Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:
So in short it doesnt really matter if the Tc state is reduced to 20% or 29% the Gcs can still swamp the TC state and take the one seat necessary to brush us aside. There has to be concrete reason for deserting the upper house such as not adhering to supreme court judgements and then being forced to accept consititutional changes for the right to return. You are one mixed up individual and want to lead us into danger and domination but TCs ar enot stupid and will never fall into your Gc trap.So in short it doesnt really matter if the Tc state is reduced to 20% or 29% the Gcs can still swamp the TC state and take the one seat necessary to brush us aside.
No, that's not true, and if you comprehended the English language in what I wrote, you would not make such stupid comments. Your question was;So the influx of GCs who own property into the North state can in fact take one of the upper house seats and therefore swing the balance in the GCs favour
If the GCs did not have their properties in the north state, and using your own argument as stated above, they would not have a reason to be in the north, therefore they will not be a threat to the upper house seats. Looks to me like you have put your own feet in your own mouth. You are as bad as YFred who can't get his propaganda shit together. You two are the perfect “dumb & dumber” characters.!
But go ahead and keep all of the 37% if you are so cocky and watch the north lose half of the upper house seats from day one. At 29%, I'll give it till the next election cycle. Talat is talking about allowing 150,000 GC to return. Nice move Mr. Talat. Looks like Christmas will be coming early for the GCs this year.!![]()
There has to be concrete reason for deserting the upper house such as not adhering to supreme court judgements and then being forced to accept consititutional changes for the right to return.
You always have a concrete reason...............PARTITION, or else you would not have voted for Annan Plan and keep harping on that fucking thing for the last 5 years. So yes, you cannot be trusted with guaranteed upper seats, because you will abuse it. You have an alternative way in keeping those seats democratically, and if you pull them out of their elected seat to cause a constitutional crises, they will be thrown out and impeached. How do you like them apples, Fascist NeoPartitionist.? Is this the reason why you want Turkey's guarantees, so that you can walk out of the government so that they can come once again.? As the saying goes, "Fuck me once shame on you. Fuck me twice, shame on me". Sorry Englishman, VP, but everyone can see your game plan and will not fall for your tricks and I don't want decent TCs to suffer once again because of all you Fascist NeoPartitionist.You are one mixed up individual and want to lead us into danger and domination but TCs ar enot stupid and will never fall into your Gc trap.
You don't even know your own questions that you ask, and you are calling me mixed up. Look, I knew you were just trying to get my plan off the "front page" with your usual nonsense, and the fact that you do not support True Democracy, Human Rights, International laws and EU Principles, there is no point discussing this plan with you any longer. When you change your mind set, come back then, but in the meantime, any new Cyprus settlement will have the above principles or else there will not be a settlement and no EU for Turkey and no recognition of the north. Then again, Turkey's 70,000,000 has more ZERO's than the north's 70,000 True TCs. I wonder who will Turkey choose.?
You appear to be the one clutching at straws and using this "True Democracy, Human Rights" as if it is going out of fashion as we all know there are many shades, the important issue is who weilds the power to administer what you preach and without a guaranteed say the majority of TCs accept that there will never be a solution, why do you have problems understanding this. The current situation is preferred to any agreement which would allow the GCs the right to take control of the whole island and work the "True Democracy, Human Rights" to push us aside without any effective say in our own future. You need to rethink a way of ensuring this does not happen otherwise Gcs will not get one inch of land back, tıy redıcing your size or they will swamp you shit is laughable its much easier to swamp 20% than it is 29% when you have freedom of movement and settlement. What needed are guarantees seats in the upper house where neither side can depart if they do they know the full penalities for doing so prior to any such act.
You are asking TCs to take off their life jacket knowing full well the dangers and the sharks that exists in choppy waters, you are judus if I ever saw one.