly. and 7 of them share my view. and I don't think the other is a TC either and I won't believe she s a TC unless there s a TC who has met her in person in KKTC.

now be a good boy and write down the nick names of the TCs who don't recognize TRNC....

It's very difficult if not impossible for people living under an illegal Turkish military base to come forward and voice their disgust due to obvious ramifications in the absence of freedom of expression and protection of their human rights.
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Postby DT. » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:50 pm

runaway wrote:
DT. wrote:
You don't find it strange that you have so many TC's disagreeing with you? There's a young tc singer who's entering the competition for her country...does that say anything to you.

u r good at manipulating things. list me the nick names of TCs diagreeing with me. come on. I've read comments of at least 8 TCs writing here constantly. and 7 of them share my view. and I don't think the other is a TC either and I won't believe she s a TC unless there s a TC who has met her in person in KKTC.

now be a good boy and write down the nick names of the TCs who don't recognize TRNC....

I'll let them come forward themselves if they like.
Don't feel bad, its just like the GC's approach with someone like Yialousa. We consider that forum member a fanatical joke and don't really bother with her/him.

Now, I've given you enough attention, go back to making a fool of yourself.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:29 pm

runaway wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
She would be representing Cyprus, PERIOD. There's no such thing as South Cyprus, and if you don't believe me, I will bet you any wager, that during the ESC, they will say either Republic of Cyprus or just Cyprus with the True Flag of Cyprus. So, how much have you got.?

and during ESC South Cypriots say FYROM instead of Macedonia to make a fool of themselves. But the country is still Makedonija. Reject KKTC as much as u want. It's there and it s the land of "satılmamış" TCYPs Miss GCwannabe.

Cut the small talk and tell me how much you are willing to bet. Surely, a person such as yourself should be able to stand behind his own statement, even if you lack any principles. So, cut the BS and tell me how much you are willing to lose to me. Nothing else you say matters to me, so stop trying to avoid the question by bringing other useless topics into the conversation to cover your butt.!

"SHOW ME THE MONEY"............. :lol:
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Postby runaway » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:05 pm


write down the nick names of the TCs who don't recognize TRNC....[/quote]


DT u owe me a reply. Show me TCs who think there s no TRNC and who think Southern Cypriot Greek Administration is their state. I am really curious to see the TCs who disagree with me.

u a as liar as fake TC kikapu who pretends to be TC and yet cant speak a word of Turkish. (well except for the words she looked up in the online dictionary) :evil: She needs to be confirmed as a TC unfortunately noone has seen her yet in TRNC so she s a GC unless proven the contrary by a real TC.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:20 pm

runaway wrote:
write down the nick names of the TCs who don't recognize TRNC....

DT u owe me a reply. Show me TCs who think there s no TRNC and who think Southern Cypriot Greek Administration is their state. I am really curious to see the TCs who disagree with me.

u a as liar as fake TC kikapu who pretends to be TC and yet cant speak a word of Turkish. (well except for the words she looked up in the online dictionary) :evil: She needs to be confirmed as a TC unfortunately noone has seen her yet in TRNC so she s a GC unless proven the contrary by a real TC.

50,000 TC's have gotten RoC passports, therefore, they must not think too much of the "trnc" as a "country" and instead, they have claimed their citizenship with the RoC as a Cypriot. The above 50,000 TC's are the one's that does not agree with you, including your "great" leader's grand children, Denktash. You must feel quite sick hearing all this, but it is true.!

Do you have anymore easy questions that you would like to ask.? :lol:
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