Tommy27 wrote:Kurupetos, I think I can learn Greek easier if I make a lot of practice in the environment of Greek speaking people. Because it takes lots of time to learn a language fluently if you are not in the environment. Also, if it is obligation, it can motivate me more and it reduces time to learn. And I don't think that I can learn Greek if I don't make practice. So, I want to work and learn at the same time.
Oracle wrote:Tommy27 wrote: If I even manage to increase the average of Turkish people over GCs,
What do you mean by this?
Tommy27 wrote:Oracle, you know what I like in south? For example while shopping or in a good restaurant or even while I'm driving...The countenance of astonishment! I like to see GC's faces while I am talking Turkish loudly. Their eyes exactly say: 'he can't be Turkish, how nice, he seems good looking and smart, how he can be Turkish?
The reason of that: GC does not expect that Turks can be civilized, modern and intelligent.
Oracle wrote:See the problems caused by speaking Turkish, instead of a decent language
Get Real! wrote:Oracle wrote:See the problems caused by speaking Turkish, instead of a decent language
Here you have a decent, educated TC who wants to do the right thing
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